Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Died From Heart Palpitations



The CIP join the strike on 11 December in opposition to the initiatives of the government's education policy. The majority, despite the obvious and widespread opposition knowledge of the world, continues its destructive policies of public schools in favor of a narrow-minded view of education and marketable. Minister Gelmini, even with the reform of upper secondary school, has shown its inconsistency and ignorance. Forcing the times, to comply with the dictates of the Minister Tremonti, is poised to launch a restructuring plan that is only a trivial simplification accompanied by the confirmation system "kind" of public school.
A reform that has as its objective the ideological purpose, as stated by the same authors, the "innumerable trials, daughters sessantottino culture" as if the fault of low skill levels of Italian students was attributable to a particular ideological system, rather than to the low level of investment so far stubbornly pursued.
Nothing new, then, if not the usual dark cuts.
In light of everything that we can not confirm the reasons that several times in recent years, they did take to the streets against the CIP school policies implemented by this government. CIP
I strongly oppose the cuts in teaching posts, the insane increase in class size, the removal of support for pupils with disabilities, reducing the time schools, the closure of scuole, alla  limitazione degli indirizzi scolastici, alla negazione delle risorse per il  recupero, alla decurtazione dei fondi di gestione degli istituti e a tutto  ciò, in conclusione, che è contro il sacrosanto diritto all'istruzione.
"Ancora una volta i precari della scuola scioperano per il  diritto dei giovani ad un'istruzione pubblica libera e di qualità, perché  – chiarisce Maristella Curreli, presidente nazionale dei C.I.P. comitato  insegnanti precari – oggi , ancor più che ieri, la nostra precarietà  lavorativa si sta saldando con quella esistenziale delle future generazioni,  specie quelle culturalmente e socialmente più svantaggiate. Questo governo  sta, a noi e a loro, rubando il futuro".

Roma, 8 Dicembre 2009                         C.I.P.- Comitato Insegnanti Precari
Associazione  riconosciuta  dal  M.I.U.R.  con  Nota  Ministeriale  prot. n. 31653 del  30/09/1998
CIP_Associazione Nazionale - via Achille Mauri, 28 - 00135 Roma - tel 06 30683053  -  339 8477138 - 3381996449 - 3293962516

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Anyone Ever Misdiagnosed With Herpes

release of Cip Taranto: solidarity with the principals of the territory

Ecco il comunicato del Cip Taranto di solidarietà ai presidi del territorio.
the CIP Committee Precarious Teachers of Taranto, expresses solidarity with the headmasters of our province signed the document which urged the Minister Gelmini to review the educational policy of the government and denounce the situation management difficulties for schools run by them. What
that of the ministry was not a policy in favor of the public school Cip had already held the first acts of the government rather than enhance, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, public education by strengthening the resources of time, human economic and structural reform of the school put in place by the Minister Gelmini forced, especially the South, to pay in terms di tagli al servizio, minando come denunciato dai Presidi la sussistenza e la qualità dell'offerta formativa delle nostre scuole statali. I provvedimenti stanno colpendo i servizi scolastici essenziali, come la qualità degli studi nei casi di mancata sostituzione dei docenti assenti e del sopraffollamento delle classi, come la sicurezza e la pulizia delle scuole visto i tagli al personale addetto alla collaborazione scolastica, come l'istruzione gratuita perchè si richiede ancora di più il contributo delle famiglie per il funzionamento ordinario delle scuole. Invece di sostenere e rilanciare la scuola, la riforma Gelmini gioca al ribasso, risparmia risorse, taglia cattedre, classi e finanziamenti, riduce tempi e prospettive, realizza risparmi straordinari on current expenditure.
Our solidarity has a basis, we write an informed opinion. We are temporary teachers with years of experience and we got to know and work in schools of all levels located all over the province. Too often we meet again in inadequate facilities on the structural and system in chronic deficiencies of the simplest materials for the development of teaching and the most basic support required for the life of a community, the number of pupils in classes with more than recommended, in conclusion in schools where uncertainty reigns, and not just the temporary staff as we do. To raise the school should invest instead signals arriving from Rome are humiliating, with a hostage, and Assistant Minister in the economy, devoid of real pedagogical initiatives. Just
08/10/2009 at the hearing last job of the House Commission XI of the CIP, in the statement filed, in light of this situation, have reiterated the ministry of education needs a minister of increased political, skill, experience, free from hatred towards the government and the destructive fury to the State School. And 'why today we hear and denounce the precarious management of Deans is joined with our lack of job, and that the quality of public education is incompatible with a state uncertainty of resources and personnel.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Can I Take A Ski Boat Into The Ocean



