Dopo l'incontro all'USP di Bari alcuni chiarimenti su "24 mesi" e mobilità
Nella giornata di oggi le organizzazioni sindacali provinciali hanno incontrato i dirigenti dell'ex Ufficio Scolastico Provinciale di Bari che cureranno le procedure relative all'inserimento/aggiornamento delle graduatorie provinciali del personale ATA ("24 mesi") e quelle relative alla mobilità del personale docente e ATA .
24 mesi
1) Ribadito e chiarito innanzitutto che, a prescindere dalla data di presentazione dell'istanza di aggiornamento/inserimento, il punteggio viene calcolato in base alla data di chiusura dei bandi (18 marzo);
2) Per tutti i lavoratori inseriti in the priority lists ("Salvaprecari") will evaluate the best service that the law has matured to the post, which will be sufficient to indicate in the application in the boxes C4/C5 (for updating) and D4/D5 (new entry) the legal cover given by this position. The leaders committed themselves to examine these periods, even in the case of incorrect preparation of the boxes, as long as it emerges clearly that the worker may enjoy the benefits of "salvaprecari"
3) For all those workers whose annual appointment is not has been assigned to the 1st of September, according to the Ministerial Note prot. 8491 of 20 September 2010, the score will be considered if the service was started 1 September
(still recommend that indicate the references of this note in the space reserved for any statements made in Section G of the application, so as to facilitate the interpretation of the officials).
4) Those who have served only to "rights to school" with a contract term employment contract anus. s. 2009-10 and, in light of such service in the current year are included in "salvaprecari", are entitled to apply for recognition of 3 points (as provided by MD 68/10).
Nothing new compared to the previous scheme under the special L. 104/92. E 'was confirmed the letter of the contract without setting any criteria to define the "objective" refusal of other family members to provide assistance to parents in need, certified by the health authorities.
E 'showed the possibility of proceeding to build the instance on-line at all times of the day, except for some periods during which the system is maintained (which can cause temporary block in the procedure, so you should try the Compilation few hours).
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Pokemon Deluge Legendary Maps
Il modello G per il personale ATA entro il 28 aprile
E 'was issued yesterday note 1950 of MIUR with which heralds the opening of the system POLIS- Instances online for compiling and submitting applications to the staff ATA 30 schools in the rankings in the first band has been included.
remember that the compilation will be from March 29 until April 28 and the procedure does not provide for the printing of any paper document. If you wish to confirm all the 30 schools entered at the time you can not even fill in the 'Annex G , although as of now recommend everyone to double check for safety, especially if the schools were placed under sizing.
In any event, even for this procedure, all seats FLC CGIL di Bari will available to workers for assistance and clarification
starting from March 29 .
On this page of the national site more info and forms.
E 'was issued yesterday note 1950 of MIUR with which heralds the opening of the system POLIS- Instances online for compiling and submitting applications to the staff ATA 30 schools in the rankings in the first band has been included.
remember that the compilation will be from March 29 until April 28 and the procedure does not provide for the printing of any paper document. If you wish to confirm all the 30 schools entered at the time you can not even fill in the 'Annex G , although as of now recommend everyone to double check for safety, especially if the schools were placed under sizing.
In any event, even for this procedure, all seats FLC CGIL di Bari will available to workers for assistance and clarification
starting from March 29 .
On this page of the national site more info and forms.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Rent A Truck For Boat
VANITY'S MARKET A ISEO .. Some Pictures ...
Here are some photos of the second round of Vanitas'Market in Iseo! So many people, a beautiful spring sunshine and gaiety of the carnival have also made this day .... unforgettable! Thanks to all the exhibitors, the boys of Gremio, who gave us a hand .. and thanks to you, Iseo!
PS: you can see all the photos of the event on facebook ..
Here are some photos of the second round of Vanitas'Market in Iseo! So many people, a beautiful spring sunshine and gaiety of the carnival have also made this day .... unforgettable! Thanks to all the exhibitors, the boys of Gremio, who gave us a hand .. and thanks to you, Iseo!
PS: you can see all the photos of the event on facebook ..
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Free Ovulation Calendar For Blackberry
E' l'ora della Costituzione: la FLC CGIL di Bari al fianco delle mobilitazione per scuola e Carta costituzionale
Even teachers in our province, individuals and committees are being organized to take the day Saturday, March 12 mobilization cross that undermines the focus of public respect for the Constitution and public education system that is a fundamental part.
With this release, we also call us to mobilize our members inviting them to express in all places and in the manner they deem appropriate. Perhaps taking a cue from what they have already done a few days ago the teachers of Liceo Classico "Flacco" in Bari with this document signed by several teachers and distributed in the various institutional channels and media .
The FLC CGIL di Bari, as the FLC CGIL national , is committed to supporting the events of citizens and teachers of the next March 12, both the Roman and those which will be held in Bari and its province, even without the own symbols. For us this event, in addition to
be a useful moment to emphasize the essential constitutional knowledge, will be the first step in the path towards the great general strike of May 6 next .
Download the press release from the FLC CGIL in Bari on March 12.
Even teachers in our province, individuals and committees are being organized to take the day Saturday, March 12 mobilization cross that undermines the focus of public respect for the Constitution and public education system that is a fundamental part.
With this release, we also call us to mobilize our members inviting them to express in all places and in the manner they deem appropriate. Perhaps taking a cue from what they have already done a few days ago the teachers of Liceo Classico "Flacco" in Bari with this document signed by several teachers and distributed in the various institutional channels and media .
The FLC CGIL di Bari, as the FLC CGIL national , is committed to supporting the events of citizens and teachers of the next March 12, both the Roman and those which will be held in Bari and its province, even without the own symbols. For us this event, in addition to
be a useful moment to emphasize the essential constitutional knowledge, will be the first step in the path towards the great general strike of May 6 next .
Download the press release from the FLC CGIL in Bari on March 12.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Buying A 20 X 24 Polaroid Camera
We carry the interview conducted by I-Fashion!
this is the link:
Vintage, and self-produced remake of the Vanitas Market
There is no denying the fact that the vintage is back and so overwhelmingly appointments multiply and designers indulges itself. Elisa, creator and organizer of the Vanitas Market, Vintage, and self-produced remake of Cremona tells us a bit 'this world as it is varied and the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving birth to a Cremona Vintage.
How did the idea of \u200b\u200ba vintage fair in Cremona? What distinguishes Vanitas other vintage appointments? The
Vanitas'Market, born in May of 2010, an appointment is not only dedicated to vintage, but also to auto-production of young designers / designers / craftsmen.
My will is in fact to create an event from conception "commercial" but totally creative spirit. Vanitas'Market wants to ensure some kind of temporary shop open where visitors can make purchases, but also a reference point for fans of the genre and for all creative people in general. The choice of Cremona, then, is dictated by my residence registry, but not limited to ... is an attempt, I would say well done, to give my city a more diverse tourist interest, and show that not only exists as a city of Milan fashion ... but the province can tell her!
vintage dress What does it mean today?
vintage dress today means above mix and increase their critical thinking skills .... It is not necessario – anzi, trovo che sia un po’ scontato se non ridicolo – vestire al 100% con capi vintage. Lo styling vincente è invece un adeguato insieme di vintage, capi preziosi di marca, autoproduzioni artigianali e capi più cheap. Per avere uno stile unico, anche se in linea con la moda del momento.
Che pezzo non deve mai mancare nell’armadio di una donna vintage?
Secondo il mio personale giudizio – e il mio armadio ne è un testimone fin troppo eloquente – se si vuole acquistare dei capi vintage opterei sicuramente per qualche capo spalla anni ‘60 e ‘70, dalla linea asciutta che dona a qualunque fisico, per una serie abitini da cocktail e da giorno (dal classic little black dress with printed cotton sun) and a good variety of accessories to match according to the style or color of clothing such as sunglasses, jewelry, belts, handbags.
There is a vintage garment that has made history in your opinion?
Well, there's only one ... there are lots of examples, both in the history of fashion in the most recent oldest. There are leaders who have made history for their good taste, as worn by Hollywood stars ... or simply because they have made headlines. In the latter case, for example, the suit will shoot from clothing to work, or Mary Quant miniskirt. Really difficult to wear with class.
I would say that the leaders several times by the designers, and indispensable for a woman of today, are the above-mentioned trench, a little black dress Audrey style, a vintage scarf, a Borsalino-style hat and a bag in hand (Kelly, well, of course not if everyone can afford!).
who is at the type of your appointment? What do you look who comes to your show?
Our targeted visitors is very varied .. it goes branded by the lady in the girls skinny jeans. Certainly the prevailing type of visitor is between 25 and forty years, female, very attentive but not a slave to fashion, personal style. Since the first edition were also very many in the fashion industry as stylists, designers, journalists, graphic designers and buyers. And this is a great achievement! The important thing is not how much you spend, but spend well.
your opinion, what is now the most important appointment vintage in Italy?
For years I shot in country markets and Charity - the best places to do real business - even if ultimately it is increasingly difficult to find beautiful pieces at affordable prices. This is a little 'vintage of the problem, nowadays .. the rise of his popularity and the difficulty of finding merchandise in good condition from 80 down pushed up prices sharply and simultaneously lowered the quality of the vendors. I would say that the most important event is NEXT VINTAGE Castle Belgioiso, undisputed king of the vintage for many years.
