Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Does Myammee Do?

University: the news from the Poli.Ba. and the position of the FLC CGIL trade union

the confused situation crossing the Italian universities, after approval of the Gelmini Law, the universities these days Bari add some special problems related not only to the implementation local scale of the reform, but also the definition of situations pending for some time.
And so at the Politecnico di Bari is the Piano Performance and the appointment of new Managing Director are reduced to mere "communications" to the trade unions. These are two important acts for the life of the Polytechnic of Bari on which representatives of workers, MSW and territorial organizations, wanted to / could make its own contribution, but the rationale behind the measures taken by the gelminiana Brunetta and reform have generated a climate not conducive to discussion and consultation in which the union government authorities of the university system
are convinced that they could act, Deprived of those representing instances and views of workers and operators.
Here is a summary and evaluation of recent meetings at the union Poli.Ba.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beautiful Agony Pattycake

of Bari and University: the candidate of the FLC CGIL first elected to the National University Council

È un grande risultato per la FLC l'elezione di Renato Comanducci   al Consiglio Universitario Nazionale. Guarda gli esiti del voto.
Il nostro candidato ottiene 3.463 voti , classificandosi primo davanti a Raimondo (UIL) ed a Lazzarini (CISL), che ottengono rispettivamente 2.682 e 2627 voti.
Non eletti la candidata dello SNALS ed il candidato di RdB e di CISAL.
Nelle elezioni precedenti Renato fu secondo, dietro la CISL, con 2.099 voti.
As we said in every possible occasion was an important vote.
After the fights against the DDL Gelmini and devastation in the public service by the duo Brunetta / Tremonti and the theft of the vote for the RSU was a first, albeit partial, electoral test. And it went just fine with Comanducci that almost doubles the votes compared to last time and with the election of many scientists and researchers engaged in struggles to counter the counter-Gelmini and the confirmation or the entry of quality teachers.
The CUN is engaged in examining the decrees of
Law 240/2010 and it is important that it is up to the task that was assigned.
The National University Council, with all the limitations you may encounter, is the sole representative body of all the university system because they sit inside the faculty, deans, students, contracted personnel, managing directors and principals.
We believe that this body should be further enhanced , but not limited to the views of "technical" it expresses, but also for that "political" role instead of the current Minister seems to ignore.
Un ringraziamento grande e convinto va a tutte quelle lavoratrici e lavoratori dell'Università che hanno partecipato al voto ed in particolare a quelli che hanno voluto, ancora una volta, sostenere e dare fiducia alla CGIL confermandone la forza e l'autorevolezza.
ELENCO dei Docenti (ordinari/associati/ricercatori) sostenuti dalla FLC CGIL ed ELETTI (10 SU 42)
Area 3 (Chimica) Alessandro Pezzella , ricercatore
Area 5 (Biologia) Marco Cosentino , associated Fabio Naro, associated Luciana Migliore, researcher
Area 7 (Agricultural and Veterinary) Annamaria Pisi, researcher Achille Schiavone, associated
Area 10 (historical Antiques artistic) Stefano Tortorella ,  ordinario,  Laura Restuccia ,  ricercatrice
Area 12 (Giurisprudenza) Giuseppe Bassu, ricercatore
Area 13 (Economia e statistica)  Enza Caruso ,  ricercatrice

Friday, January 28, 2011

Headphone Jack To Red White

At the start of procedures for inclusion and updating of lists of staff ATA with 24 months of service

Con la ministerial note No. 402 of January 20, 2011 , the Ministry of Education has started the preparatory procedures and dictated the regional education offices to issue instructions "as quickly as possible," calls for entering and updating the provincial candidate for the recruitment of staff ATA (school staff, technicians and administrative assistants, etc.). which have been at least 24 months (or 23 months and 16 days) of service.
We refer you to the reading of ' Ministerial Order 21 of February 23, 2009 and as of now, we suggest you register your system online instances and perform at schools the required approval in order to make faster and more reliable once the application to be issued notices by the relevant regional offices. In this regard we recall that for the insert / update the ratings of 1, band club institution (Annex G), will not need to submit the paper form for those who have made the application through the online procedure .

