University: the news from the Poli.Ba. and the position of the FLC CGIL trade union
the confused situation crossing the Italian universities, after approval of the Gelmini Law, the universities these days Bari add some special problems related not only to the implementation local scale of the reform, but also the definition of situations pending for some time.
And so at the Politecnico di Bari is the Piano Performance and the appointment of new Managing Director are reduced to mere "communications" to the trade unions. These are two important acts for the life of the Polytechnic of Bari on which representatives of workers, MSW and territorial organizations, wanted to / could make its own contribution, but the rationale behind the measures taken by the gelminiana Brunetta and reform have generated a climate not conducive to discussion and consultation in which the union government authorities of the university system
are convinced that they could act, Deprived of those representing instances and views of workers and operators.
Here is a summary and evaluation of recent meetings at the union Poli.Ba.
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