Very well maintained and modern in design, also from the standpoint of communication, VINTAGE SELECTION at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence and Summer Jamboree in Senigallia (AN). I recommend the latter, rather than for shopping, vintage 360-degree experience, with concerts, parties and a "wildlife" of customers in 50's style spectacular.
We carry the interview conducted by I-Fashion!
this is the link:
Vintage, and self-produced remake of the Vanitas Market
There is no denying the fact that the vintage is back and so overwhelmingly appointments multiply and designers indulges itself. Elisa, creator and organizer of the Vanitas Market, Vintage, and self-produced remake of Cremona tells us a bit 'this world as it is varied and the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving birth to a Cremona Vintage.
How did the idea of \u200b\u200ba vintage fair in Cremona? What distinguishes Vanitas other vintage appointments? The
Vanitas'Market, born in May of 2010, an appointment is not only dedicated to vintage, but also to auto-production of young designers / designers / craftsmen.
My will is in fact to create an event from conception "commercial" but totally creative spirit. Vanitas'Market wants to ensure some kind of temporary shop open where visitors can make purchases, but also a reference point for fans of the genre and for all creative people in general. The choice of Cremona, then, is dictated by my residence registry, but not limited to ... is an attempt, I would say well done, to give my city a more diverse tourist interest, and show that not only exists as a city of Milan fashion ... but the province can tell her!
vintage dress What does it mean today?
vintage dress today means above mix and increase their critical thinking skills .... It is not necessario – anzi, trovo che sia un po’ scontato se non ridicolo – vestire al 100% con capi vintage. Lo styling vincente è invece un adeguato insieme di vintage, capi preziosi di marca, autoproduzioni artigianali e capi più cheap. Per avere uno stile unico, anche se in linea con la moda del momento.
Che pezzo non deve mai mancare nell’armadio di una donna vintage?
Secondo il mio personale giudizio – e il mio armadio ne è un testimone fin troppo eloquente – se si vuole acquistare dei capi vintage opterei sicuramente per qualche capo spalla anni ‘60 e ‘70, dalla linea asciutta che dona a qualunque fisico, per una serie abitini da cocktail e da giorno (dal classic little black dress with printed cotton sun) and a good variety of accessories to match according to the style or color of clothing such as sunglasses, jewelry, belts, handbags.
There is a vintage garment that has made history in your opinion?
Well, there's only one ... there are lots of examples, both in the history of fashion in the most recent oldest. There are leaders who have made history for their good taste, as worn by Hollywood stars ... or simply because they have made headlines. In the latter case, for example, the suit will shoot from clothing to work, or Mary Quant miniskirt. Really difficult to wear with class.
I would say that the leaders several times by the designers, and indispensable for a woman of today, are the above-mentioned trench, a little black dress Audrey style, a vintage scarf, a Borsalino-style hat and a bag in hand (Kelly, well, of course not if everyone can afford!).
who is at the type of your appointment? What do you look who comes to your show?
Our targeted visitors is very varied .. it goes branded by the lady in the girls skinny jeans. Certainly the prevailing type of visitor is between 25 and forty years, female, very attentive but not a slave to fashion, personal style. Since the first edition were also very many in the fashion industry as stylists, designers, journalists, graphic designers and buyers. And this is a great achievement! The important thing is not how much you spend, but spend well.
your opinion, what is now the most important appointment vintage in Italy?
For years I shot in country markets and Charity - the best places to do real business - even if ultimately it is increasingly difficult to find beautiful pieces at affordable prices. This is a little 'vintage of the problem, nowadays .. the rise of his popularity and the difficulty of finding merchandise in good condition from 80 down pushed up prices sharply and simultaneously lowered the quality of the vendors. I would say that the most important event is NEXT VINTAGE Castle Belgioiso, undisputed king of the vintage for many years.
Very well maintained and modern in design, also from the standpoint of communication, VINTAGE SELECTION at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence and Summer Jamboree in Senigallia (AN). I recommend the latter, rather than for shopping, vintage 360-degree experience, with concerts, parties and a "wildlife" of customers in 50's style spectacular.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Inspiring Thoughts With Ppt
Piovono ricorsi parte II. Giovedì 10 marzo la FLC CGIL di Bari torna sui ricorsi per le stabilizzazioni [ERRATA CORRIGE]
still meeting with the school's temporary workers. This time the focus will be shifted to dispute initiated by our union in December / January to avoid the limitation period to bring actions on contracts expired and groped for the complicated path of stabilizzazioni, del riconoscimento degli scatti d'anzianità e, soprattutto per il personale ATA, della proroga contrattuale anche per i mesi estivi per il servizio prestato posto libero e vacante.
Le modifiche intervenute col "milleproroghe" al collegato lavoro, la necessità di informare i nostri iscritti e i potenziali ricorrenti dello stato della vertenza ci hanno indotti a riconvocare quanti vogliano continuare a seguire questo percorso con la FLC CGIL di Bari. L'appuntamento, questa volta, è per giovedì 10 marzo presso il Liceo Scientifico "G. Salvemini" di Bari (via Caldarola, zona Japigia, uscita 14/B della Tangenziale). In questa occasione, sempre con l'ausilio dell' Chambers. Roberto D'Addabbo , we will take a more precise requirements that you must possess in order to appeal, the structure of actions, timing and deadlines that the organization of Bari FLC will provide applicants with an eye always to secure cost and those of all possible stages of litigation. Please note: due to the different positions where the pay of the different professional schools, from 15.00 to 17.00 will be discussed in particular the staff while from 17.00 to 19.00 of ATA staff. Here is the flyer in pdf . Anyone desideri ulteriori dettagli sui documenti da consegnare può utilizzare i contatti delle nostre sedi o la nostra email .
L'assemblea sarà anche l'occasione per fare un cenno sul paventato blocco delle graduatorie (ad oggi ritirato) e sulle prossime iniziative politiche messe in campo dalla FLC CGIL per tutelare i lavoratori della conoscenza, a partire dal prossimo sciopero generale del pubblico impiego del 25 marzo .
Le modifiche intervenute col "milleproroghe" al collegato lavoro, la necessità di informare i nostri iscritti e i potenziali ricorrenti dello stato della vertenza ci hanno indotti a riconvocare quanti vogliano continuare a seguire questo percorso con la FLC CGIL di Bari. L'appuntamento, questa volta, è per giovedì 10 marzo presso il Liceo Scientifico "G. Salvemini" di Bari (via Caldarola, zona Japigia, uscita 14/B della Tangenziale). In questa occasione, sempre con l'ausilio dell' Chambers. Roberto D'Addabbo , we will take a more precise requirements that you must possess in order to appeal, the structure of actions, timing and deadlines that the organization of Bari FLC will provide applicants with an eye always to secure cost and those of all possible stages of litigation. Please note: due to the different positions where the pay of the different professional schools, from 15.00 to 17.00 will be discussed in particular the staff while from 17.00 to 19.00 of ATA staff. Here is the flyer in pdf . Anyone desideri ulteriori dettagli sui documenti da consegnare può utilizzare i contatti delle nostre sedi o la nostra email .
L'assemblea sarà anche l'occasione per fare un cenno sul paventato blocco delle graduatorie (ad oggi ritirato) e sulle prossime iniziative politiche messe in campo dalla FLC CGIL per tutelare i lavoratori della conoscenza, a partire dal prossimo sciopero generale del pubblico impiego del 25 marzo .
Design An Online Tech Deck
I lavoratori della conoscenza convochino collegi e assemblee nelle scuole per "cancellare" le parole del premier
Non ci sono più parole per commentare le frasi offensive che il nostro Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri has addressed to us, teachers, education professionals and those involved in the school. Knowledge workers are accustomed this flood of libelous statements by leaders of various ministries, Brunetta primarily . We did not expect, however, that one could get to the attempt to scuttle broken the decorum of our public education, falsely passed off to art in the name of human values \u200b\u200b(traditional?) Of the family (?) By whom, in these weeks, is constant friction, in fact, with its usual behavior, performed bravely, the very foundations of the family. Accusations that the prime minister and his public school teachers not to "inculcate" the values \u200b\u200bthat inspired the family makes us smile, thinking that if you do not teach the values \u200b\u200bthat relate to the concept of his family, maybe so ...
Moreover, as teachers, we are accustomed to dealing with errors to be deleted. In this case, we'll cancel the serious blunder Berlusconi offer to all our colleagues to do so by downloading this request to convene the College of Teachers (under 297/94 may be called by 1 / 3 of its members) , to adopt this resolution and send it, together with the attached sitography ,
the MIUR, all'USR, USP and the media. Obviously you can adapt the text to workers 'assemblies, meetings of the RSUs or the Councils of the Institute, whatever as long as you make them feel so strongly' indignation for this latest attack on a fundamental institution of our state and its workers .
the MIUR, all'USR, USP and the media. Obviously you can adapt the text to workers 'assemblies, meetings of the RSUs or the Councils of the Institute, whatever as long as you make them feel so strongly' indignation for this latest attack on a fundamental institution of our state and its workers .
Friday, February 25, 2011
Signs That A Toddler Is Gay
After the successful first event in February, back to Iseo Vanitas'Market on Sunday, March 6, the new event dedicated to vintage and auto-production of clothing and accessories.
