Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Projector Screen Crease

Firmato il CCNI sulla mobilità. A breve l'ordinanza. I termini per la presentazione delle domande scadono il 22 marzo!

signed after a soap opera spanning more than two months the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Integrative (CCNI) on the mobility 2011-12. The preintesa had already been achieved in mid-December, but the new rules introduced by the reform Brunetta, rather than create more efficiency, speeding the process, forced the staff and the school administration to wait unnecessarily to date. The contract issued by the supervisory bodies of the Ministry of Public Administration, in fact, is IDENTICAL to the one signed since Dec. 16, more than two months ago. So much for the speed of the Public Administration brunettiana!
Now, finally, will be issued the Circular accompanying the CCNI is the order that times and procedures. The expiry of the deadline for the submission applications will be March 21 , practically the same date last year (which suggests the
slip all other procedures, including the use and / or temporary assignments that last year went on, in Bari, up the first days of September, with its confusion and discomfort generated between schools and the staff!)
remember that applications for transfer of for teachers and one elementary school , average and higher to be sent through the system POLIS - Instances online, where you must have an email address type . For kindergarten teachers, professional mobility, the ATA and the procedure is always supernumerary and only paper.
Here is the contract of mobility (in bold innovations from last year) .
Here you can download our GUIDE to the grant application.
Our structures in Bari and on the territory are, as usual, at your disposal for assistance and clarification.


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