Moreover, as teachers, we are accustomed to dealing with errors to be deleted. In this case, we'll cancel the serious blunder Berlusconi offer to all our colleagues to do so by downloading this request to convene the College of Teachers (under 297/94 may be called by 1 / 3 of its members) , to adopt this resolution and send it, together with the attached sitography ,
the MIUR, all'USR, USP and the media. Obviously you can adapt the text to workers 'assemblies, meetings of the RSUs or the Councils of the Institute, whatever as long as you make them feel so strongly' indignation for this latest attack on a fundamental institution of our state and its workers .
the MIUR, all'USR, USP and the media. Obviously you can adapt the text to workers 'assemblies, meetings of the RSUs or the Councils of the Institute, whatever as long as you make them feel so strongly' indignation for this latest attack on a fundamental institution of our state and its workers .
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