A unique event of its kind on the shores of beautiful Lake Iseo, shopping for an original and fun.
Vanitas'Market, a formula for traveling market that has already been depopulated in Cremona, where he was born in May 2009, is a sort of large open shop with a wide variety of goods, from vintage to self-produced craft of clothing, accessories and gift items.
The Vanitas' Market in Iseo, monthly event organized by Boldori in collaboration Vanitas Elisa with the City of Iseo and the studio / showroom design and graphic Gremo House, was established with the objective of promoting small entrepreneurship Italian craftsmanship, and has become a meeting place for creative people and for all artistic activities related to fashion and art, including the opening of the event to events that enliven the show with music and exhibitions.
In particular, since the meeting of March falls on a Sunday of Carnival, Vanitas'Market will host a party 50s style, starting at 4:00 p.m., with DJ sets in terms of Cremona Dj Dj Vicious Moustache . A major event for those who wish, just for one day, experience the glamor of the fabulous Fifties.
An event not to be missed, therefore, for those who want to discover and take home unique and amazing creations: clothes, bags, hats, jewelry ... the Vanitas' Market will be there for all tastes, all ages and all pockets. Along with a selection of vintage and modern until the '80s, will be several proposals from young designers / craftspeople - from all over the north of Italy - through the Vanitas' Market will have the opportunity to exhibit and sell their creations, and unique original.
Like the first edition will also be present in the stands Gremo House, (design, art and memorabilia) and the 'Charity Island, which offers used clothing to raise funds to countries like Sudan, Zimbabwe, Congo and Tanzania.
Exhibitor List:
1.Alcheo accessories and creative research-Lemignano Collecchio (PR)
2.Aristide -
3.About Me Cremona - Cremona
4.Betty Concept - Gambara (BS)
5.Bidi Bibodi Bibu Bijoux artisanaux - Cremona
6.Creazioni for children of Mama Nae and Be-Ba - Milan
7.d 'Hats Air - Lonato (BS)
8.Elena De Paoli - Cremona
9.Elisa Martinelli - Bergamo
10.Eppiland Creations - Pilzoine Iseo (BS)
11.Fabbricanti of joys - Sesto S. Giovanni (MI)
12.Fenice Vintage Philosophy - Cittadella (VI)
13.Freneticamente Creattiva - Lumezzane (BS)
14.Giuseppina Valnegri - Adro (BS)
15.Happy Books Ltd - Modena
16.Hara Zu - La Spezia
17. The marketplace of Grandma Miki - Sarnico (BS)
18.InArt - Milan
19.La shop decoration - Iseo (BS)
20.La Chrysalis - Orzinuovi (BS)
21.Le grants Rina - Pisogne (BS)
22.Le chat violet - Coccaglio (BS)
23.Lovely Viper - Temporary shop - Cremona
24.Maurizio Markets - Podenzano (PC)
25.Minou Bijoux Alquati Emilia - Soresina (CR)
26.Miss Lola Vegas - Latisana (UD)
27.Nicoletta Fasani - Milan
28.Parafernalia Vintage - Bresso (MI)
29.ResurrAction - Roe (BS)
30.Ritalba Bertinelli - Brescia
31.Shabby Chic vintage - Castelnuovo Bariano (RO)
32.Silvia Mattje - Rozzano (MI)
33.Skaia - Brescia
34.Solo Cuddles - Monza
35.Straordinariamente vintage Agatha Boccadifuoco - Valeggio s. Mincio (VR)
36.Sweet Creations - Orzinuovi (BS)
37.Tc Maria Luigia - Collecchio (PR)
38.Trisha lover's lunettes - Bettola (PC)
Where and when:
Vanitas'Market to Iseo - Viale della Repubblica di Iseo (BS)
first Sunday of each month (free admission) - Hours: 10.00/19.00
For info:
Vanitas Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax: 0372.1900158 - Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: - Facebook: Elisa Boldori
After the successful first event in February, back to Iseo Vanitas'Market on Sunday, March 6, the new event dedicated to vintage and auto-production of clothing and accessories.
A unique event of its kind on the shores of beautiful Lake Iseo, shopping for an original and fun.
Vanitas'Market, a formula for traveling market that has already been depopulated in Cremona, where he was born in May 2009, is a sort of large open shop with a wide variety of goods, from vintage to self-produced craft of clothing, accessories and gift items.
The Vanitas' Market in Iseo, monthly event organized by Boldori in collaboration Vanitas Elisa with the City of Iseo and the studio / showroom design and graphic Gremo House, was established with the objective of promoting small entrepreneurship Italian craftsmanship, and has become a meeting place for creative people and for all artistic activities related to fashion and art, including the opening of the event to events that enliven the show with music and exhibitions.
In particular, since the meeting of March falls on a Sunday of Carnival, Vanitas'Market will host a party 50s style, starting at 4:00 p.m., with DJ sets in terms of Cremona Dj Dj Vicious Moustache . A major event for those who wish, just for one day, experience the glamor of the fabulous Fifties.
An event not to be missed, therefore, for those who want to discover and take home unique and amazing creations: clothes, bags, hats, jewelry ... the Vanitas' Market will be there for all tastes, all ages and all pockets. Along with a selection of vintage and modern until the '80s, will be several proposals from young designers / craftspeople - from all over the north of Italy - through the Vanitas' Market will have the opportunity to exhibit and sell their creations, and unique original.
Like the first edition will also be present in the stands Gremo House, (design, art and memorabilia) and the 'Charity Island, which offers used clothing to raise funds to countries like Sudan, Zimbabwe, Congo and Tanzania.
Exhibitor List:
1.Alcheo accessories and creative research-Lemignano Collecchio (PR)
2.Aristide -
3.About Me Cremona - Cremona
4.Betty Concept - Gambara (BS)
5.Bidi Bibodi Bibu Bijoux artisanaux - Cremona
6.Creazioni for children of Mama Nae and Be-Ba - Milan
7.d 'Hats Air - Lonato (BS)
8.Elena De Paoli - Cremona
9.Elisa Martinelli - Bergamo
10.Eppiland Creations - Pilzoine Iseo (BS)
11.Fabbricanti of joys - Sesto S. Giovanni (MI)
12.Fenice Vintage Philosophy - Cittadella (VI)
13.Freneticamente Creattiva - Lumezzane (BS)
14.Giuseppina Valnegri - Adro (BS)
15.Happy Books Ltd - Modena
16.Hara Zu - La Spezia
17. The marketplace of Grandma Miki - Sarnico (BS)
18.InArt - Milan
19.La shop decoration - Iseo (BS)
20.La Chrysalis - Orzinuovi (BS)
21.Le grants Rina - Pisogne (BS)
22.Le chat violet - Coccaglio (BS)
23.Lovely Viper - Temporary shop - Cremona
24.Maurizio Markets - Podenzano (PC)
25.Minou Bijoux Alquati Emilia - Soresina (CR)
26.Miss Lola Vegas - Latisana (UD)
27.Nicoletta Fasani - Milan
28.Parafernalia Vintage - Bresso (MI)
29.ResurrAction - Roe (BS)
30.Ritalba Bertinelli - Brescia
31.Shabby Chic vintage - Castelnuovo Bariano (RO)
32.Silvia Mattje - Rozzano (MI)
33.Skaia - Brescia
34.Solo Cuddles - Monza
35.Straordinariamente vintage Agatha Boccadifuoco - Valeggio s. Mincio (VR)
36.Sweet Creations - Orzinuovi (BS)
37.Tc Maria Luigia - Collecchio (PR)
38.Trisha lover's lunettes - Bettola (PC)
Where and when:
Vanitas'Market to Iseo - Viale della Repubblica di Iseo (BS)
first Sunday of each month (free admission) - Hours: 10.00/19.00
For info:
Vanitas Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax: 0372.1900158 - Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: - Facebook: Elisa Boldori
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Projector Screen Crease
Firmato il CCNI sulla mobilità. A breve l'ordinanza. I termini per la presentazione delle domande scadono il 22 marzo!
signed after a soap opera spanning more than two months the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Integrative (CCNI) on the mobility 2011-12. The preintesa had already been achieved in mid-December, but the new rules introduced by the reform Brunetta, rather than create more efficiency, speeding the process, forced the staff and the school administration to wait unnecessarily to date. The contract issued by the supervisory bodies of the Ministry of Public Administration, in fact, is IDENTICAL to the one signed since Dec. 16, more than two months ago. So much for the speed of the Public Administration brunettiana!
Now, finally, will be issued the Circular accompanying the CCNI is the order that times and procedures. The expiry of the deadline for the submission applications will be March 21 , practically the same date last year (which suggests the
slip all other procedures, including the use and / or temporary assignments that last year went on, in Bari, up the first days of September, with its confusion and discomfort generated between schools and the staff!)
remember that applications for transfer of for teachers and one elementary school , average and higher to be sent through the system POLIS - Instances online, where you must have an email address type . For kindergarten teachers, professional mobility, the ATA and the procedure is always supernumerary and only paper.
Here is the contract of mobility (in bold innovations from last year) .