The CIP adhere to the Oct. 23 strike against the efforts of Minister Gelmini's education policy and governance in education and precarious. The Ministers and Gelmini Tremonti, ferocious and indiscriminate cuts through, to pass safely in history for dismantling the public school from the ground by reducing time school, classes, training offer only for mere cash transactions. With a government unable to make ends meet through the state long-term structural reforms, public education has become the place where to get resources through the curtailment of media and cuts, enacting it the paradox of disinvestment and subtract the future of the nation itself. On the merits of the CIP are opposed to reform of higher education which is nothing if not a goner yet another plan for reorganization and rationalization cuts address. A reform that appears devoid of any educational and scientific reliability and that, as is now typical of this government, abolish what is good and fruitful (such as some valid trials) to leave intact addresses curricula in need of an 'effective review.
The CIP, on temporary work, reiterate their opposition to the contracts of service which, as already widely reported from the start, are proving a remedy worse than the disease, a measure unfair and detrimental to the entire category, after years of insecurity, instead of reaching the stabilization work, is ejected and left it at home in return for compensation Unemployment, which already rightfully. The Decree 134/09, and its conversion into law, is proving yet another guillotine precarious, since it also eliminates the last remaining hopes of using the labor courts to denounce the abuse of fixed-term contracts by the Public Education , abuse already detected and condemned by the European Court of Justice.
Finally, the CIP, in adhering to the strike, can not but take note of yet division of the trade union front that continues to manifest in days for the same reasons and in different ways. But we feel it right now than ever as the opposition to the plan for disposal of the public schools need to overcome divisions and surreptitious instrumental to find unity of purpose: what is at stake is the future of democracy and freedom in the Italian school.

Rome, October 20th, 2009 Precarious
Teachers Association recognized by the Ministry of Education with Ministerial Note prot. No 31653 of the National 9/30/1998 CIP_Associazione - Via Achille Mauri, 28-00135 Roma - tel 06 30683053-339 8477138 - 3381996449-3293962516

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Implantation Bleeding Twice With Twins

I joined the demonstration in favor of press freedom

The CIP Committee Precarious Teachers align themselves with civic event sponsored by you in favor of press freedom and against oppression, intimidation and threats of gag laws designed to limit its action and function in detriment of fair and free democratic life of our country. The CIP credit in the correct, complete, timely, plural, not bound by conflicts of interest and interference from the heavy political and economic powers of a party, believing that, just the 'autonomy is the cornerstone of freedom of knowledge, assessment, Thought and choice of each person.
The CIP are opposed to information drift fake, diverted, adulterated. When information is unable to provide data for the evaluation and selection, which prevents you know, you understand, you think. In an economic and social so much criticism, the CIP must believe that the information is alert, free and able to analyze and represent the complete picture of the country's problems, especially for those groups most disadvantaged by the crisis, the prevailing self-interest and attempts to deprive them of space and voice.
no coincidence that the information services - occupied and domesticated than ever before - return partial images, distorted and falsely comforting, feeding only the morbid interest to the gossip. In this way, knowingly diverts l'interesse dell'opinione pubblica dalla crudezza della realtà del momento. Questa informazione al guinzaglio mira a nascondere i gruppi e le categorie più deboli e più penalizzate dalle scelte sciagurate e scriteriate del governo. Proprio per questo, essendo la più antica e rappresentativa associazione dei precari della scuola, i C.I.P. hanno scelto di esservi accanto, di appoggiarvi nella battaglia per quel diritto alla conoscenza e alla libertà di pensiero ed espressione che considerano obiettivo comune.

Roma, Ottobre 2009 C.I.P. Direttivo Nazionale

Friday, July 10, 2009

Kate's Playground Silver Bullet

Why do we ask for the resignation Minister

Why do we ask for the resignation of Minister

by the public and private. Government to insults. Mandated to manage the school of all, and paid with the money of all, the minister Gelmini pours public financial resources for the benefit of private school. He does so through unconditional donations of those who attended superbonus diplomifici and religious institutions. It does not end here. Well as the idiot who gives the civil context.

Leaving aside the fall of style and revealed the lack of democratic respect, we try to discover the reasons for so jumpy. Certainly the reasons for dissatisfaction e frustrazione non mancano. In un anno non si di poteva far peggio. Critiche e censure sono arrivate dai media indipendenti, dal C.N.P.I. (Consigli Nazionale della Pubblica Istruzione), dalle OO.SS. (Organizzazioni Sindacali) e da quelle di categoria, dagli studenti e dai genitori, dai presidi fino ai bidelli passando per i docenti di ruolo e quelli precari, oltre che dalle opposizioni nelle commissioni come nelle aule parlamentari. Un fallimento totale.

