Friday, March 4, 2011

Buying A 20 X 24 Polaroid Camera


We carry the interview conducted by I-Fashion!
this is the link:


Vintage, and self-produced remake of the Vanitas Market

There is no denying the fact that the vintage is back and so overwhelmingly appointments multiply and designers indulges itself. Elisa, creator and organizer of the Vanitas Market, Vintage, and self-produced remake of Cremona tells us a bit 'this world as it is varied and the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving birth to a Cremona Vintage.

How did the idea of \u200b\u200ba vintage fair in Cremona? What distinguishes Vanitas other vintage appointments? The

Vanitas'Market, born in May of 2010, an appointment is not only dedicated to vintage, but also to auto-production of young designers / designers / craftsmen.
My will is in fact to create an event from conception "commercial" but totally creative spirit. Vanitas'Market wants to ensure some kind of temporary shop open where visitors can make purchases, but also a reference point for fans of the genre and for all creative people in general. The choice of Cremona, then, is dictated by my residence registry, but not limited to ... is an attempt, I would say well done, to give my city a more diverse tourist interest, and show that not only exists as a city of Milan fashion ... but the province can tell her!

vintage dress What does it mean today?
vintage dress today means above mix and increase their critical thinking skills .... It is not necessario – anzi, trovo che sia un po’ scontato se non ridicolo – vestire al 100% con capi vintage. Lo styling vincente è invece un adeguato insieme di vintage, capi preziosi di marca, autoproduzioni artigianali e capi più cheap. Per avere uno stile unico, anche se in linea con la moda del momento.

Che pezzo non deve mai mancare nell’armadio di una donna vintage?
Secondo il mio personale giudizio – e il mio armadio ne è un testimone fin troppo eloquente – se si vuole acquistare dei capi vintage opterei sicuramente per qualche capo spalla anni ‘60 e ‘70, dalla linea asciutta che dona a qualunque fisico, per una serie abitini da cocktail e da giorno (dal classic little black dress with printed cotton sun) and a good variety of accessories to match according to the style or color of clothing such as sunglasses, jewelry, belts, handbags.

There is a vintage garment that has made history in your opinion?
Well, there's only one ... there are lots of examples, both in the history of fashion in the most recent oldest. There are leaders who have made history for their good taste, as worn by Hollywood stars ... or simply because they have made headlines. In the latter case, for example, the suit will shoot from clothing to work, or Mary Quant miniskirt. Really difficult to wear with class.
I would say that the leaders several times by the designers, and indispensable for a woman of today, are the above-mentioned trench, a little black dress Audrey style, a vintage scarf, a Borsalino-style hat and a bag in hand (Kelly, well, of course not if everyone can afford!).

who is at the type of your appointment? What do you look who comes to your show?
Our targeted visitors is very varied .. it goes branded by the lady in the girls skinny jeans. Certainly the prevailing type of visitor is between 25 and forty years, female, very attentive but not a slave to fashion, personal style. Since the first edition were also very many in the fashion industry as stylists, designers, journalists, graphic designers and buyers. And this is a great achievement! The important thing is not how much you spend, but spend well.

your opinion, what is now the most important appointment vintage in Italy?
For years I shot in country markets and Charity - the best places to do real business - even if ultimately it is increasingly difficult to find beautiful pieces at affordable prices. This is a little 'vintage of the problem, nowadays .. the rise of his popularity and the difficulty of finding merchandise in good condition from 80 down pushed up prices sharply and simultaneously lowered the quality of the vendors. I would say that the most important event is NEXT VINTAGE Castle Belgioiso, undisputed king of the vintage for many years.
Very well maintained and modern in design, also from the standpoint of communication, VINTAGE SELECTION at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence and Summer Jamboree in Senigallia (AN). I recommend the latter, rather than for shopping, vintage 360-degree experience, with concerts, parties and a "wildlife" of customers in 50's style spectacular.


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