Here you can download our GUIDE to the grant application.
signed after a soap opera spanning more than two months the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Integrative (CCNI) on the mobility 2011-12. The preintesa had already been achieved in mid-December, but the new rules introduced by the reform Brunetta, rather than create more efficiency, speeding the process, forced the staff and the school administration to wait unnecessarily to date. The contract issued by the supervisory bodies of the Ministry of Public Administration, in fact, is IDENTICAL to the one signed since Dec. 16, more than two months ago. So much for the speed of the Public Administration brunettiana!
Now, finally, will be issued the Circular accompanying the CCNI is the order that times and procedures. The expiry of the deadline for the submission applications will be March 21 , practically the same date last year (which suggests the
slip all other procedures, including the use and / or temporary assignments that last year went on, in Bari, up the first days of September, with its confusion and discomfort generated between schools and the staff!)
remember that applications for transfer of for teachers and one elementary school , average and higher to be sent through the system POLIS - Instances online, where you must have an email address type . For kindergarten teachers, professional mobility, the ATA and the procedure is always supernumerary and only paper.
Here is the contract of mobility (in bold innovations from last year) .
Here you can download our GUIDE to the grant application.
Our structures in Bari and on the territory are, as usual, at your disposal for assistance and clarification.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Longest Walkie Talkie Range
VANITAS'MARKET ISEO VANITAS .. get ready for the Carnival Sunday, March 6th!
not know what to do for Carnival?
Tired of Pierrot, Princesses and Zorro? Vanitas
Come to Carnival, the Vanitas'Market Iseo, the market dedicated to vintage and self-produced clothing and accessories!
Dress code: fifties pin up and mustachioed gentlemen!
from 16.00 R'n'R music selection of DJ Vicious Moustache
Where and when:
Iseo (BS) - Avenue of the Republic of Iseo
first Sunday of each month (free admission)
Hours: 10.00/18.00
For info:
Vanitas Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax: 0372.1900158
Email: vvanitas @ - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: Facebook Elisa Boldori
Vanitas'Market in Iseo is an event organized by Vanitas Elisa Boldori in collaboration with the town of Iseo House and Gremio.
not know what to do for Carnival?
Tired of Pierrot, Princesses and Zorro? Vanitas
Come to Carnival, the Vanitas'Market Iseo, the market dedicated to vintage and self-produced clothing and accessories!
Dress code: fifties pin up and mustachioed gentlemen!
from 16.00 R'n'R music selection of DJ Vicious Moustache
Where and when:
Iseo (BS) - Avenue of the Republic of Iseo
first Sunday of each month (free admission)
Hours: 10.00/18.00
For info:
Vanitas Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax: 0372.1900158
Email: vvanitas @ - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: Facebook Elisa Boldori
Vanitas'Market in Iseo is an event organized by Vanitas Elisa Boldori in collaboration with the town of Iseo House and Gremio.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Horse Between Shoulder Blades
The Handbook for all exhibitors apsiranti ...
Given the great success of Vanitas'Market present this year also in Iseo first Sunday of each month, the selection will be particularly severe.
To access the event it must pass a screening that will take place following criteria:
- organization and design of the brand (communication, website, etc. ..)
- craftsmanship and authenticity
product - creativity and innovation
- recycling / environment
Vanitas'Market is an event that focuses on targeted communication to facilitate the flow of visitors.
We are on the internet with a website ( ), a blog ( ) and facebook (Elisa Boldori). Other communication methods we use are sending press releases and invitations via mailing list (to potential visitors, the press, bloggers and practitioners fashion) + distribution of 10,000 leaflets and surrounding cities in Cremona in Cremona + totem + billboard in Old Town Cremona-sided banner and one week before the event on the Gallery.
For the third year we can also count on the help of our two partners, the brand Monoty Clothes ( ) and our media partners Wait! Magazine ( ) .
addition, the wheel Vanitas will be in the April issue of the monthly seeker free Envelope ( ).
How to get to Cremona?
MILAN (km. 85) Paullese road - motorways (A1-A21) Milan-Piacenza-Cremona.
BRENNER - (km. 300) motorways (A22-A21-A4) Brenner-Verona-Brescia-Cremona.
CHIASSO - (km. 145) motorways (A1-A9-A21) Como-Milan-Piacenza-Cremona.
GENOVA - (km. 175) freeways (A7-A21) Genoa-Piacenza-Cremona-Voghera.
ROME - (km. 560) motorways (A1-A21) Rome-Florence-Bologna-Fiorenzuola-Cremona.
VENICE - (km. 215) motorways (A4-A21) Venice-Brescia-Cremona.
Gallery XXV ZTL area in April. The permit is valid for Ztl 7:00 pm on Saturday, May 14 at 24.00 on Sunday, May 15, 2011.
If you use a machine with a plate not registered before, or outside such hours, you will be fined! Enclosed you will find the map with recommended routes of access.
Where you park?
The Gallery is in Old Town. There is free parking in the immediate vicinity of the large number of exhibitors. Temporary parking permits will be issued (30 minutes) for the duration of the event + days setting up and dismantling. It is issued only one allowed to Exhibitor, except in exceptional circumstances previously agreed with the Organizing Secretariat.
Once the assembly / disassembly is forbidden to leave the vehicle parked in no parking.
Free Parking: Via Dante
-Station (recommended), Freedom Square, via Mantova (recommended), square Atleti Azzurri d'Italy, Via del Sale-old street, street Bissolati.
Parking fee:
off Sarpi, Lodi square, Piazza S. Angelo, Via Villa Glori, Via Massarotti (recommended).
What are the hours of Vanitas'Market?
The time of access to visitors will be from 10.00 to 22.00 on the day 14 and from 10.00 to 20.00 on May 15.
For Exhibitors and their agents and employees access may be an hour before the access for visitors, the exit must be done within the next hour closure for visitors.
What are the hours of setting up and dismantling?
All Exhibitors must set up on time, namely:
EQUIPMENT: Saturday, May 14 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.
DISMANTLING: Sunday, May 15 from 20:00 to 22:00.
The work of preparation and presentation of exhibition space will be completed by 10.00.
The Exhibitor is obliged to arrange for the cleaning of their exhibit space during and after the event. Forbidden to leave cardboard, paper, packaging and various junk.
How are the spaces?
The exhibition space is spread under the entire Gallery XXV April.
The spaces are numbered, divided into modules of 3 x 2 meters (6 m), known through signs and signals delimited on the floor. Please respect them. Upon arrival, contact the organizer will arrange for the delivery of space. The set consists of a base-table + 2 chairs for exhibitors.
The table measures 1.5 meters x 0.80 meters. You should bring a towel to cover it.
Vanitas Elisa Boldori assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from
also fortuitous to present goods exhibited in exhibition or otherwise stored in Gallery on April 25 during the opening and closing to the public. The custody and supervision of the exhibition spaces sole responsibility of the individual exhibitor. From 22.00 to 9.00 am there will be a private security company in charge of organizing.
Please bring a green sheet and secured with ropes or chains and remove the smaller markets and of value or group them under the cloth.
Light / Electricity
The gallery is lit at night. Each space will be available to attach to the nearest point of supply of electricity for lights and other electrical equipment extra. We recommend strongly to bring industrial extension cords, shoes and gear, table lamps or floor lamps. Halogen lights are strictly prohibited. The maximum wattage is approximately 170 watts per module. For help or troubleshooting, you can contact our technical staff on site.
The electrical fittings will be completed by 9.00 to 10.00 on Saturday, May 14.
Are pets?
Access to the event for dogs is permitted provided with a leash.
The owners will be held personally liable for any damages to property or persons.
There will be music?
For reasons of SIAE and neighborhood we decided not to provide this service, but one or two DJ sets in the afternoon.
remind exhibitors that want to bring a music system, which are punishable by fines for the failure to require appropriate permits from the City and Siae For information, you can conttattare Siae the seat of Cremona (tel: 0372/416029).
Can I keep my space even in subsequent editions?
The Secretariat is available to option the same space occupied by the Exhibitor for the next edition, by written request sent by fax or by mail within 1 month prior to the performance of the event you want to option.
This request followed by a confirmation of the option, via e-mail, fax or phone. The Company
Promoter reserves the right to refuse this request for reasons related to 'organization or incidents relating to failure to comply with the General Regulations.
About Cremona:
Tourist Information: IAT
of Cremona Piazza del Comune, 5 - tel. 0372 23233 - fax 0372 534080-info @
Municipality of Cremona - URP-Piazza del Comune, 8 - tel. 0372 407291 - fax 0372 407290 -
station Piazza Roma - tel. 0372 21300
station Piazzale Stazione - Tel. 0372 26740
VANITAS 'Market Third Edizione –14/15 maggio 2011
Galleria XXV aprile - Cremona
C.F.: BLDLSE80R54D150R – P.IVA: 01475800197
Segreteria Organizzativa: Elisa Boldori - 328/4267730 – contatto skype: vintage vanitas - fax: 0372/1900158 -
The Handbook for all exhibitors apsiranti ...
Given the great success of Vanitas'Market present this year also in Iseo first Sunday of each month, the selection will be particularly severe.
To access the event it must pass a screening that will take place following criteria:
- organization and design of the brand (communication, website, etc. ..)
- craftsmanship and authenticity
product - creativity and innovation
- recycling / environment
Vanitas'Market is an event that focuses on targeted communication to facilitate the flow of visitors.