Please note that, like last year, is planned to compile a special Annex H for staff wishing to take advantage of benefici dell’art. 21 e dell’ art. 33 , commi 5, 6 e 7 della legge 104/92 . Tale modulo (All. H ) è integrativo e non sostitutivo della dichiarazione  resa dal candidato nei moduli domanda B1 e B2.
Le dichiarazioni concernenti i titoli di riserva ,  le dichiarazioni concernenti l’attribuzione della priorità nella scelta della sede di cui agli artt. 21 e 33, commi 5, 6 e 7 della legge 104/92 devono essere necessariamente riformulate dai candidati che presentino domanda di aggiornamento della graduatoria permanente, in quanto trattasi situations subject to expiry, if not reappointed, shall mean no more possessed.
recall that at the provincial center of Bari and the local contact points are available for advice in the days pre .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mercola Metabolic Typing


In Viale Repubblica, close to the lakeside space for the self-produced crafts and vintage clothing and accessories with 30 selected exhibitors who will offer unique and unavailable for all ages and all budgets.

A day of full immersion in many stands where the watchword is "originality." The Vanitas' Market, the colorful market of vintage clothing, and auto-production remake, is ready to debut in the heart of Iseo, the first event is scheduled for Sunday, February 6th Avenue in Republic from 10 to 18.

will be 30 exhibitors - from all over the northern Italy - for this premiere, and certainly not miss the curiosity and opportunities to return home with clothes, bags, accessories and gifts decidedly unusual.

example? ►

vintage Among the exhibitors, will certainly notice Tc Maria Luigia from Collecchio (PR), which specializes in sportswear from the 70s onwards. The owner is a former tennis champion, Daniel Saccone, a great lover and collector of clothing for the sport. ►

To all the girls and women who want to feel the divas of the past, surrounded by clouds of vaporous chiffon miss is the booth Shabby Chic , from the province of Rovigo, featuring cocktail dresses and wedding directly from the '50s and '60s. ► Only

glasses, of every age and shape, this is the proposed Trisha Lover's lunettes , historic vintage from Piacenza, who for years research and sells vintage eyeglasses, but still new stock. Real opportunities for all fans of the genre! ►

However, the vintage is not only fashionable, but also a philosophy linked to the reuse of clothing and accessories so that they can continue to live. And when philosophy meets this solidarity born initiatives such as The Island Charity Iseo - for the first time in the Vanitas' Market - offering clothing used to collect funds to countries like Sudan, Zimbabwe, Congo and Tanzania.

And for those who are looking for something unique? ►
Everywhere, for each appointment of Vanitas' Market, the Temporary Shop Shop Cremonese Lovely Viper, which specializes in hard to find clothing and accessories from the most famous European capitals


► particularly interesting stands of About me , which offers sophisticated and multi-functional clothing; to tricot chats with clothing and accessories for adults and children in natural alpaca; Skai , da Brescia, e i suoi originali cappucci in felpa e jersey brevettati; D'aria Cappelli , sempre dalla città della leonessa, con le sue creazioni apprezzatissime da ragazze...di tutte le età!




► Innovativi e di sicuro effetto per chi li indossa, i bijoux floreali di Minou Bijoux della cremonese Emilia Alquati, realizzati con la tecnica del “sospeso trasparente”, una particolare lavorazione che consente di eseguire dei fiori tridimensionali molto suggestivi.


► Ma al Vanitas'Market c'è posto anche per lo shpopping per i più piccini, con le creazioni per bimbi di Mamma Nae e Be – Bà , due giovani mamme milanesi che hanno fatto di una necessità - coniugare lavoro e famiglia - e di una passione – quella per l'abbigliamento da bambino - un vero e proprio lavoro.


Il tema del riciclo è un tema molto presente al Vanitas' Market, che incoraggia un consumo più ragionato e una nuova coscienza etica dello shopping.
Numerosi sono infatti gli espositori che hanno fatto del riutilizzo di materiali il loro punto di departure for their creations.

► How Not to mention the shopper bags created from the packaging of coffee Markets Mauritius, from Piacenza, or the jewels of rolled paper Anita Zanzottera , or the colorful creations of chats Violet Laura Gardoni that recycles everything from scraps of fabric, buttons, beads, colored ... the important thing is that it is having an effect!


tea and mulled wine for all features of Gremo House!