Dal Piano programmatico ai Regolamenti, dalla chiusura delle scuole nei piccoli centri alla determinazione del numero degli alunni per classe, dalla circolare sulle iscrizioni a quella sui libri di testo, dal sistema di valutazione alla quantificazione degli organici, dal voto in condotta a quello of admission to the state, we have witnessed a long series of measures botched, wishful thinking, demagogic, uncoordinated with each other and disjointed from reality and from the installation of regulatory and functional national school system. Written rules and then correct, proposals and contradicted, advanced and disowned, launched with an urgent decree and postponed until a later date. Mirror of ignorance, ineptitude, idiocy. Three "i" instead of the real three "i" so vaunted by Minister Moratti: business, computers and English.

a run marked by complacency and arrogance. From a fury of persecution and an unparalleled hatred against state schools, of those who attended and those who work there. The supine and cowardly behavior subordinate to the Ministry of Economy has also allowed it to plunder the already limited resources available for the financial planning is essential. Typical behavior of those who have known and appreciated the state schools, having preferred the more comfortable private institutions, and public education has for an old grudge, backed up by a more recent political antagonism, as the state school would be the territory of troublemakers communists.

proof? Rather, two. The first is the minister, over the phone with "One summer morning," has recently declared proudly admitted to the fewer number of tests and was the largest number of rejected nelle classi intermedie. Si è inorgoglita dei suoi fallimenti. Confondendo la serietà con la severità. Omettendo, per ignoranza o malafede, la causa di questi insuccessi. L'impossibilità materiale di attivare gli interventi di recupero e sostegno preventivo degli alunni in difficoltà dovuta all'assenza di fondi che, com'è noto, sono stati tagliati dalla pseudoriforma targata Gelmini-Tremonti. Fondi ora travasati dalla scuola di tutti e per tutti alle scuole private. Ed ecco la seconda: la Nostra ha pensato ad un ulteriore superbonus da elargire a chi opta per scuole private e diplomifici. In sostanza, siamo di fronte ad una politica che, nella scuola settaria ed elitaria, penalizza gli studenti e favorisce i paganti. A misura di furbi, In short, a measure of who governs. Who searches for "shores of convenience" (read: Reggio Calabria, for example) to pick up securities that, elsewhere, would not achieve (read Brescia, not case). Returning to the present day, the TAR of Lazio is questioning the house of cards with the implementation measures of pseudo-Gelmini. At first the suspension of the circular on textbooks, hastily shelved by the State Council without even comply with the formal procedures. Then challenge the circular on registration and all related acts, including paying for the lack of definitive fundamental acts necessary to implement: the program plan to the Rules of the first cycle, until the size of the workforce. A demonstration of how the so-called reforms are only Gelmini "firing blanks" and not prove to be applicable. In addition to the specific failures of the Tar, also came as the Constitutional Court. The consultation has just accepted the appeals from some regions on mergers between schools that, for purely logical accounting accounting suppress the residues in the small towns of identity and legal safeguards in the area. Again, the Tar of Lazio, in these days and for the second time, upheld the appeals against the decree on the integration of the precarious "queued" in the lists are exhausted. The Administrative Court, in fact, suspended the application of the rule with all the consequences that this will lead to the use of such lists for recruitment into the role, both annual and supplying temporary assignments. In summary for the smooth running of the school. Therefore, unless further appeal of the Ministry of Education in the State Council, the inclusion "comb" and no longer "tail" will be open to all those who wish to change the precarious province. This new - yet another in a race - will have a devastating effect on the provincial education offices, with the additional slippage, which is already provided by the Ministry of Education, the operations on the staff, transfers, secondments and appointments on. At this point in August - also working for schools and USP (Offices Provincial School) - you should make all requirements for the development plan of fact.

Meanwhile, with the advent of the new school year, it will be the filling of vacancies by using the old classifications and temporary substitute. That pending the recruitment of new lists of claimants who, in all likelihood, there will be no earlier than December / January. This will cause the inevitable turnover of about one hundred thousand teachers, with all the setbacks educational, cognitive, affective and methodological discontinuity resulting from the teaching procured, half a year in all schools, especially in those "frontier". It is here that the precariousness of working a substantial number of teachers, in general, is joined with the existential, social and cultural development of pupils, those who attend the "school of hardship" if not the dispersal and avoidance of school. It is from these schools that teachers in the role may go away soon. Exactly where, by contrast, would be necessary to provide the most disadvantaged students more educational and emotional stability, greater collegiality and professional experience. Chaos, ineffectiveness, damage to the treasury, teaching sconquassi waltz and perennials of chairs, with the corollary of all complaints and loss of quality of national education systems, this is the result of the re-run Ministry of Viale Trastevere. Without entering into the senselessness of a very low profile and scientific, educational and functional reform measures undertaken by the Executive, the only run of the ministry of Education simply because they require the immediate resignation of the minister.