We are on the internet with a website ( ), a blog ( ) and facebook (Elisa Boldori). Other communication methods we use are sending press releases and invitations via mailing list (to potential visitors, the press, bloggers and practitioners fashion) + distribution of 10,000 leaflets and surrounding cities in Cremona in Cremona + totem + billboard in Old Town Cremona-sided banner and one week before the event on the Gallery.
For the third year we can also count on the help of our two partners, the brand Monoty Clothes ( ) and our media partners Wait! Magazine ( ) .
addition, the wheel Vanitas will be in the April issue of the monthly seeker free Envelope ( ).
How to get to Cremona?
MILAN (km. 85) Paullese road - motorways (A1-A21) Milan-Piacenza-Cremona.
BRENNER - (km. 300) motorways (A22-A21-A4) Brenner-Verona-Brescia-Cremona.
CHIASSO - (km. 145) motorways (A1-A9-A21) Como-Milan-Piacenza-Cremona.
GENOVA - (km. 175) freeways (A7-A21) Genoa-Piacenza-Cremona-Voghera.
ROME - (km. 560) motorways (A1-A21) Rome-Florence-Bologna-Fiorenzuola-Cremona.
VENICE - (km. 215) motorways (A4-A21) Venice-Brescia-Cremona.
Gallery XXV ZTL area in April. The permit is valid for Ztl 7:00 pm on Saturday, May 14 at 24.00 on Sunday, May 15, 2011.
If you use a machine with a plate not registered before, or outside such hours, you will be fined! Enclosed you will find the map with recommended routes of access.
Where you park?
The Gallery is in Old Town. There is free parking in the immediate vicinity of the large number of exhibitors. Temporary parking permits will be issued (30 minutes) for the duration of the event + days setting up and dismantling. It is issued only one allowed to Exhibitor, except in exceptional circumstances previously agreed with the Organizing Secretariat.
Once the assembly / disassembly is forbidden to leave the vehicle parked in no parking.
Free Parking: Via Dante
-Station (recommended), Freedom Square, via Mantova (recommended), square Atleti Azzurri d'Italy, Via del Sale-old street, street Bissolati.
Parking fee:
off Sarpi, Lodi square, Piazza S. Angelo, Via Villa Glori, Via Massarotti (recommended).
What are the hours of Vanitas'Market?
The time of access to visitors will be from 10.00 to 22.00 on the day 14 and from 10.00 to 20.00 on May 15.
For Exhibitors and their agents and employees access may be an hour before the access for visitors, the exit must be done within the next hour closure for visitors.
What are the hours of setting up and dismantling?
All Exhibitors must set up on time, namely:
EQUIPMENT: Saturday, May 14 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.
DISMANTLING: Sunday, May 15 from 20:00 to 22:00.
The work of preparation and presentation of exhibition space will be completed by 10.00.
The Exhibitor is obliged to arrange for the cleaning of their exhibit space during and after the event. Forbidden to leave cardboard, paper, packaging and various junk.
How are the spaces?
The exhibition space is spread under the entire Gallery XXV April.
The spaces are numbered, divided into modules of 3 x 2 meters (6 m), known through signs and signals delimited on the floor. Please respect them. Upon arrival, contact the organizer will arrange for the delivery of space. The set consists of a base-table + 2 chairs for exhibitors.
The table measures 1.5 meters x 0.80 meters. You should bring a towel to cover it.
Vanitas Elisa Boldori assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from
also fortuitous to present goods exhibited in exhibition or otherwise stored in Gallery on April 25 during the opening and closing to the public. The custody and supervision of the exhibition spaces sole responsibility of the individual exhibitor. From 22.00 to 9.00 am there will be a private security company in charge of organizing.
Please bring a green sheet and secured with ropes or chains and remove the smaller markets and of value or group them under the cloth.
Light / Electricity
The gallery is lit at night. Each space will be available to attach to the nearest point of supply of electricity for lights and other electrical equipment extra. We recommend strongly to bring industrial extension cords, shoes and gear, table lamps or floor lamps. Halogen lights are strictly prohibited. The maximum wattage is approximately 170 watts per module. For help or troubleshooting, you can contact our technical staff on site.
The electrical fittings will be completed by 9.00 to 10.00 on Saturday, May 14.
Are pets?
Access to the event for dogs is permitted provided with a leash.
The owners will be held personally liable for any damages to property or persons.
There will be music?
For reasons of SIAE and neighborhood we decided not to provide this service, but one or two DJ sets in the afternoon.
remind exhibitors that want to bring a music system, which are punishable by fines for the failure to require appropriate permits from the City and Siae For information, you can conttattare Siae the seat of Cremona (tel: 0372/416029).
Can I keep my space even in subsequent editions?
The Secretariat is available to option the same space occupied by the Exhibitor for the next edition, by written request sent by fax or by mail within 1 month prior to the performance of the event you want to option.
This request followed by a confirmation of the option, via e-mail, fax or phone. The Company
Promoter reserves the right to refuse this request for reasons related to 'organization or incidents relating to failure to comply with the General Regulations.
About Cremona:
Tourist Information: IAT
of Cremona Piazza del Comune, 5 - tel. 0372 23233 - fax 0372 534080-info @
Municipality of Cremona - URP-Piazza del Comune, 8 - tel. 0372 407291 - fax 0372 407290 -
station Piazza Roma - tel. 0372 21300
station Piazzale Stazione - Tel. 0372 26740
VANITAS 'Market Third Edizione –14/15 maggio 2011
Galleria XXV aprile - Cremona
C.F.: BLDLSE80R54D150R – P.IVA: 01475800197
Segreteria Organizzativa: Elisa Boldori - 328/4267730 – contatto skype: vintage vanitas - fax: 0372/1900158 -
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Bed Liner In Aluminum Boat
Ritorna a Cremona il Vanitas'Market, per la terza volta!In collaborazione con Comune di Cremona - Assessorato alle politiche Giovanili, Monoty Clothes e Wait!Magazine
Nello splendido contesto della Galleria XXV Aprile, a Cremona, forty selected exhibitors of vintage craft and self-produced clothing and accessories await you Vanitas'Market 14 and May 15, 2011.
Many have decided to renew their membership ... but you will also find plenty of new features, with new creative / designer / artisans selected from all over the northern and central Italy.
In addition, exhibitions, events and DJ sets!
Once again, in fact, the guys Monoty sranno there to entertain you with their music selection, while you enjoy shopping.
We still can not tell you what will be the artists exhibiting at Vanitas'Market, and will be responsible degli allestimenti "ad effetto"...
A breve tutte le info, le novità e l'elenco degli espositori.
Le iscrizioni apriranno lunedì 21 febbraio 2011 e termineranno lunedì 2 maggio 2011.
Per partecipare, mandate un'email a con allegata una breve presentazione e alcune foto.
Per accedere alla manifestazione bisogna superare una selezione che avverrà seguendo i criteri di :
- organizzazione e progetto del brand
- artigianalità e autenticità prodotto
- creatività e innovazione
- riciclo ed ecocompatibilità
Vi aspettiamo!
Where and when:
Cremona - Gallery XXV Aprile
Saturday 14 and Sunday, May 15, 2011
Hours: 10.00/22.00
For info:
Vanitas Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax: 0372.1900158
Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: Facebook Elisa Boldori
Vanitas'Market in Iseo is an event organized by the Vanitas Elisa Boldori in collaboration with the Municipality of Cremona - Youth Politics and MONOTY clothes. Media partners: Wait! Magazine.
Ritorna a Cremona il Vanitas'Market, per la terza volta!In collaborazione con Comune di Cremona - Assessorato alle politiche Giovanili, Monoty Clothes e Wait!Magazine
Nello splendido contesto della Galleria XXV Aprile, a Cremona, forty selected exhibitors of vintage craft and self-produced clothing and accessories await you Vanitas'Market 14 and May 15, 2011.
Many have decided to renew their membership ... but you will also find plenty of new features, with new creative / designer / artisans selected from all over the northern and central Italy.
In addition, exhibitions, events and DJ sets!
Once again, in fact, the guys Monoty sranno there to entertain you with their music selection, while you enjoy shopping.
We still can not tell you what will be the artists exhibiting at Vanitas'Market, and will be responsible degli allestimenti "ad effetto"...
A breve tutte le info, le novità e l'elenco degli espositori.
Le iscrizioni apriranno lunedì 21 febbraio 2011 e termineranno lunedì 2 maggio 2011.
Per partecipare, mandate un'email a con allegata una breve presentazione e alcune foto.
Per accedere alla manifestazione bisogna superare una selezione che avverrà seguendo i criteri di :
- organizzazione e progetto del brand
- artigianalità e autenticità prodotto
- creatività e innovazione
- riciclo ed ecocompatibilità
Vi aspettiamo!
Where and when:
Cremona - Gallery XXV Aprile
Saturday 14 and Sunday, May 15, 2011
Hours: 10.00/22.00
For info:
Vanitas Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax: 0372.1900158
Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: Facebook Elisa Boldori
Vanitas'Market in Iseo is an event organized by the Vanitas Elisa Boldori in collaboration with the Municipality of Cremona - Youth Politics and MONOTY clothes. Media partners: Wait! Magazine.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Boil In Groin Before Period
Among the Italian streetwear brand made in Italy in circulation, Monoty stands out not only for its products - creative, irreverent, well-made and no frills - but especially for its innovative communication skills .. and also for being great supporters of the project Vanitas'Market! Here's the exclusive interview with Augusto "Ago" Abban, the "mind" of Monoty, who speaks of his business idea and the new marketing SS 2011
V: How did the project monoty? Do you have any advice for those who are deciding to tackle this route?