Vanitas' Market with collaborates Gremo House : art & design shops in Vanitas heal for Iseo The section dedicated to art and events of this new monthly feature.
Inside the Vanitas' Market will find a space and then "Gremio", colorful and fun, which will offer designer items, installations, exhibitions and live performances by emerging artists.

From 17.00 onwards, also missed the "Gremo drink" tea and mulled wine for everyone for free!

Where and when:

Iseo (BS) - Avenue of the Republic of Iseo
first Sunday of every month from February 6, 2011 (FREE ADMISSION)
Hours: 10.00/18.00

For info:

Vanitas Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax : 0372.1900158
Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: Facebook Elisa Boldori

Vanitas'Market in Iseo is an event organized by Elisa Vanitas Boldori in collaboration with the town of Iseo and Gremio House.

List of exhibitors:

1-About Me - Cremona

2-Anita Zanzottera - Adro (BS) 3-

Aristide - Cremona

4-Betty concept - Gambara (BS)

5-Bidi Bibodi Bibu artisanaux Bijoux - Cremona

6-create one of Lorenza Stradiotti - Cremona

7-Creations Monica Blessed - Cremona

8-Creations Baby Mama's Nae and Be-Ba - Milan

9-D'aria Hats - Lonato (BS) 10-

Eppiland Creations - Pilzoine Iseo (BS)

11-Phoenix Vintage Philosophy - Cittadella (VI) 12-

Frantically Creattiva - Lumezzane (BS) 13-

Hara Zu - La Spezia

14-Gremo house - Iseo (BS)

15 - Happy Books - Modena
The 16-
Market grandmother Miki - Sarnico (BS) 17-La Gatta

a Pois - Cremona

18-Chats tricot - Bergamo

19-The chat violet

20 - Les Envers Sara Turatello - S . Lazzaro (BO)

21-Island of Charity - Iseo (BS) 22-Lovely

viper Temporary shop - Cremona

23-Maurizio Markets - Podenzano (PC)

24-Minou Bijoux Alquati Emilia - Soresina (CR)

25-ResurrAction - Roe (BS)

26-Shabby Chic vintage - Castelnuovo Bariano (RO)

27-Sweet Creations - Orzinuovi (BS)

28-Skai - Brescia

29-Tc Maria Luigia - Collecchio ( PR)

30-Trisha lover's lunettes - Bettola (pc)

Monday, January 24, 2011

How Is Cm Before Missed Period

release unit: difficulties in the pensions sector TA of Bari

In recent days, the unions have learned in a formal meeting of a situation which, in fact, was known for a long time. The staff of the various offices of the territorial Bari is seriously underpowered because of the inability to replace staff with new competition and the scarcity conferred on the detachment of the school staff, called to active duty due to reduced staffing of schools.
Among the offices that there is more dangerously undersized pension that continues to load in a series of rather delicate tasks, including the preparation of necessary paperwork for severance pay or severance pay . You can not imagine that these workers' rights are put at risk by staff shortages of staff of the Old Testament, nor that it is pressed up to the extreme (many former school board employees are on the threshold of retirement),
even less can one think that these tasks complex can automatically switch-over to the schools, already burdened by excessive duties.
In a statement that can be read , provincial unions have agreed to meet again with the leaders of the Old Testament to find workable solutions to help reconcile the needs and continue to guarantee the rights of the staff employed in offices and those ATA teachers and school service.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kit Optimist Sailboat


