Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beautiful Agony Pattycake

of Bari and University: the candidate of the FLC CGIL first elected to the National University Council

È un grande risultato per la FLC l'elezione di Renato Comanducci   al Consiglio Universitario Nazionale. Guarda gli esiti del voto.
Il nostro candidato ottiene 3.463 voti , classificandosi primo davanti a Raimondo (UIL) ed a Lazzarini (CISL), che ottengono rispettivamente 2.682 e 2627 voti.
Non eletti la candidata dello SNALS ed il candidato di RdB e di CISAL.
Nelle elezioni precedenti Renato fu secondo, dietro la CISL, con 2.099 voti.
As we said in every possible occasion was an important vote.
After the fights against the DDL Gelmini and devastation in the public service by the duo Brunetta / Tremonti and the theft of the vote for the RSU was a first, albeit partial, electoral test. And it went just fine with Comanducci that almost doubles the votes compared to last time and with the election of many scientists and researchers engaged in struggles to counter the counter-Gelmini and the confirmation or the entry of quality teachers.
The CUN is engaged in examining the decrees of
Law 240/2010 and it is important that it is up to the task that was assigned.
The National University Council, with all the limitations you may encounter, is the sole representative body of all the university system because they sit inside the faculty, deans, students, contracted personnel, managing directors and principals.
We believe that this body should be further enhanced , but not limited to the views of "technical" it expresses, but also for that "political" role instead of the current Minister seems to ignore.
Un ringraziamento grande e convinto va a tutte quelle lavoratrici e lavoratori dell'Università che hanno partecipato al voto ed in particolare a quelli che hanno voluto, ancora una volta, sostenere e dare fiducia alla CGIL confermandone la forza e l'autorevolezza.
ELENCO dei Docenti (ordinari/associati/ricercatori) sostenuti dalla FLC CGIL ed ELETTI (10 SU 42)
Area 3 (Chimica) Alessandro Pezzella , ricercatore
Area 5 (Biologia) Marco Cosentino , associated Fabio Naro, associated Luciana Migliore, researcher
Area 7 (Agricultural and Veterinary) Annamaria Pisi, researcher Achille Schiavone, associated
Area 10 (historical Antiques artistic) Stefano Tortorella ,  ordinario,  Laura Restuccia ,  ricercatrice
Area 12 (Giurisprudenza) Giuseppe Bassu, ricercatore
Area 13 (Economia e statistica)  Enza Caruso ,  ricercatrice


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