A: Monoty was born two years ago by un’incoscienza giovanile, guidata da una forte passione per il mondo della moda street.
So che parlare di incoscienza per giustificare un progetto possa sembrare fuori luogo, ma in questo caso l’accezione del termine racchiude tanti elementi positivi .
Con l’esperienza acquisita in questi primi anni nell’ambiente , toccando con mano le difficoltà quotidiane, ci siamo accorti che, senza quello spirito , non avremmo mai iniziato… quindi beata incoscienza…
Alla luce di questo, l’unico consiglio che mi sento di dare è:
se avete un’idea, un progetto, fate di tutto per realizzarlo senza mollare, l’importante è che ci mettiate davvero tutta la passione you commitment, the existing provision which will inevitably make errors at the beginning!
V: What differentiates your brand in the fashion street Italian? Do you have competitors
brand you love most?
A: Our concept is very simple.
Monoty, not a stylist or a designer who thinks the whole collection, which draws it and giving it only makes its mark, but a team of people who like to dress a certain way, have a street culture, musical influences, culture of a certain type, in short, a lifestyle that seek to convey the brand.
I think this represents our strength. We know that
more "pure" may be objected that this does not involve lack of specific identity.
We believe however that this way of thinking the product provides, season after season fresh in our project, contributing to longevity.
Monoty The precise identity is represented by the target to which we turn, the shops where we distribute our promotional and image collections that should have our brand.
There are many brands that I love, most come from Scandinavia, but also in Italy there are many competitors / friends that I believe are doing a great job I can cite among them: Byg Bang, Bored, Button Noise, On and On, Artillery Lane.
V: How do you choose your collaborators? What are the characteristics we value most in a team?
A: When you start a project on paper looks more like a utopia than a real job, from which you can get a future, as I see it, you do not have the "collaborators" They are true companions Travel.
I mean really, without rhetoric, because an employee is often a person that follows, however, personal interests.
But we are lucky enough to be a team of people who put before the entire project, with a unique self-denial, drawing strength from all the satisfactions questo sà dare.
Il team di Monoty si è creato sul campo in questi anni e se dovessi elencare caratteristiche che ci accomunano non avrei dubbi: passione sfrenata per quello che facciamo, creatività e uno spirito di sacrificio fuori dal comune.
Nel nostro team ognuno ha un suo ruolo preciso, io curo la parte amministrativa e organizzativa , Biagio la parte commerciale, Luca coordina tutta la parte grafica e di immagine del brand, Marco gli eventi e Andrea la parte web e illustrativa, oltre a questo “zoccolo duro” ci sono tanti altri collaboratori, free lance, amici che ruotano attorno al progetto Monoty rendendolo possibile ogni giorno.
Personalmente nei confronti di tutti i ragazzi che quotidianamente condividono con me questo progetto provo una riconoscenza inestimabile.
V: Come vedi la nascita di molti micro-brand creativi come quelli accolti al Vanitas'Market? C'è un futuro nel mercato per le autoproduzioni oppure sono da considerare come un fenomeno passeggero, legato alla crisi economica?
A: Negli ultimi anni ho visto un sacco di brand creativi, persone che come noi mettevano tutto quello che avevano nel loro progetto, marchi che proponevano capi innovativi, una ricerca e un’identità precisa, ben studiata e con un grande appeal.
La maggior parte di questi però, a mio modesto parere, faticano per indole to immerse themselves in a market perspective.
My training is inexpensive, and the first thing I realized when I ventured into this world is that, as creative and ingenious you are in your productions, you can not ignore the laws of the market that existed long before you and that, like it or not, affect any of the products. And do not come here
periods or economic crisis in my opinion.
If you throw a brilliant product and you can give him a good chance your commercial appeal I think you still have the.
but I see many projects that come with a little 'of arrogance, that even from the point of view "style" is more often than is justified, but cuts le gambe al lato commerciale.
Penso che la vera genialità sia quella di creare un prodotto nuovo, fresco come si dice in gergo “figo” che abbia però una buona diffusione senza dover per forza diventare un prodotto di massa.
In media stat Virtus.
V:Parlaci un pò della tua nuova campagna per la SS 2011.. cosa c'entra Monoty con una ragazza nuda?
A: Lo shooting SS 2011 è il primo shooting vero e proprio di Monoty.
Agli inizi, con tempi e budget limitati, eravamo costretti a badare al sodo, quindi davamo priorità ad alcune cose e ne sacrificavamo altre.
Finalmente abbiamo avuto tempo e modo di pensare a uno shooting che identificasse il Our project, which could be the calling card of the collection. Together with the photographer
Paris Koumiotis we thought the location, the implementation of each step and for the first time we have not only central to the product, but also to situations and characters that identify our target.
We chose the theater as a location because we liked the idea of \u200b\u200bpresenting the brand in a totally antithetical to what is our product, hence the absurdity of many shots like the one where the boy lying in the stalls search changing channels with a remote control.
All this is perfectly in keeping with our historic advertisement "What are you Looking for? "" What are you looking for? ".
I see you're a good observer.
The naked girl, as well as having an important role in some shots, is in a sense a prelude to what will be the introduction of the female monoty the season FW 2011.
This explains his presence "naked". So there's not yet dressed ...
V: We know that he loves Monoty events and collaborations .. Anything new?
A: Well Monoty live events and collaborations. Sometimes we fear that even looking at our site or pages Monoty in various social networks anyone could confuse us with a team of promoters to ... eheheh events
Seriously, we have always approached the image of our brand to that of electronic music events or events that we feel as your original and stimulating Vanitas because we think that our product is especially suited to that target.
These collaborations increase every season with our great pleasure and, gradually, we are partnering with events that range throughout most of northern Italy, to name a few I could tell you Just Married in Verona, Fresh in Milan, Wow in Reggio Emilia, I Love Electro Brixen and many others.
Even partnerships "product", so to speak, are very pleased with our growing collection of collection, as we did with The Bored and Deboscio for our wallets, we do with other brands in the coming seasons ... and you will see very interesting things ...
I think a brand new street "like ours must always look featuring that distinguish it from others, which enrich and give a tone of unity within the collection.
V: Thank needle!
A: Thank you and congratulations for the growth of veritiginosa Vanitas!
V: :-)!!
If you have incurisito this interview, visit the Monoty!
Among the Italian streetwear brand made in Italy in circulation, Monoty stands out not only for its products - creative, irreverent, well-made and no frills - but especially for its innovative communication skills .. and also for being great supporters of the project Vanitas'Market! Here's the exclusive interview with Augusto "Ago" Abban, the "mind" of Monoty, who speaks of his business idea and the new marketing SS 2011
V: How did the project monoty? Do you have any advice for those who are deciding to tackle this route?
A: Monoty was born two years ago by un’incoscienza giovanile, guidata da una forte passione per il mondo della moda street.
So che parlare di incoscienza per giustificare un progetto possa sembrare fuori luogo, ma in questo caso l’accezione del termine racchiude tanti elementi positivi .
Con l’esperienza acquisita in questi primi anni nell’ambiente , toccando con mano le difficoltà quotidiane, ci siamo accorti che, senza quello spirito , non avremmo mai iniziato… quindi beata incoscienza…
Alla luce di questo, l’unico consiglio che mi sento di dare è:
se avete un’idea, un progetto, fate di tutto per realizzarlo senza mollare, l’importante è che ci mettiate davvero tutta la passione you commitment, the existing provision which will inevitably make errors at the beginning!
V: What differentiates your brand in the fashion street Italian? Do you have competitors
brand you love most?
A: Our concept is very simple.
Monoty, not a stylist or a designer who thinks the whole collection, which draws it and giving it only makes its mark, but a team of people who like to dress a certain way, have a street culture, musical influences, culture of a certain type, in short, a lifestyle that seek to convey the brand.
I think this represents our strength. We know that
more "pure" may be objected that this does not involve lack of specific identity.
We believe however that this way of thinking the product provides, season after season fresh in our project, contributing to longevity.
Monoty The precise identity is represented by the target to which we turn, the shops where we distribute our promotional and image collections that should have our brand.
There are many brands that I love, most come from Scandinavia, but also in Italy there are many competitors / friends that I believe are doing a great job I can cite among them: Byg Bang, Bored, Button Noise, On and On, Artillery Lane.
V: How do you choose your collaborators? What are the characteristics we value most in a team?
A: When you start a project on paper looks more like a utopia than a real job, from which you can get a future, as I see it, you do not have the "collaborators" They are true companions Travel.
I mean really, without rhetoric, because an employee is often a person that follows, however, personal interests.
But we are lucky enough to be a team of people who put before the entire project, with a unique self-denial, drawing strength from all the satisfactions questo sà dare.
Il team di Monoty si è creato sul campo in questi anni e se dovessi elencare caratteristiche che ci accomunano non avrei dubbi: passione sfrenata per quello che facciamo, creatività e uno spirito di sacrificio fuori dal comune.
