Monday, February 21, 2011

Horse Between Shoulder Blades


The Handbook for all exhibitors apsiranti ...

Given the great success of Vanitas'Market present this year also in Iseo first Sunday of each month, the selection will be particularly severe.
To access the event it must pass a screening that will take place following criteria:
- organization and design of the brand (communication, website, etc. ..)
- craftsmanship and authenticity
product - creativity and innovation
- recycling / environment


Vanitas'Market is an event that focuses on targeted communication to facilitate the flow of visitors.
We are on the internet with a website ( ), a blog ( ) and facebook (Elisa Boldori). Other communication methods we use are sending press releases and invitations via mailing list (to potential visitors, the press, bloggers and practitioners fashion) + distribution of 10,000 leaflets and surrounding cities in Cremona in Cremona + totem + billboard in Old Town Cremona-sided banner and one week before the event on the Gallery.
For the third year we can also count on the help of our two partners, the brand Monoty Clothes ( ) and our media partners Wait! Magazine ( ) .
addition, the wheel Vanitas will be in the April issue of the monthly seeker free Envelope ( ).

How to get to Cremona?
MILAN (km. 85) Paullese road - motorways (A1-A21) Milan-Piacenza-Cremona.
BRENNER - (km. 300) motorways (A22-A21-A4) Brenner-Verona-Brescia-Cremona.
CHIASSO - (km. 145) motorways (A1-A9-A21) Como-Milan-Piacenza-Cremona.
GENOVA - (km. 175) freeways (A7-A21) Genoa-Piacenza-Cremona-Voghera.
ROME - (km. 560) motorways (A1-A21) Rome-Florence-Bologna-Fiorenzuola-Cremona.
VENICE - (km. 215) motorways (A4-A21) Venice-Brescia-Cremona.
Gallery XXV ZTL area in April. The permit is valid for Ztl 7:00 pm on Saturday, May 14 at 24.00 on Sunday, May 15, 2011.
If you use a machine with a plate not registered before, or outside such hours, you will be fined! Enclosed you will find the map with recommended routes of access.

Where you park?
The Gallery is in Old Town. There is free parking in the immediate vicinity of the large number of exhibitors. Temporary parking permits will be issued (30 minutes) for the duration of the event + days setting up and dismantling. It is issued only one allowed to Exhibitor, except in exceptional circumstances previously agreed with the Organizing Secretariat.
Once the assembly / disassembly is forbidden to leave the vehicle parked in no parking.

Free Parking: Via Dante
-Station (recommended), Freedom Square, via Mantova (recommended), square Atleti Azzurri d'Italy, Via del Sale-old street, street Bissolati.

Parking fee:
off Sarpi, Lodi square, Piazza S. Angelo, Via Villa Glori, Via Massarotti (recommended).

What are the hours of Vanitas'Market?

The time of access to visitors will be from 10.00 to 22.00 on the day 14 and from 10.00 to 20.00 on May 15.
For Exhibitors and their agents and employees access may be an hour before the access for visitors, the exit must be done within the next hour closure for visitors.

What are the hours of setting up and dismantling?
All Exhibitors must set up on time, namely:
EQUIPMENT: Saturday, May 14 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.
DISMANTLING: Sunday, May 15 from 20:00 to 22:00.
The work of preparation and presentation of exhibition space will be completed by 10.00.
The Exhibitor is obliged to arrange for the cleaning of their exhibit space during and after the event. Forbidden to leave cardboard, paper, packaging and various junk.

How are the spaces?
The exhibition space is spread under the entire Gallery XXV April.
The spaces are numbered, divided into modules of 3 x 2 meters (6 m), known through signs and signals delimited on the floor. Please respect them. Upon arrival, contact the organizer will arrange for the delivery of space. The set consists of a base-table + 2 chairs for exhibitors.
The table measures 1.5 meters x 0.80 meters. You should bring a towel to cover it.


Vanitas Elisa Boldori assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from
also fortuitous to present goods exhibited in exhibition or otherwise stored in Gallery on April 25 during the opening and closing to the public. The custody and supervision of the exhibition spaces sole responsibility of the individual exhibitor. From 22.00 to 9.00 am there will be a private security company in charge of organizing.
Please bring a green sheet and secured with ropes or chains and remove the smaller markets and of value or group them under the cloth.

Light / Electricity

The gallery is lit at night. Each space will be available to attach to the nearest point of supply of electricity for lights and other electrical equipment extra. We recommend strongly to bring industrial extension cords, shoes and gear, table lamps or floor lamps. Halogen lights are strictly prohibited. The maximum wattage is approximately 170 watts per module. For help or troubleshooting, you can contact our technical staff on site.
The electrical fittings will be completed by 9.00 to 10.00 on Saturday, May 14.

Are pets?

Access to the event for dogs is permitted provided with a leash.
The owners will be held personally liable for any damages to property or persons.

There will be music?

For reasons of SIAE and neighborhood we decided not to provide this service, but one or two DJ sets in the afternoon.
remind exhibitors that want to bring a music system, which are punishable by fines for the failure to require appropriate permits from the City and Siae For information, you can conttattare Siae the seat of Cremona (tel: 0372/416029).

Can I keep my space even in subsequent editions?
The Secretariat is available to option the same space occupied by the Exhibitor for the next edition, by written request sent by fax or by mail within 1 month prior to the performance of the event you want to option.
This request followed by a confirmation of the option, via e-mail, fax or phone. The Company
Promoter reserves the right to refuse this request for reasons related to 'organization or incidents relating to failure to comply with the General Regulations.

About Cremona:

Tourist Information: IAT
of Cremona Piazza del Comune, 5 - tel. 0372 23233 - fax 0372 534080-info @
Municipality of Cremona - URP-Piazza del Comune, 8 - tel. 0372 407291 - fax 0372 407290 -

station Piazza Roma - tel. 0372 21300
station Piazzale Stazione - Tel. 0372 26740

VANITAS 'Market Third Edizione –14/15 maggio 2011
Galleria XXV aprile - Cremona

C.F.: BLDLSE80R54D150R – P.IVA: 01475800197

Segreteria Organizzativa: Elisa Boldori - 328/4267730 – contatto skype: vintage vanitas - fax: 0372/1900158 -


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