Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Connect A Vcr To A Receiver

ranking teachers: a document of the Coordination of Precarious FLC CGIL Puglia

There is much talk in recent weeks about the possibility that the lists are exhausted staff are extended in the conversion law Decree milleproroghe. On this case, for the now regular update of the scores of each teacher precarious could not be done, that we reject categorically, has stated in recent days Coordination of the precarious FLC CGIL Puglia which approved the ' agenda which we publish below (this is the link ).


· currently the Ministry of Education has not adopted a consistent policy on the staff of school, according to the needs of individual regions and provinces,
so that regions like Puglia have committed to fund projects as the "right school" in order to reverse the damage of reckless cuts;
· ; assessments made by the FLC have shown that a policy of emissions into the role (Operation hundred thousand) is possible and convenient;
· ; is necessary that at least within the front of the FLC is united by a precarious successful overview and perspective on a common policy, the special interests that bring together in a single battle for the defense of public schools;
· ; our idea of \u200b\u200brewarding virtuous merit that requires highly valued scores are acquired through teaching experience and deepening their knowledge and teaching skills. In fact, shrink from the destructive logic of the current school policy the Ministry of Education, which has crept into the dangerous category of school workers divisions, even within the same precarious. Measures such as the "salvaprecari" have inevitably created inequalities and inequities, undermining the delicate system of rankings and scores. The dreaded maintenance of the current rankings are exhausted contribute significantly to affect the rights acquired by workers, impeding the improvement of its ranking and the ability to choose the province in which to teach.


· a new policy on the staff of the school, which takes into account the weaknesses and strengths of individual territories (number of students, immigration rate, incidence of disability);
· block of the third year of cuts;
· the protection of the law, already required by current law, to update the score rankings to exhaustion, to lift the reservation, to insert a comb evidence of support, to move to other provincial candidate of the national territory, to include the new enabled;
· the guarantee of a regular updating of lists , which finally puts aside the constant uncertainty about reopenings, closures and postponements. The employees of the school should be able to make choices appropriate to their career, with the knowledge that, periodically, will get involved and have the opportunity to improve their position.


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