Nel nostro team ognuno ha un suo ruolo preciso, io curo la parte amministrativa e organizzativa , Biagio la parte commerciale, Luca coordina tutta la parte grafica e di immagine del brand, Marco gli eventi e Andrea la parte web e illustrativa, oltre a questo “zoccolo duro” ci sono tanti altri collaboratori, free lance, amici che ruotano attorno al progetto Monoty rendendolo possibile ogni giorno.
Personalmente nei confronti di tutti i ragazzi che quotidianamente condividono con me questo progetto provo una riconoscenza inestimabile.
V: Come vedi la nascita di molti micro-brand creativi come quelli accolti al Vanitas'Market? C'è un futuro nel mercato per le autoproduzioni oppure sono da considerare come un fenomeno passeggero, legato alla crisi economica?
A: Negli ultimi anni ho visto un sacco di brand creativi, persone che come noi mettevano tutto quello che avevano nel loro progetto, marchi che proponevano capi innovativi, una ricerca e un’identità precisa, ben studiata e con un grande appeal.
La maggior parte di questi però, a mio modesto parere, faticano per indole to immerse themselves in a market perspective.
My training is inexpensive, and the first thing I realized when I ventured into this world is that, as creative and ingenious you are in your productions, you can not ignore the laws of the market that existed long before you and that, like it or not, affect any of the products. And do not come here
periods or economic crisis in my opinion.
If you throw a brilliant product and you can give him a good chance your commercial appeal I think you still have the.
but I see many projects that come with a little 'of arrogance, that even from the point of view "style" is more often than is justified, but cuts le gambe al lato commerciale.
Penso che la vera genialità sia quella di creare un prodotto nuovo, fresco come si dice in gergo “figo” che abbia però una buona diffusione senza dover per forza diventare un prodotto di massa.
In media stat Virtus.
V:Parlaci un pò della tua nuova campagna per la SS 2011.. cosa c'entra Monoty con una ragazza nuda?
A: Lo shooting SS 2011 è il primo shooting vero e proprio di Monoty.
Agli inizi, con tempi e budget limitati, eravamo costretti a badare al sodo, quindi davamo priorità ad alcune cose e ne sacrificavamo altre.
Finalmente abbiamo avuto tempo e modo di pensare a uno shooting che identificasse il Our project, which could be the calling card of the collection. Together with the photographer
Paris Koumiotis we thought the location, the implementation of each step and for the first time we have not only central to the product, but also to situations and characters that identify our target.
We chose the theater as a location because we liked the idea of \u200b\u200bpresenting the brand in a totally antithetical to what is our product, hence the absurdity of many shots like the one where the boy lying in the stalls search changing channels with a remote control.
All this is perfectly in keeping with our historic advertisement "What are you Looking for? "" What are you looking for? ".
I see you're a good observer.
The naked girl, as well as having an important role in some shots, is in a sense a prelude to what will be the introduction of the female monoty the season FW 2011.
This explains his presence "naked". So there's not yet dressed ...
V: We know that he loves Monoty events and collaborations .. Anything new?
A: Well Monoty live events and collaborations. Sometimes we fear that even looking at our site or pages Monoty in various social networks anyone could confuse us with a team of promoters to ... eheheh events
Seriously, we have always approached the image of our brand to that of electronic music events or events that we feel as your original and stimulating Vanitas because we think that our product is especially suited to that target.
These collaborations increase every season with our great pleasure and, gradually, we are partnering with events that range throughout most of northern Italy, to name a few I could tell you Just Married in Verona, Fresh in Milan, Wow in Reggio Emilia, I Love Electro Brixen and many others.
Even partnerships "product", so to speak, are very pleased with our growing collection of collection, as we did with The Bored and Deboscio for our wallets, we do with other brands in the coming seasons ... and you will see very interesting things ...
I think a brand new street "like ours must always look featuring that distinguish it from others, which enrich and give a tone of unity within the collection.
V: Thank needle!
A: Thank you and congratulations for the growth of veritiginosa Vanitas!
V: :-)!!
If you have incurisito this interview, visit the Monoty!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Blinds For Windows Beside Front Doors
Lunedì 21 ore 16,30 ITC "Marco Polo di Bari: "Blocchiamo la precarietà"
The FLC CGIL di Bari continues the extensive operation to the benefit of temporary workers at the school. What will happen after the Constitutional Court illegality inclusion in the queue? What are the effects of blocking the upgrade feared rankings permanent and territorial restrictions on the ranking of the first school band? What will change and in what sense the new regulation on ratings recently published? What is now the state of the Stabilization and appeals will proceed as the FLC of Bari on the point?
These and other questions will try to answer the FLC Bari that, together with the Coordination of precarious , promotes the organization of "We block the precariousness" , that a public meeting Monday, February 21 at 16.30 at the 'Marco Polo Technical Institute of Bari (Via Bartolo - Poggiofranco area), interventions will Antonella Vulcano (Coordination precarious FLC CGIL di Bari), Claudio Menga (Secretary General
FLC CGIL di Bari), Gigi Caramia (National Centre FLC CGIL) and Luigi Rossi (FLC CGIL national secretary).
you there!
The FLC CGIL di Bari continues the extensive operation to the benefit of temporary workers at the school. What will happen after the Constitutional Court illegality inclusion in the queue? What are the effects of blocking the upgrade feared rankings permanent and territorial restrictions on the ranking of the first school band? What will change and in what sense the new regulation on ratings recently published? What is now the state of the Stabilization and appeals will proceed as the FLC of Bari on the point?
These and other questions will try to answer the FLC Bari that, together with the Coordination of precarious , promotes the organization of "We block the precariousness" , that a public meeting Monday, February 21 at 16.30 at the 'Marco Polo Technical Institute of Bari (Via Bartolo - Poggiofranco area), interventions will Antonella Vulcano (Coordination precarious FLC CGIL di Bari), Claudio Menga (Secretary General
FLC CGIL di Bari), Gigi Caramia (National Centre FLC CGIL) and Luigi Rossi (FLC CGIL national secretary).
you there!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Cyst Arising From Superior Pole Of Right Kidney
Per le RSU si può also vote immediately. He says the Council of State
The validity of contracts entered into supplementary school in recent months, at least in our area, had been questioned by a few overzealous school administrator and deferential to the government guidelines. Recently, the remaining doubts, fueled by the launch of the Council of Ministers of a decree correction (in a more restrictive) of Legislative Decree no. 150/09, have been wiped out by the Ministry of Education circular 8 February .
Now comes yet another cannon against the Minister of Public Administration more (in) efficient and (in) effective on record. The Council of State , in fact, speaking on request the same Department of Public Service, has made clear on the election of RSU . The audit committees who sign the contract in the supplementary schools can also be renewed immediately, without waiting for the renewal of the funds trading as Brunetta (with the complicity of some union compliant) would have liked;
an artificial way to extend the validity of the results of last elections of the RSU (now five years away at school) and made the block of industrial action.
The Security Council re-establishes the value of the extension of the transitional and exceptional MSW and constitutional basis of the right of workers to give themselves their democratic representation . The view returns the ball to the unions that now could legitimately call an election.
We hope that no longer wishes to continue to Melina on the skin of workers.
Here the opinion of the State Council.
The validity of contracts entered into supplementary school in recent months, at least in our area, had been questioned by a few overzealous school administrator and deferential to the government guidelines. Recently, the remaining doubts, fueled by the launch of the Council of Ministers of a decree correction (in a more restrictive) of Legislative Decree no. 150/09, have been wiped out by the Ministry of Education circular 8 February .
Now comes yet another cannon against the Minister of Public Administration more (in) efficient and (in) effective on record. The Council of State , in fact, speaking on request the same Department of Public Service, has made clear on the election of RSU . The audit committees who sign the contract in the supplementary schools can also be renewed immediately, without waiting for the renewal of the funds trading as Brunetta (with the complicity of some union compliant) would have liked;
an artificial way to extend the validity of the results of last elections of the RSU (now five years away at school) and made the block of industrial action.
The Security Council re-establishes the value of the extension of the transitional and exceptional MSW and constitutional basis of the right of workers to give themselves their democratic representation . The view returns the ball to the unions that now could legitimately call an election.
We hope that no longer wishes to continue to Melina on the skin of workers.
Here the opinion of the State Council.
Friday, February 11, 2011
How Do Coversyl And Cardizem Work
Here are the rankings for Puglia dell'USR calls ATA "24 months". Deadline March 18. Block
receive news of the imminent publication on the official website of the Regional School of Puglia of the notices for updating and inclusion in the lists of provincial ATA staff who has completed at least 24 months' service in the profiles of administrative and technical support staff. The submission of applications, which PART will run through the system APPLICATIONS ON LINE must be implemented by March 18 next .
Please note that
receive news of the imminent publication on the official website of the Regional School of Puglia of the notices for updating and inclusion in the lists of provincial ATA staff who has completed at least 24 months' service in the profiles of administrative and technical support staff. The submission of applications, which PART will run through the system APPLICATIONS ON LINE must be implemented by March 18 next .
Inivitiamo those who do not have an email address or that they had not done so to register for the POLIS system - online applications to do so as soon as possible, asking for guidance and support to the secretariats to the school or our offices. Follow this link you can get the first istrzuioni on how to register.
Below we publish the memorandum of 'USR Puglia and basically the link to download the templates.
