Monday, January 17, 2011

Can You Trade Pokemon On An Emulator

Nuovi sportelli FLC CGIL in provincia di Bari

Poster door
FLC CGIL in Terlizzi
Starting this week two new branches are operating of FLC CGIL di Bari in addition to the 22 already active throughout the province.
new points of support and assistance to school staff have already started to work in these days and Trigg Turi at the Houses of municipal work-CGIL. On the page "contacts " (button to click at the top) is the list of sites updated with the new entry , addresses and phone numbers to contact to get information directly on the urgent your municipality of residence or service. A change to note is already active in the operation of the facility to Monopoly
which will now reach every Friday from 16.30 to 19.
Special thanks go to all that s the s comrades the voluntary / i who with great generosity and sacrifice their free time, dedicated attention and welcome to the many and often complicated issues of school workers, always trying to guide them in better way.


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