Rome, July 10, 2009

CIP-Committee Precarious
Teachers Association recognized by the MIUR with Ministerial Note prot. No 31653 of the National 9/30/1998 CIP_Associazione - Via Achille Mauri, 28-00135 Roma - tel 06 30683053-339 8477138 - 3381996449-3293962516

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Me N My Husband Have Herpes

The CIP join the demonstration on July 5, 2009 Meeting

Roma, 30 Ottobre 2008 da claudia_perilli.
I CIP aderiscono alla manifestazione che si terrà in p.zza Montecitorio a Roma il prossimo 15 luglio a sostegno della scuola pubblica, in difesa del diritto all'istruzione di qualità dei giovani e al lavoro dei docenti precari.
I CIP contestano, nello specifico, la frammentarietà ed estemporaneità delle iniziative legislative in materia scolastica, del tutto prive di attendibilità pedagogica e scientifica e subalterne a miopi logiche di ragioneria contabile. Ma anche l'iter d'urgenza scelto dal governo per l'approvazione, col quale ha escluso sia la concertazione con le componenti della "scuola militante" sia la contrattazione con i rappresentanti dei lavoratori del comparto scuola.
I CIP denunciano anche gli effetti destabilizzanti che tali iniziative legislative stanno avendo sulla entità, l'efficacia e la tempestività delle nomina del personale docente, con resultant injury to the smooth start of the teaching activities of the next school year. Initiatives, so clumsy as to be overexposed to too many complaints from aggrieved parties and several adverse judgments and precedent of the relevant organs of administrative justice, with the consequent loss of the remaining legal certainty in education. The CIP
, refuse the removal of over EUR 8 billion in state school funding and its transfer of public financial resources for the benefit of private school, through unconditional donations of those who attended superbonus diplomifici and sectarian institutions, the reduction of reckless economic resources necessary for normal operation but also functional ordinary educational activities, complementary, recovery and investigation, and the cancellations of classes by the abnormal increase in the number of pupils, and the withdrawal of the right integrating disabled children with the reduction of resources allocated to support and closure of school buildings in small towns, already rejected by the Constitutional Court, the systematic circumvention of the rules on safety in school buildings, with its correlated risk announced and tragedies, the adoption of the single teacher, the withdrawal of the presence and full-time primary education, the general contraction of hours of lessons in other orders of the basic school, the removal of trials and contraction of school time in the various sectors of education of all levels, with severe injury to the variety and quality of training public mutilation of staff turnover and the crash, the intention to appoint directors school to choose, to stabilize and possibly reward the teachers in the absence of clear rules, transparent and shared, the attack on freedom of expression and education of teachers both to pluralism and collegiality in action learning and the design Aprea law contains rules for direct call, but also provisions for the corporatization of education and the hierarchy of the class teacher, the incorporation more classes of competition and the consequent abuse of the instrument of mobility in spite of the specific skills and experience acquired over time, the systematic and indiscriminate lynching against the teaching profession and dedication to the job of the whole category, summary and arbitrary judgments and the unacceptable discrimination against teachers and schools south of the South, the failure to meet financial commitments enshrined in the law 296/2006, in respect of temporary teachers, which prevented the employment of 150 thousand and 30 thousand teachers ATA, and the ' absence of a concrete strategic plan for the stabilization of the alternative school staff employed for decades with temporary assignments.
The CIP, for everything, to participate in this initiative, putting themselves - as they have always done in over ten years of their activities - at the forefront of every initiative and protest but also engaging, with constructive proposals in all institutional settings in which it administers and legislates on schools.

"The CIP, in this view - Supports the national president Maristella Curreli - stress once again, meetings and consultations with the Ministry of Parliamentary Committees in both the House and Senate for the determination of better prospects for the Italian school, for those who attended and those who work there, so there is no uncertainty, nor one nor the other.''
Rome, July 5, 2009-CIP Committee Teachers Precarious

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cold Breakfast Cereals

Cip Taranto

Dear precarious

the meeting of the CIP Taranto is issued for Friday, June 26th at 19:00 at the Red Hot Cafe Ugo in via Lucania 41 to Taranto for

any clarifications about the iscrizone online in the rankings of the Institute. We expect


