E' l'ora della Costituzione: la FLC CGIL di Bari al fianco delle mobilitazione per scuola e Carta costituzionale
Even teachers in our province, individuals and committees are being organized to take the day Saturday, March 12 mobilization cross that undermines the focus of public respect for the Constitution and public education system that is a fundamental part.
With this release, we also call us to mobilize our members inviting them to express in all places and in the manner they deem appropriate. Perhaps taking a cue from what they have already done a few days ago the teachers of Liceo Classico "Flacco" in Bari with this document signed by several teachers and distributed in the various institutional channels and media .
The FLC CGIL di Bari, as the FLC CGIL national , is committed to supporting the events of citizens and teachers of the next March 12, both the Roman and those which will be held in Bari and its province, even without the own symbols. For us this event, in addition to
be a useful moment to emphasize the essential constitutional knowledge, will be the first step in the path towards the great general strike of May 6 next .
Download the press release from the FLC CGIL in Bari on March 12.
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