receive news of the imminent publication on the official website of the Regional School of Puglia of the notices for updating and inclusion in the lists of provincial ATA staff who has completed at least 24 months' service in the profiles of administrative and technical support staff. The submission of applications, which PART will run through the system APPLICATIONS ON LINE must be implemented by March 18 next .
Inivitiamo those who do not have an email address or that they had not done so to register for the POLIS system - online applications to do so as soon as possible, asking for guidance and support to the secretariats to the school or our offices. Follow this link you can get the first istrzuioni on how to register.
Below we publish the memorandum of 'USR Puglia and basically the link to download the templates.
We send notices of competitions listed below, relating to the subject, with prayer publicized in their respective offices on 16.2 .2011 with the caveat that the same , together with the 'No OM 21 of 02/23/2009 - corrected in accordance with the Ministerial n.402 of 20.01.2011 and its annexes, shall be kept posted on all the time for submission of applications admission.
1) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile of professional "Administrative Assistant" , pursuant to art. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 (6 of DD. No '08/02/2011);
2) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile Professional "Engineer" under Article. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 (DD. No 7 '02/08/2011);
3) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating in the provincial ranking permanent professional profile on the of "Officer farms" under Article. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 ; (DD. No 8 8 .2.2011)
4) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile of professional "Employee education" under art. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 (DD. No 9 '08/02/2011);
5) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile of professional "Chef" , pursuant to art. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 ; (DD. No 10 of '08/02/1011);
6) Competition for only licenses for the inclusion or updating the score in the provincial candidate list for the profile of professional "wardrobe" , pursuant to art. 554 of Legislative Decree No 297/94 ; (DD.n. 11 dell’ 8.2.2011 );
7) Concorso per soli titoli per l’inclusione o l’aggiornamento del punteggio nella graduatoria provinciale permanente relativa al profilo professionale di “Infermiere“ , ai sensi dell’art. 554 del D.L.vo n. 297/94 (DD. No 12 of '08/02/2011).
Since that date of publication of notices shall be effective thirty days to the terms of the production of instances of participation insolvency procedures, which established and documented in accordance with the rules contained in the order of the Ministry, must be submitted by registered mail with return receipt, or delivered by hand, to this Office Provincial School , by 18.3 .2011 .
The requirements for admission to the competitions not included in the lists of candidates standing to be held at the date of application for admission (section 2 above OM No. 21/2009) .
It seems appropriate to point out that:
- to be admitted to the competition, candidates must possess the qualifications referred to the sequence of contract signed on 25.7.2008 and in particular Article .4 - Amendment of Table B annexed to CCNL-cultural requirements for 29/11/2007 access to professional profiles of ATA staff mentioned in article 2, paragraph 2.3 of the OM n..21/2009;
- within the meaning of article 2, paragraph 2.7 for those who are entered on the list of club and institute 3rd time in force at the time of the application deadline, remain valid for admission to the same professional, educational qualifications in base ai quali avevano conseguito a pieno titolo l’inserimento in tali graduatorie;
- l’O.M. n.21/09 prevede che gli aspiranti già inclusi, a pieno titolo, nelle graduatorie permanenti, con particolare riferimento al profilo di assistente tecnico, conservano l’accesso esclusivamente alle aree di precedente inclusione. Gli stessi, inoltre, possano far valere, per l’accesso ad altre aree, eventuali titoli di studio diversi purchè compresi tra quelli indicati all’art.2, comma 3, lett. B della citata O.M. 21/09, ovvero diploma di maturità corrispondente alla specifica area professionale.
For further information and details on admission requirements and criteria for evaluation of qualifications, please refer to the ministerial AOODGPER n.8166, 5.6.2009 and 22.7.2009 n.11250 of both available on the Website of the Ministry of Education (www.pubblica.
, is drawn the attention of SS.LL. on the provisions set out in 'art. 6 of the OM No. 21/2009, that all candidates included in the provincial candidate list for the open-ended contracts are entitled to be employed, with above, which alternates yearly or until the end of the educational activity.
Those who do not intend to exercise that right, including those that have no application, only wanting to remain on the list that already included, must produce a special waiver by completing the Annex "F", including those who have exercised this option in previous years.
for choice of educational institutions which require the inclusion in the rankings to move and institution 1, for the band 'as 2011/12 will be made a separate web application within the "online applications" of the Ministry of Education.
a result, the demand model to choose the locations of the institutions School (Annex G ) must be submitted by aspiring exclusively through "instances online." The Office Territorial recipient will receive an application automatically in accordance with Annex G when placing.
mode, time and specific aspects of the online procedure that will be communicated with next note.
Instead, they must be sent with the traditional mode demand models Annexes B1, B2, F and H by registered letter or delivered by hand, the Office of the province of local interest within the time limits provided for in the call.
Please note that interested parties should produce the application form in accordance with Annex H, properly documented and within the deadlines set for the application to take advantage of the benefits of article 21 and ' art.33, paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Law 104/92. This application form (Appendix H) is complementary and not substitute for the statement to that effect made by the candidate application forms B1 and B2.
Also, please note that all statements relating to the documentation of reserves, securities, preferably limited to the letters M, N, 0, R and D as well as statements regarding the allocation of priorities in the choice of when referred to artt.21 and 33, paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Law 104/92 have to be rewritten by candidates who apply to become permanent update of the list, since it deals with situations subject to expiry, if not reappointed, means no longer held.
Please note Offices Territorial controls to be carried out in accordance with the Ministerial Decree 165 of July 30, 2010, regarding the candidates applying for the benefit of the law 104/92.
It should be noted that the patterns of demand in accordance with the mod. B / 1 - B / 2, F and H) are found in intranet and internet news site of the Ministry of Education (
It is understood that the leaders of the provincial offices of this USR, within their respective territorial jurisdictions, shall adopt all measures concerning the management of the permanent lists at issue in ordine a quanto sottoindicato:
1) - esame delle domande di partecipazione per quanto attiene ai requisiti di ammissione, alla regolarità formale delle stesse e della documentazione, nonché la loro eventuale regolarizzazione secondo le disposizioni dell’ordinanza ministeriale;
2) - dichiarazione di inammissibilità o nullità delle domande ed esclusione dalla procedura concorsuale, nonché esame dei relativi ricorsi in opposizione;
3) - costituzione delle commissioni giudicatrici;
4) - pubblicazione delle graduatorie provvisorie redatte dalle Commissioni giudicatrici ed esame dei reclami avverso errori materiali;
5) - approvazione e pubblicazione delle graduatorie definitive;
6) - assunzione a tempo indeterminato dei candidati utilmente collocati in graduatoria, nei limiti del contingente delle assunzioni autorizzate dall’Amministrazione Centrale.
questo il link per scaricare i modelli
Ricordiamo che il modello di domanda G choice of the locations of schools must be sent via the online instances.
recall that at the provincial center of Bari and the local contact points are available for advice in the days pre .
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