Among the Italian streetwear brand made in Italy in circulation, Monoty stands out not only for its products - creative, irreverent, well-made and no frills - but especially for its innovative communication skills .. and also for being great supporters of the project Vanitas'Market! Here's the exclusive interview with Augusto "Ago" Abban, the "mind" of Monoty, who speaks of his business idea and the new marketing SS 2011
V: How did the project monoty? Do you have any advice for those who are deciding to tackle this route?
A: Monoty was born two years ago by un’incoscienza giovanile, guidata da una forte passione per il mondo della moda street.
So che parlare di incoscienza per giustificare un progetto possa sembrare fuori luogo, ma in questo caso l’accezione del termine racchiude tanti elementi positivi .
Con l’esperienza acquisita in questi primi anni nell’ambiente , toccando con mano le difficoltà quotidiane, ci siamo accorti che, senza quello spirito , non avremmo mai iniziato… quindi beata incoscienza…
Alla luce di questo, l’unico consiglio che mi sento di dare è:
se avete un’idea, un progetto, fate di tutto per realizzarlo senza mollare, l’importante è che ci mettiate davvero tutta la passione you commitment, the existing provision which will inevitably make errors at the beginning!
V: What differentiates your brand in the fashion street Italian? Do you have competitors
brand you love most?
A: Our concept is very simple.
Monoty, not a stylist or a designer who thinks the whole collection, which draws it and giving it only makes its mark, but a team of people who like to dress a certain way, have a street culture, musical influences, culture of a certain type, in short, a lifestyle that seek to convey the brand.
I think this represents our strength. We know that
more "pure" may be objected that this does not involve lack of specific identity.
We believe however that this way of thinking the product provides, season after season fresh in our project, contributing to longevity.
Monoty The precise identity is represented by the target to which we turn, the shops where we distribute our promotional and image collections that should have our brand.
There are many brands that I love, most come from Scandinavia, but also in Italy there are many competitors / friends that I believe are doing a great job I can cite among them: Byg Bang, Bored, Button Noise, On and On, Artillery Lane.
V: How do you choose your collaborators? What are the characteristics we value most in a team?
A: When you start a project on paper looks more like a utopia than a real job, from which you can get a future, as I see it, you do not have the "collaborators" They are true companions Travel.
I mean really, without rhetoric, because an employee is often a person that follows, however, personal interests.
But we are lucky enough to be a team of people who put before the entire project, with a unique self-denial, drawing strength from all the satisfactions questo sà dare.
Il team di Monoty si è creato sul campo in questi anni e se dovessi elencare caratteristiche che ci accomunano non avrei dubbi: passione sfrenata per quello che facciamo, creatività e uno spirito di sacrificio fuori dal comune.
Nel nostro team ognuno ha un suo ruolo preciso, io curo la parte amministrativa e organizzativa , Biagio la parte commerciale, Luca coordina tutta la parte grafica e di immagine del brand, Marco gli eventi e Andrea la parte web e illustrativa, oltre a questo “zoccolo duro” ci sono tanti altri collaboratori, free lance, amici che ruotano attorno al progetto Monoty rendendolo possibile ogni giorno.
Personalmente nei confronti di tutti i ragazzi che quotidianamente condividono con me questo progetto provo una riconoscenza inestimabile.
V: Come vedi la nascita di molti micro-brand creativi come quelli accolti al Vanitas'Market? C'è un futuro nel mercato per le autoproduzioni oppure sono da considerare come un fenomeno passeggero, legato alla crisi economica?
A: Negli ultimi anni ho visto un sacco di brand creativi, persone che come noi mettevano tutto quello che avevano nel loro progetto, marchi che proponevano capi innovativi, una ricerca e un’identità precisa, ben studiata e con un grande appeal.
La maggior parte di questi però, a mio modesto parere, faticano per indole to immerse themselves in a market perspective.
My training is inexpensive, and the first thing I realized when I ventured into this world is that, as creative and ingenious you are in your productions, you can not ignore the laws of the market that existed long before you and that, like it or not, affect any of the products. And do not come here
periods or economic crisis in my opinion.
If you throw a brilliant product and you can give him a good chance your commercial appeal I think you still have the.
but I see many projects that come with a little 'of arrogance, that even from the point of view "style" is more often than is justified, but cuts le gambe al lato commerciale.
Penso che la vera genialità sia quella di creare un prodotto nuovo, fresco come si dice in gergo “figo” che abbia però una buona diffusione senza dover per forza diventare un prodotto di massa.
In media stat Virtus.
V:Parlaci un pò della tua nuova campagna per la SS 2011.. cosa c'entra Monoty con una ragazza nuda?
A: Lo shooting SS 2011 è il primo shooting vero e proprio di Monoty.
Agli inizi, con tempi e budget limitati, eravamo costretti a badare al sodo, quindi davamo priorità ad alcune cose e ne sacrificavamo altre.
Finalmente abbiamo avuto tempo e modo di pensare a uno shooting che identificasse il Our project, which could be the calling card of the collection. Together with the photographer
Paris Koumiotis we thought the location, the implementation of each step and for the first time we have not only central to the product, but also to situations and characters that identify our target.
We chose the theater as a location because we liked the idea of \u200b\u200bpresenting the brand in a totally antithetical to what is our product, hence the absurdity of many shots like the one where the boy lying in the stalls search changing channels with a remote control.
All this is perfectly in keeping with our historic advertisement "What are you Looking for? "" What are you looking for? ".
I see you're a good observer.
The naked girl, as well as having an important role in some shots, is in a sense a prelude to what will be the introduction of the female monoty the season FW 2011.
This explains his presence "naked". So there's not yet dressed ...
V: We know that he loves Monoty events and collaborations .. Anything new?
A: Well Monoty live events and collaborations. Sometimes we fear that even looking at our site or pages Monoty in various social networks anyone could confuse us with a team of promoters to ... eheheh events
Seriously, we have always approached the image of our brand to that of electronic music events or events that we feel as your original and stimulating Vanitas because we think that our product is especially suited to that target.
These collaborations increase every season with our great pleasure and, gradually, we are partnering with events that range throughout most of northern Italy, to name a few I could tell you Just Married in Verona, Fresh in Milan, Wow in Reggio Emilia, I Love Electro Brixen and many others.
Even partnerships "product", so to speak, are very pleased with our growing collection of collection, as we did with The Bored and Deboscio for our wallets, we do with other brands in the coming seasons ... and you will see very interesting things ...
I think a brand new street "like ours must always look featuring that distinguish it from others, which enrich and give a tone of unity within the collection.
V: Thank needle!
A: Thank you and congratulations for the growth of veritiginosa Vanitas!
V: :-)!!
If you have incurisito this interview, visit the Monoty!
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