were more than 500 of the precarious School , 's University of and Research of' AFAM who have turned at the provincial and territorial ones of FLC CGIL di Bari to prevent the standard halter contained in the work-related (Law 183/2010) to prescribe the right to challenge their contracts expired and repeated by the guilty in the form of "time determined "for decades.
The time is now nearly expired, because the period of 60 days imposed by Sacconi coincides with the Jan. 23, coincidentally a Sunday one day and then removed the ability to earn, with a registered letter, more Time for real actions that will start shortly. In yet
di impedire il più possibile l’esercizio dei propri diritti, non è un caso neppure che il Collegato al lavoro sia entrato in vigore il 24 novembre 2010 con scadenza per impugnare i contratti 23 gennaio 2011 , periodo che di fatto esclude dalla possibilità di essere utilizzati almeno 15 giorni di chiusura degli uffici per festività.
Nonostante ciò, il tentativo di impedire i ricorsi è stato sventato e moltissime lavoratrici e lavoratori non hanno rinunciato, grazie alla nostra
capillare campagna di informazione ed all’assistenza offerta , a far valere i propri diritti. Tutti coloro i quali si sono rivolti alla FLC di Bari verranno short contacted and brought into contact with our law firm, which will initiate and monitor the process of their actions, not assessed before each work situation explicit terms, the conditions, the pros and the against a possible lawsuit.
While the Government intends to cancel, in knowledge, the right to stability, the accounts in hand FLC CGIL has shown that it is possible for the state, well save € 550 million over the next three years covering with recruitment 100,000 stable places in school, as is possible at almost zero cost, stabilization in the university in research and nell'AFAM.
The goal of the campaign of FLC CGIL "Operation hundred thousand" is precisely to show that you can combine stable employment, quality of service and cost savings for the state coffers. It is "only" a matter of political will.
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