Monday, May 18, 2009

Places To Get Waxed In Charlotte

No Country for

are pluriabilitata exercise of the teaching profession. I am passing to become the public competition held by the State. This, instead of the skills I found precarious for years, to the point that no longer identifies me as a teacher but as precarious. Precarious
we are many, from so much. We even call it historic. We do not count plus year career, but decades. We are those who serve the state when the state is, there where needed, to fill teaching posts for the time and lessons available. Expect "good good in single file" our turn in the ranking, as wisely writes journalist Carlo Mercuri in her interview with Minister Gelmini's Messenger on May 17. The call lists are exhausted but never run out, because instead of hiring new teachers to replace those who retired cut Chairs, and the fate of those who eagerly read the article, and more.
our career, or better, our training is such a long ordeal that includes making it even more up to date and experienced many changes not only schools but also generational changes of adolescents and family institutions, changes also figures of animals Institute, the first Executive Deans hours. I read just a direct call. I read that in a month, a month and a half, there will be a proposal, said the minister. Instead of hiring according to merit and experience, principals will choose who they want and how they want. And the anxiety rises.
precarious We then centrifuged the school we feel today, as never before, in the constant carousel of statements and retractions, on and off we feel removed from our right and then returned to the precarious, that, pending better, with us always .
But the answers do not satisfy the Minister. Rather confusing.
How can there be between one month and then argues that if the solution is a very complex topic "?
How can there be of the proposals in Parliament, and none of those concerned, can share? While facing only the principals and, perhaps, with the unions, just the temporary workers are excluded from inspection. Deprived from this right. For the first time repeated requests for a hearing at the VII Commission responsible remain unanswered, despite our Association is recognized by more than ten years by the Ministry of Education.
Finally, the final declaration: "Without evaluation there is quality."
Dear Minister, one or more degrees, competitions chair, enabling courses, specializations and master, and especially improvements years of internship and field work as she has recently indicated as a primary factor in learning to teach, are not sufficient to merit a career? Or at least some answers?

Elena Joy
Vicepresedente CIP Committee Teachers Precarious

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do Stainless Pot Handles Get Hot

precarious position of the CIP lists are exhausted in 2009

The position of the CIP lists are exhausted in 2009

Following the national executive, held in Rome on 29 March 2009, the CIP with the following proposals for the next OM provides the lists are exhausted:

1) l 'update the score following the acquisition of new securities and money;
2) the inclusion of new members to comb on the basis of points obtained as a result of the authorization and other documents in their possession;

3) the "cleansing" of the lists from those who already have permanent contracts or have for at least three consecutive years, annual appointments and have not declined, for the same period, gained further score;
4) that the appointments are permanent and annual conferred only for participants in the provincial lists are exhausted. In the event that they are exhausted, the positions will be awarded to those eligible included in the rankings to out-of-province geographically closer, or, alternatively, by means of competition for only titles (which includes licenses for the score given to each competitor the list of source) is open to teachers already included in the lists are exhausted from other provinces, who have responded to the invitation;
5) the closing of the lists of new inclusions for the express prohibition of new procedures to enable enablers for those classes of competition in the rankings have not been effectively exhausted.

National Executive CIP
Rome, March 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What Is A Hopper Mouse

The CIP joined the demonstration in Taranto for safety at work of 18 April

The CIP Taranto joined the demonstration of safety in the workplace on 18 April

The school is a workplace and a place to grow. And even at school, like the workplace, instead of growing it can die, as happened to Vito, a student at Turin. You can not go to school crossing his fingers. In Turin, as in San Giuliano di Puglia. Today as yesterday. At the time, in Italian schools, over one hundred thousand accidents occurring annually.
The increase of 20% over the last eight years speaks volumes and the increased danger of crumbling facilities and equipment of our school buildings.
Three out of four are out of the norm.
One in two does not have a certificate of fitness for use static.
More than one third is not equipped with electrical systems up to standard.
The employees are also not trained to deal with possible emergencies. The facilities are old and inadequate.
A school in ten is actually located in a building constructed for other use. Half
has well over forty years.
Only one in twenty has less than four decades.
cuts flights, however, increased. Weaknesses
functional and structural. The Italian school lacks everything. And so our schools of all levels, collapse. And not just metaphorically in the OECD rankings but, unfortunately, even physically. For
'edilizia school and do little harm. The work was financed without weighting the time of the bureaucracy. It is unsustainable demand declines. It is not enough to ensure procurement, on the pattern of bribes and the correct execution of the works.
Our complaint has a basis, we write an informed opinion. We are experienced teachers precarious pruriennale. We got to know schools located in different local contexts. Too often we came across dilapidated structures and inadequate structural level and plant, which were disregarded in the most elementary safety rules. Few suitable ones. Serious newspapers and the risks to the safety of those attending and working in those buildings. By injuries to the unhealthiness of the place, until the lack of elementary hygiene and health standards. In Italian schools there is everything. Lacking the checks and who should oversee and act appeals to the lack of resources. When the dead escape the fuss the media is confusing and not clear. The contributory negligence, connivance and the veil of secrecy do the rest. The investigating magistrates, experts ensure everything and its opposite. The only outcome is the time delay, if the acquittal is not already taken over the prescription. Then everything resumes as before. For this reason, the CIP Committee, Teachers Precarious, joined the demonstration in Taranto for safety in the workplace on 18 April.

