Sunday, February 27, 2011

Design An Online Tech Deck

I lavoratori della conoscenza convochino collegi e assemblee nelle scuole per "cancellare" le parole del premier

Non ci sono piĆ¹ parole per commentare le frasi offensive che il nostro Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri has addressed to us, teachers, education professionals and those involved in the school. Knowledge workers are accustomed this flood of libelous statements by leaders of various ministries, Brunetta primarily . We did not expect, however, that one could get to the attempt to scuttle broken the decorum of our public education, falsely passed off to art in the name of human values \u200b\u200b(traditional?) Of the family (?) By whom, in these weeks, is constant friction, in fact, with its usual behavior, performed bravely, the very foundations of the family. Accusations that the prime minister and his public school teachers not to "inculcate" the values \u200b\u200bthat inspired the family makes us smile, thinking that if you do not teach the values \u200b\u200bthat relate to the concept of his family, maybe so ...
Moreover, as teachers, we are accustomed to dealing with errors to be deleted. In this case, we'll cancel the serious blunder Berlusconi offer to all our colleagues to do so by downloading this request to convene the College of Teachers (under 297/94 may be called by 1 / 3 of its members) , to adopt this resolution and send it, together with the attached sitography ,
the MIUR, all'USR, USP and the media. Obviously you can adapt the text to workers 'assemblies, meetings of the RSUs or the Councils of the Institute, whatever as long as you make them feel so strongly' indignation for this latest attack on a fundamental institution of our state and its workers .


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