We send notices of competitions listed below, relating to the subject, with prayer publicized in their respective offices on 16.2 .2011 with the caveat that the same , together with the 'No OM 21 of 02/23/2009 - corrected in accordance with the Ministerial n.402 of 20.01.2011 and its annexes, shall be kept posted on all the time for submission of applications admission.
1) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile of professional "Administrative Assistant" , pursuant to art. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 (6 of DD. No '08/02/2011);
2) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile Professional "Engineer" under Article. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 (DD. No 7 '02/08/2011);
3) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating in the provincial ranking permanent professional profile on the of "Officer farms" under Article. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 ; (DD. No 8 8 .2.2011)
4) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile of professional "Employee education" under art. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 (DD. No 9 '08/02/2011);
5) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile of professional "Chef" , pursuant to art. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 ; (DD. No 10 of '08/02/1011);
6) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile of professional "wardrobe" , pursuant to art. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 ; (DD.n. 11 dell’ 8.2.2011 );
7) Concorso per soli titoli per l’inclusione o l’aggiornamento del punteggio nella graduatoria provinciale permanente relativa al profilo professionale di “Infermiere“ , ai sensi dell’art. 554 del D.L.vo n. 297/94 (DD. No 12 of '08/02/2011).
Since that date of publication of notices shall be effective thirty days to the terms of the production of instances of participation insolvency procedures, which established and documented in accordance with the rules contained in the order of the Ministry, must be submitted by registered mail with return receipt, or delivered by hand, to this Office Provincial School , by 18.3 .2011 .
The requirements for admission to the competitions not included in the lists of candidates standing to be held at the date of application for admission (section 2 above OM No. 21/2009) .
It seems appropriate to point out that:
- to be admitted to the competition, candidates must possess the qualifications referred to the sequence of contract signed on 25.7.2008 and in particular Article .4 - Amendment of Table B annexed to CCNL-cultural requirements for 29/11/2007 access to professional profiles of ATA staff mentioned in article 2, paragraph 2.3 of the OM n..21/2009;
- within the meaning of article 2, paragraph 2.7 for those who are entered on the list of club and institute 3rd time in force at the time of the application deadline, remain valid for admission to the same professional, educational qualifications in base ai quali avevano conseguito a pieno titolo l’inserimento in tali graduatorie;
- l’O.M. n.21/09 prevede che gli aspiranti già inclusi, a pieno titolo, nelle graduatorie permanenti, con particolare riferimento al profilo di assistente tecnico, conservano l’accesso esclusivamente alle aree di precedente inclusione. Gli stessi, inoltre, possano far valere, per l’accesso ad altre aree, eventuali titoli di studio diversi purchè compresi tra quelli indicati all’art.2, comma 3, lett. B della citata O.M. 21/09, ovvero diploma di maturità corrispondente alla specifica area professionale.
For further information and details on admission requirements and criteria for evaluation of qualifications, please refer to the ministerial AOODGPER n.8166, 5.6.2009 and 22.7.2009 n.11250 of both available on the Website of the Ministry of Education (www.pubblica.
, is drawn the attention of SS.LL. on the provisions set out in 'art. 6 of the OM No. 21/2009, that all candidates included in the provincial candidate list for the open-ended contracts are entitled to be employed, with above, which alternates yearly or until the end of the educational activity.
Those who do not intend to exercise that right, including those that have no application, only wanting to remain on the list that already included, must produce a special waiver by completing the Annex "F", including those who have exercised this option in previous years.
for choice of educational institutions which require the inclusion in the rankings to move and institution 1, for the band 'as 2011/12 will be made a separate web application within the "online applications" of the Ministry of Education.
a result, the demand model to choose the locations of the institutions School (Annex G ) must be submitted by aspiring exclusively through "instances online." The Office Territorial recipient will receive an application automatically in accordance with Annex G when placing.
mode, time and specific aspects of the online procedure that will be communicated with next note.
Instead, they must be sent with the traditional mode demand models Annexes B1, B2, F and H by registered letter or delivered by hand, the Office of the province of local interest within the time limits provided for in the call.
Please note that interested parties should produce the application form in accordance with Annex H, properly documented and within the deadlines set for the application to take advantage of the benefits of article 21 and ' art.33, paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Law 104/92. This application form (Appendix H) is complementary and not substitute for the statement to that effect made by the candidate application forms B1 and B2.
Also, please note that all statements relating to the documentation of reserves, securities, preferably limited to the letters M, N, 0, R and D as well as statements regarding the allocation of priorities in the choice of when referred to artt.21 and 33, paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Law 104/92 have to be rewritten by candidates who apply to become permanent update of the list, since it deals with situations subject to expiry, if not reappointed, means no longer held.
Please note Offices Territorial controls to be carried out in accordance with the Ministerial Decree 165 of July 30, 2010, regarding the candidates applying for the benefit of the law 104/92.
It should be noted that the patterns of demand in accordance with the mod. B / 1 - B / 2, F and H) are found in intranet and internet news site of the Ministry of Education (
It is understood that the leaders of the provincial offices of this USR, within their respective territorial jurisdictions, shall adopt all measures concerning the management of the permanent lists at issue in ordine a quanto sottoindicato:
1) - esame delle domande di partecipazione per quanto attiene ai requisiti di ammissione, alla regolarità formale delle stesse e della documentazione, nonché la loro eventuale regolarizzazione secondo le disposizioni dell’ordinanza ministeriale;
2) - dichiarazione di inammissibilità o nullità delle domande ed esclusione dalla procedura concorsuale, nonché esame dei relativi ricorsi in opposizione;
3) - costituzione delle commissioni giudicatrici;
4) - pubblicazione delle graduatorie provvisorie redatte dalle Commissioni giudicatrici ed esame dei reclami avverso errori materiali;
5) - approvazione e pubblicazione delle graduatorie definitive;
6) - assunzione a tempo indeterminato dei candidati utilmente collocati in graduatoria, nei limiti del contingente delle assunzioni autorizzate dall’Amministrazione Centrale.
questo il link per scaricare i modelli
Ricordiamo che il modello di domanda G choice of the locations of schools must be sent via the online instances.
recall that at the provincial center of Bari and the local contact points are available for advice in the days pre .
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
How To Connect A Vcr To A Receiver
ranking teachers: a document of the Coordination of Precarious FLC CGIL Puglia
There is much talk in recent weeks about the possibility that the lists are exhausted staff are extended in the conversion law Decree milleproroghe. On this case, for the now regular update of the scores of each teacher precarious could not be done, that we reject categorically, has stated in recent days Coordination of the precarious FLC CGIL Puglia which approved the ' agenda which we publish below (this is the link ).
· currently the Ministry of Education has not adopted a consistent policy on the staff of school, according to the needs of individual regions and provinces,
so that regions like Puglia have committed to fund projects as the "right school" in order to reverse the damage of reckless cuts;
so that regions like Puglia
· ; assessments made by the FLC have shown that a policy of emissions into the role (Operation hundred thousand) is possible and convenient;
· ; is necessary that at least within the front of the FLC is united by a precarious successful overview and perspective on a common policy, the special interests that bring together in a single battle for the defense of public schools;
· ; our idea of \u200b\u200brewarding virtuous merit that requires highly valued scores are acquired through teaching experience and deepening their knowledge and teaching skills. In fact, shrink from the destructive logic of the current school policy the Ministry of Education, which has crept into the dangerous category of school workers divisions, even within the same precarious. Measures such as the "salvaprecari" have inevitably created inequalities and inequities, undermining the delicate system of rankings and scores. The dreaded maintenance of the current rankings are exhausted contribute significantly to affect the rights acquired by workers, impeding the improvement of its ranking and the ability to choose the province in which to teach.
· a new policy on the staff of the school, which takes into account the weaknesses and strengths of individual territories (number of students, immigration rate, incidence of disability);
· block of the third year of cuts;
· the protection of the law, already required by current law, to update the score rankings to exhaustion, to lift the reservation, to insert a comb evidence of support, to move to other provincial candidate of the national territory, to include the new enabled;
· the guarantee of a regular updating of lists , which finally puts aside the constant uncertainty about reopenings, closures and postponements. The employees of the school should be able to make choices appropriate to their career, with the knowledge that, periodically, will get involved and have the opportunity to improve their position.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Burger King American Express
Great success for Sunday, February 6 Vanitas'Market , the premiere of the new market of vintage / remake / auto-production of clothing and accessories on a monthly basis which takes place every first Sunday of the month in Iseo (BS).
The exhibitors were enthusiastic about the success of the event, both for sales and for the large influx of people (thousands of people from all over North Italy).
An almost springlike sun has warmed the soul of the market and contributed significantly to its success, with great satisfaction Vanitas, its employees and the town of Iseo which promoted the initiative.
All photos of the event can be viewed here !
Great success for Sunday, February 6 Vanitas'Market , the premiere of the new market of vintage / remake / auto-production of clothing and accessories on a monthly basis which takes place every first Sunday of the month in Iseo (BS).
The exhibitors were enthusiastic about the success of the event, both for sales and for the large influx of people (thousands of people from all over North Italy).
An almost springlike sun has warmed the soul of the market and contributed significantly to its success, with great satisfaction Vanitas, its employees and the town of Iseo which promoted the initiative.
All photos of the event can be viewed here !
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