National Executive CIP

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How To Catch Pikachu In Crystal

Report of discussions between the CIP and the Ministry and the FLC-CGIL Italian

Report of discussions between the CIP and the Ministry and the FLC-CGIL

Thursday, 2 April a delegation of the CIP (led by the national president Maristella Curreli with the president of CIP Rome, Maria Cristina Rossi) has supported two major technical meetings resulting in the sending of the document prepared by the CIP Board on Sunday. The first with the leaders of the Ministry of Education, Gunner, Mancini, Bianchini and Palermo, and the second with Gigi and Corrado Rossi of the CGIL national Colangelo.
Topics covered during the two meetings were the same. In a nutshell, were the situation of precariousness and rankings in general. Building on the proposals developed by the National Steering CIP Sunday, March 29, there were questions and criticisms but also put forward concrete proposals.
The meetings were constructive because they are also used to predict the positions and perspectives of our stakeholders. At the conclusion of the two events, it was decided to realize in the short and frequently, the other, so as to monitor the situation and take all necessary initiatives.

Meeting at the Ministry of Education.

These are points on which we have faced.

1) UPDATE OF THE SCORE. Perfect agreement with point 1) of the CIP document.

2) INCLUSION OF A COMB ninth round SSIS. It is intended as
the execution of the sentence to be implemented by the USP. All agree in accepting the award even
to overcome the inconsistency that non-inclusion of the ad
2007, SSIS has commenced.

3) CLEANING OF THE GAME. Another point on which we found ourselves in agreement.
order to implement, it is good that this is done through an administrative procedure, but with a proper law (even "type one thousand extensions").
In the CIP is expected to start all institutional initiatives and policies because they provide the launching of a special legislative act.

is interpreted as a "change of state", so the ministry reaches out to an "option" for the other three provinces, with inclusion in the queue. There is still doubt, not resolved, if the queue is on the band membership or fund last. That is, if you go in the queue of the first, second or third band, or at the bottom of the rankings.
It follows the ability of each to choose up to five insecure provinces
: that of departure, three options and, if he finds another, a different one for the GI (for which retains the ability to indicate a province other than those included in the various Game).

The proposal referred to in paragraph 4 of the CIP document of 29.03.2009, that is to draw on
neighboring provinces, according to officials of the Ministry of Education, will have an exclusive political value and some practical difficulty. Precisely because of this policy implication, have decided not to comment on the merits.
The proposal contained in the same option 4, which envisaged the transfer of securities only through a competitive appointments, was not considered a good solution because it would lead to even longer appointment whenever there was need for new recruits in a province, having to ban in this case a national competition.

5) The proposal referred to in paragraph 5 of the directive has not been discussed because he had not directly affected stakeholders of the discretion and decision-making. However, there was substantial sharing to curb the creation of new insecurity.

6) About the possibility 'that, as in 2001, passing to an extension of the charges, officials confined themselves to calling it an open question. "

7) THE PRESENCE OF TEACHERS IN THE FIRST CLASS SEPTEMBER, pointed out "that we must consider the difficult year." Beyond Optimism is perceived concerns.
The scan time is expected to call for the update can
appear in the Official Gazette shortly after the Easter holidays, although it noted that, from January 31, we continue to postpone the publication each week.

8) FOR ESTABLISHED. More are planned in the north of entries for science. These data were: total figure of 20,000, 8,000 of which ATA, 7000 and 5000 in support for all other classes of competition.

9) It was suggested that the permissions for the entries in the role are granted slowly, but we must 'PUR fought to obtain. In that respect it was recommended to request a meeting with the minister and / or its advisers.

10) CHOICE OF 20 SCHOOLS AND NO MORE 'IN 30 IM. The CIP has requested that, in view of
cuts and a time of crisis, a return to 30 schools. There it was pointed out that at the time, we must refer to Regulation 131 of 2007 remains valid also for applications in 2009. Even in this case should rewrite the rules.

11) CHAIRS OF LAW FOR LANGUAGES. The head of staff (specially convened) confirmed that all the chairs of the second language medium will pass from the organic body of law to fact.

12) A rumor we bring to the notice of accepting BY THE TAR Lazio (30/62 2009), AN APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF SERVICE on other classes of competition so as to equalize the movement of 24 points for the course SSIS.