were more than 500 of the precarious School , 's University of and Research of' AFAM who have turned at the provincial and territorial ones of FLC CGIL di Bari to prevent the standard halter contained in the work-related (Law 183/2010) to prescribe the right to challenge their contracts expired and repeated by the guilty in the form of "time determined "for decades.
The time is now nearly expired, because the period of 60 days imposed by Sacconi coincides with the Jan. 23, coincidentally a Sunday one day and then removed the ability to earn, with a registered letter, more Time for real actions that will start shortly. In yet
di impedire il più possibile l’esercizio dei propri diritti, non è un caso neppure che il Collegato al lavoro sia entrato in vigore il 24 novembre 2010 con scadenza per impugnare i contratti 23 gennaio 2011 , periodo che di fatto esclude dalla possibilità di essere utilizzati almeno 15 giorni di chiusura degli uffici per festività.
Nonostante ciò, il tentativo di impedire i ricorsi è stato sventato e moltissime lavoratrici e lavoratori non hanno rinunciato, grazie alla nostra
capillare campagna di informazione ed all’assistenza offerta , a far valere i propri diritti.
Tutti coloro i quali si sono rivolti alla FLC di Bari verranno short contacted and brought into contact with our law firm, which will initiate and monitor the process of their actions, not assessed before each work situation explicit terms, the conditions, the pros and the against a possible lawsuit.
While the Government intends to cancel, in knowledge, the right to stability, the accounts in hand FLC CGIL has shown that it is possible for the state, well save € 550 million over the next three years covering with recruitment 100,000 stable places in school, as is possible at almost zero cost, stabilization in the university in research and nell'AFAM.
The goal of the campaign of FLC CGIL "Operation hundred thousand" is precisely to show that you can combine stable employment, quality of service and cost savings for the state coffers. It is "only" a matter of political will.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Do Sororities Make You Do


L 'art & design shops in Vanitas Iseo will be responsible for the section dedicated to art and events Vanitas'Market to Iseo.

Boys Gremio have accepted the invitation to work together to Vanitas of the new edition of Vanitas'Market in Iseo, to be held in Republic Street from 6 February and first Sunday of each month throughout 2011.

The studio / shop boys Gremio deals with design and graphics ... but not only.
In fact, the ground floor of GREMI HOUSE is a shop / showroom dedicated to emerging brands, artists and designers. Inside the

Vanitas'Market then find a space "Gremio", colorful and fun, where to find designer items, installations, exhibitions and live performances by emerging artists.

From 17.00 onwards, moreover, do not miss the "Gremo aperitif .. with the free distribution of tea and mulled wine!


art & design shop

Iseo, lane 7 Barcarole
Opening: Tuesday, Saturday: 12:30 10 .. / / 16 .. 19:30
Mon-Sun closed


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Implantation Bleeding 8 Days After Period

enroll your children in a school of quality. La FLC CGIL di Bari per il tempo pieno e le 30 ore nella primaria

The circular markings on issued in recent days by the Minister opens the deadlines to enroll children and young people in educational institutions of various orders. This year the deadline is February 12 .
As it happens two years from now the entry forms for primary schools will offer different choices to families about the school time to offer their children. Opportunities in a false reality, considering that, again for two years now, the staff of teachers is assigned to schools for only 27 hours per week . Everything else is guaranteed only if the school has the opportunity to meet with co-hours remaining.
is why the only remaining possibility for families to be able to attend a quality school for a time
reasonable is to enroll children in primary full-time. Already two years the demands are constant and exponential growth: now we have to further increase this demand, pushing further into a model suitable to the times of school and learning styles of children.
Here is the press release of the FLC CGIL di Bari that invites families to make this option in the choice of school time.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Can You Trade Pokemon On An Emulator

Nuovi sportelli FLC CGIL in provincia di Bari

Poster door
FLC CGIL in Terlizzi
Starting this week two new branches are operating of FLC CGIL di Bari in addition to the 22 already active throughout the province.
new points of support and assistance to school staff have already started to work in these days and Trigg Turi at the Houses of municipal work-CGIL. On the page "contacts " (button to click at the top) is the list of sites updated with the new entry , addresses and phone numbers to contact to get information directly on the urgent your municipality of residence or service. A change to note is already active in the operation of the facility to Monopoly
which will now reach every Friday from 16.30 to 19.
Special thanks go to all that s the s comrades the voluntary / i who with great generosity and sacrifice their free time, dedicated attention and welcome to the many and often complicated issues of school workers, always trying to guide them in better way.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Best Place To Get Waxed In Ottawa?

