Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mercola Metabolic Typing


In Viale Repubblica, close to the lakeside space for the self-produced crafts and vintage clothing and accessories with 30 selected exhibitors who will offer unique and unavailable for all ages and all budgets.

A day of full immersion in many stands where the watchword is "originality." The Vanitas' Market, the colorful market of vintage clothing, and auto-production remake, is ready to debut in the heart of Iseo, the first event is scheduled for Sunday, February 6th Avenue in Republic from 10 to 18.

will be 30 exhibitors - from all over the northern Italy - for this premiere, and certainly not miss the curiosity and opportunities to return home with clothes, bags, accessories and gifts decidedly unusual.

example? ►

vintage Among the exhibitors, will certainly notice Tc Maria Luigia from Collecchio (PR), which specializes in sportswear from the 70s onwards. The owner is a former tennis champion, Daniel Saccone, a great lover and collector of clothing for the sport. ►

To all the girls and women who want to feel the divas of the past, surrounded by clouds of vaporous chiffon miss is the booth Shabby Chic , from the province of Rovigo, featuring cocktail dresses and wedding directly from the '50s and '60s. ► Only

glasses, of every age and shape, this is the proposed Trisha Lover's lunettes , historic vintage from Piacenza, who for years research and sells vintage eyeglasses, but still new stock. Real opportunities for all fans of the genre! ►

However, the vintage is not only fashionable, but also a philosophy linked to the reuse of clothing and accessories so that they can continue to live. And when philosophy meets this solidarity born initiatives such as The Island Charity Iseo - for the first time in the Vanitas' Market - offering clothing used to collect funds to countries like Sudan, Zimbabwe, Congo and Tanzania.

And for those who are looking for something unique? ►
Everywhere, for each appointment of Vanitas' Market, the Temporary Shop Shop Cremonese Lovely Viper, which specializes in hard to find clothing and accessories from the most famous European capitals


► particularly interesting stands of About me , which offers sophisticated and multi-functional clothing; to tricot chats with clothing and accessories for adults and children in natural alpaca; Skai , da Brescia, e i suoi originali cappucci in felpa e jersey brevettati; D'aria Cappelli , sempre dalla città della leonessa, con le sue creazioni apprezzatissime da ragazze...di tutte le età!




► Innovativi e di sicuro effetto per chi li indossa, i bijoux floreali di Minou Bijoux della cremonese Emilia Alquati, realizzati con la tecnica del “sospeso trasparente”, una particolare lavorazione che consente di eseguire dei fiori tridimensionali molto suggestivi.


► Ma al Vanitas'Market c'è posto anche per lo shpopping per i più piccini, con le creazioni per bimbi di Mamma Nae e Be – Bà , due giovani mamme milanesi che hanno fatto di una necessità - coniugare lavoro e famiglia - e di una passione – quella per l'abbigliamento da bambino - un vero e proprio lavoro.


Il tema del riciclo è un tema molto presente al Vanitas' Market, che incoraggia un consumo più ragionato e una nuova coscienza etica dello shopping.
Numerosi sono infatti gli espositori che hanno fatto del riutilizzo di materiali il loro punto di departure for their creations.

► How Not to mention the shopper bags created from the packaging of coffee Markets Mauritius, from Piacenza, or the jewels of rolled paper Anita Zanzottera , or the colorful creations of chats Violet Laura Gardoni that recycles everything from scraps of fabric, buttons, beads, colored ... the important thing is that it is having an effect!


tea and mulled wine for all features of Gremo House!

Vanitas' Market with collaborates Gremo House : art & design shops in Vanitas heal for Iseo The section dedicated to art and events of this new monthly feature.
Inside the Vanitas' Market will find a space and then "Gremio", colorful and fun, which will offer designer items, installations, exhibitions and live performances by emerging artists.

From 17.00 onwards, also missed the "Gremo drink" tea and mulled wine for everyone for free!

Where and when:

Iseo (BS) - Avenue of the Republic of Iseo
first Sunday of every month from February 6, 2011 (FREE ADMISSION)
Hours: 10.00/18.00

For info:

Vanitas Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax : 0372.1900158
Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: Facebook Elisa Boldori

Vanitas'Market in Iseo is an event organized by Elisa Vanitas Boldori in collaboration with the town of Iseo and Gremio House.

List of exhibitors:

1-About Me - Cremona

2-Anita Zanzottera - Adro (BS) 3-

Aristide - Cremona

4-Betty concept - Gambara (BS)

5-Bidi Bibodi Bibu artisanaux Bijoux - Cremona

6-create one of Lorenza Stradiotti - Cremona

7-Creations Monica Blessed - Cremona

8-Creations Baby Mama's Nae and Be-Ba - Milan

9-D'aria Hats - Lonato (BS) 10-

Eppiland Creations - Pilzoine Iseo (BS)

11-Phoenix Vintage Philosophy - Cittadella (VI) 12-

Frantically Creattiva - Lumezzane (BS) 13-

Hara Zu - La Spezia

14-Gremo house - Iseo (BS)

15 - Happy Books - Modena
The 16-
Market grandmother Miki - Sarnico (BS) 17-La Gatta

a Pois - Cremona

18-Chats tricot - Bergamo

19-The chat violet

20 - Les Envers Sara Turatello - S . Lazzaro (BO)

21-Island of Charity - Iseo (BS) 22-Lovely

viper Temporary shop - Cremona

23-Maurizio Markets - Podenzano (PC)

24-Minou Bijoux Alquati Emilia - Soresina (CR)

25-ResurrAction - Roe (BS)

26-Shabby Chic vintage - Castelnuovo Bariano (RO)

27-Sweet Creations - Orzinuovi (BS)

28-Skai - Brescia

29-Tc Maria Luigia - Collecchio ( PR)

30-Trisha lover's lunettes - Bettola (pc)


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