Meeting with the leaders of the CGIL.

A) With the CGIL due to time constraints we faced
proposals referred to in paragraph 4 of the CIP document mentioned above.

B) There is full agreement on the cleanup of the Game by colleagues of the role and all other parts of our document.

Here are their suggestions:

C) must start from the figure of less than 20,000 jobs (the difference between cuts and retirements). These figures are improving because they are downsizing the redundancies. Number ranging, according to them, where they lost restored, starting from the concept of place "hinged" with a school. In this case, the school that determines which make use of the teacher redundant: if intended for supply teachers or other assignments;

D) the objective of the CGIL is to avoid "market ratings" in private schools (because In their opinion, true peak wholesale is down this year. From next year should decrease the amount of posts cut even with an increase in retirement). Intend opposing this threat by asking, first, reappointment for all those who have had this year USP, but, failing that, BE OTHERWISE BE GUARANTEED THE SCORE THIS YEAR WHO has been asked. Obviously, at this point there is an absolute share of CIP;

E) the CGIL will also seek to reduce the mobility of 50% (25% + 25% professional area). On this topic, "breaks through an open door." The CIP the unions are asking for more than five years ...

Directors CIP Rome, 04/04/2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Online Pregnet Dress Up

Education reduced school The CIP cutting

Education Italian school reduced to cutting

March 26, 2009 - CIP National Association
numbers, by definition, are neither right nor left. But if they relate to individuals and institutions, have political value.

The latter were released by the Ministry of Education and relate to the temporary school. Women and men who have chosen to teach and why, as never before, have made one or more degrees, so many qualifications, fitness competitions masterful skills, master, updates, stage, improvements, etc. ..

Yet, in the last decade, the insecurity in the school increased by 120%. Ten years ago there were 64 thousand teachers with temporary contracts, while today there are over 141mila, with peaks of 200% in secondary school. For every six teachers in service, is a precarious, with a percentage increase of nearly 300%, which increased 400% for the personal assistant, technical and administrative.

Blame the falling birth rate? Needless to talk about it. In two decades students increased by 3%, or about 211k units. To remedy the crisis of the "Italian system" and to encourage the conversion, our governments give up education, qualification and training, but also to research and innovation.

political suicide? Worse, a mutilation of the future of young people, their ability to compete and succeed. Di godere del diritto alla conoscenza ed alla consapevolezza. I millantatori di stato le chiamano riforme ma, in realtà, si leggono solo cifre. Alcune hanno il segno meno ed altre il più. Meno: risorse, tempo scuola, personale, aule, scuole, indirizzi di studio e sostegno agli handicappati. I segni "più" riguardano l'amento abnorme degli alunni per classe, le distanze per raggiungere le scuole superstiti, l'elusione e l'abbandono scolastico, il "cannibalismo professionali con l'incentivazione agli straordinari, l'incremento dei docenti precari e di quelli disoccupati, la maggiore ghettizzazione degli stranieri. Eppure hanno la spudoratezza di chiamarle riforme.

Nel Paese degli inganni e dei raggiri, stavolta, i Parents are not only fell for the scam of the master. Thus, 97% have returned "the package" to Viale Trastevere. Our school has been reduced to cutting school, sketched unnecessary extravagance didactic, authoritarian old piece patches, sew aprons for children and tear on the fate of those who attend or work there.

Francesco Casale for the CIP - Committees Teachers Precarious

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

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adhere to the strike of the school March 18, 2009 Meeting