Gli strumenti per difendersi dalla legge "ammazzaricorsi"

We want to start by thanking the hundreds of working men and women who have had the patience tonight to reach Bari and adapt to the inconvenience caused by the small space offered the school who kindly hosted. We could not provide a lot of turnout, although the issue was so delicate, we thank you for your trust and we apologize for the inconvenience. Back to square one.
Who has had the opportunity to listen to our interventions realized that FLC CGIL is clear . At this stage no one has to afford to cheat the workers, taking advantage of a shameful law that wants to put a tombstone on the contracts of temporary workers. No one was forced to forced membership, let alone to pay one euro. Simply, it is now urgent work around the limitation period provided by law Sacconi (Law 183/10, known as "ammazzaricorsi") attached to January 23 (the date by which the employer must receive the appeal) . We have also made clear (say it for weeks) that there is no stabilization by the courts on the outskirts of all this flourish of appeals, we are very skeptical of the judicial outcome, we were never convinced this channel and we have not hesitated to declare it. However, at this stage (given also the coincidence of favorable court ruling in Siena and deadlines imposed by the narrow L.183) also leverage the court may become a tool for increasing political pressure and get: the withdrawal of the last tranche of cuts planned for next year the program plan on the rationalization of human resources and developing a plan for the recruitment of 100 thousand now precarious proposed by FLC in of "Operation 100 thousand."
All concerned may use: this form
to challenge the contracts and ask stabilization (conversion of employment, salary steps and possibly contract extension from 30 / 6 31 / 8) this to ask for one extension of contracts from 30 / 6 to 31 / 8 , this for regular staff who wishes to apply for recognition of his career in full (for these workers is not the end of the 23 peremptory). Modules similar to the stabilization of employment are available to employees of other divisions of knowledge: AFAM , University , Search .
in doubt, we recommend that you enter into this or found any other pre-employment relationship (if there are too many, at least the most significant: those with at least 180 days of service, those on vacancies, etc.). The selection of such contracts will specifically attack made when it comes to composing the court of law to be filed in court, that we will do in each case (calling all members that will be reported) with our office and staff of the FLC. The current contract enter it in this statement, but remember that you must challenge it within 60 days after its expiry in the same way.
expenses that the actions will result will be clarified to everyone who can take advantage of our support in a clear before issuing any legal mandate. Before that moment, nothing is owed. Part of the conditions (together with additional information) are explained sil site of FLC Puglia as valid for any province.
Anyone who needs further clarification and assistance in compiling can contact us by, arise in locations where there are our local contacts and / or contact them directly . Tomorrow, Thursday and again on Tuesday 18 and Thursday 20 we will, as usual in our hotel in Bari (Camera del Lavoro CGIL Via Crispi 83 / c), available to those who want to go directly to the FLC for this additional form of protection.
It reminds all those interested to make the action represented by. D'Addabbo Chamber of Labour to bring in a copy of the notice spedita al MIUR con raccomandata, insieme alla ricevuta di ritorno della stessa.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How Does A Viginia Look


Vanitas'Market, the market for vintage clothing and accessories and auto-production that saw its first editions in Cremona, arrives with a monthly market in Iseo first Sunday of each month from 6 February 2011 and for all! Do not miss the opportunity to be there!

If you are a graphic, uno street artist, un performer, un artista o uno stilista che opera nelle tematiche del vintage e dell'ecosostenibilità, e vuoi avere visibilità gratuitamente tramite mostre e allestimenti, scrivi una e-mail a descrivendo la tua attività e allegando un link e qualche foto dei tuoi lavori!
Potrai esporli durante la manifestazione!

Se sei un blogger o un giornalista, e ti interessa conoscere più a fondo il nostro evento, e fare un articolo o un reportage sul nostro blog... contattaci sempre via e-mail! Il tuo blog/sito/magazine sarà inserito negli amici di Vanitas su!

Vanitas di Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax: 0372.1900158 - Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: - Facebook: Elisa Boldori

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Do Bones Or Ligaments Heal Faster

cari tutti

Dear friends and dear friends, thank you so much for your affection.
some time looking confused inside of me a new purpose for my blog, something I do not take away from Hugh but I get nearer to him. I do not even know me. Look to cultivate in me the answer to my need to do something for him.
embrace you with affection and gratitude marine