The CIP adhere to the strike of 18 school March 2009
join the strike of March 18 against the efforts of Minister Gelmini's education policy and governance in education and precarious.
"Once again the precarious school strike in defense of employment opportunities for young people and the right to free and quality public education, because - clarifies Maristella Curreli, national president of the CIP Committee on casual teachers - now more than ever our precarious work is being soldered with the existential future generations, especially those most socially and culturally disadvantaged. This government is, us and them, stealing the future. " CIP
I demand respect for the law 296/2006 on the stabilization dei docenti precari attraverso la copertura di tutte le disponibilità perché, la permanenza di un insegnante su sei in regime di costante provvisorietà, comporta ricadute gravissime sulla qualità della nostra scuola, sulla competitività sia del nostro sistema formativo e sia dell'intero sistema paese in ambito internazionale. Mina, per tutti, le basi del domani, sottrae spazi di conoscenza, di consapevolezza, di libertà e di democrazia.
I C.I.P. deplorano il terrorismo mediatico circa l'esubero dei docenti in servizio. A cui si accompagna il più bieco, volgare e diffamatorio linciaggio di ministri delle finanze, della funzione pubblica e dell'istruzione contro la scuola e i suoi operatori. Questa cornice di falsità è, da sempre, stata propedeutica al blocco del turnover, ai tagli delle cattedre, ai dissennati aumenti degli alunni per classe, alla revoca del tempo pieno, prolungato o esteso, alla sottrazione del sostegno agli alunni portatori di handicap, alla riduzione del tempo scuola, alla chiusura di scuole, alla limitazione degli indirizzi scolastici, alla negazione delle risorse per il recupero, alla decurtazione dei fondi di gestione degli istituti e via così, di male in peggio, col dichiarato intendo di abbassare la qualità dell'offerta formativa della scuola statale e favorire, anche con elargizioni crescenti di fondi pubblici, gli istituti privati, specie se confessionali.
La politica dei tagli - la sola che questo governo, ostili alla scuola, implemented with fury - in short, affecting primarily the teachers and the precarious future generations.
But even more scandalous and intolerable is the fraudulent conduct of our Minister of Education, on the one hand, denounces the surplus of teachers in the school of any level to which is added the presence of abnormal temporary pending the final, and almost impossible role in stabilization and, secondly, establishing additional routes enablers. One of two things, or the department is run by incompetent and irresponsible or misleading is a strategy to the detriment of young trainees, destined to become, at great cost, without the precarious hope of tomorrow.
For all this, the CIP will manifest, March 18, in Rome, to defend the school of all and for all, because education is not treated as a commodity to sell and buy, but be seen as an investment, not expenditure to be cut. CIP I feel the need to defend the freedom of the teaching function and the state school by the dictates of partisan politics, because it will improve the integration and discrimination, promote civil and not indoctrination.
"The measures Gelmini-Tremonti-Open - concluded Maristella Curreli - cost 160,000 jobs and cancel any possibility of stabilizing the precarious, rescinding their rights acquired over the years, inflicting a fatal blow alla scuola statale" .

Roma, 10 Marzo 2009
C.I.P.- Comitato Insegnanti Precari

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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Cip Taranto


Cari colleghi,
la riunione del Cip di Taranto, aperta a tutti,  è per venerdì 13 Febbraio ore 18.00, sempre al Red Hot Cafè di Ugo in via Lucania 43, a Taranto.

Ci incontreremo per discutere il seguente ordine del giorno:
1) illustrazione del dossier redatto dal Cip nazionale contro il ddl Aprea che sarà presentato dal nostro direttivo nella imminente audizione in Parlamento;
2) resoconti e discussione degli incontri dei sindacati con il Ministero sulla problematica dei precari;
3) reopening of the rankings;
4) renewal of the Board of the CIP Taranto
5) membership.

I expect you all. Elena

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Egg White Cervical Mucus Before Period

Report Against the school system: the school of the Constitution Report

Report Against the school system: the school of the Constitution

Dear all,
yesterday I went to Rome to represent our Board at a conference on "School and Order "organized by the Committee for the schools of the Republic."

The conference in the school's defense of the Constitution sought to highlight how the attack on the school is only part of a larger pattern of destruction of the Constitution itself. Action tenacious of grassroots movements, from school to university, was able to get good in recent months, albeit insufficient, successes, so this conference was an opportunity for discussion between leaders of movements, associations, and political forces to sindacli verify the actual feasibility of joint actions in defense of the school.

Corrado Mauceri Committee of Florence invited those present to join legal action against possibile found unconstitutional in some parts of the bill Aprea (eg art. 33 and art. 117), to give up and find the distinctions a common platform.

In my speech I talked about the CIP, who the precarious historical how it is unconstitutional how unusual our repeated fixed-term contracts for decades, is unconstitutional as the lack of continuity in teaching, especially in social areas at risk. I reiterated the adherence to the CIP joint legal and protest. I said that, from next week, as the Committee will be present at the hearing in Parliament to discuss the bill opens with a dossier drawn up by us. No stories, ask only roles and no competitions where the rankings are still crammed enabled!

I will spare you the other speeches, as you say Piergiorgio Bergonzi the PDCI has emphasized in his speech, the problem of precarious, and he requested a meeting with his party, to be implemented on the same day of the hearing in Rome. We are not biased, but we believe that our actions and impulses that we work with our critical information daily and is destined for a stalemate, the bank that political parties can, and should, because of their constitutional function, to offer in institutional settings, especially in these times of extreme emergency. For this reason the CIP is related with all the political forces that are proposed.

On this occasion, I also conferred with Domenico Pantaleo, national secretary of the FLC CGIL. I asked him what his union will propose to the permanent forum on precarious. He said that the table the insecurity does not make sense if the basis is the law of the financial cuts, the bill opens, the decree Brunetta, the block of turnover. What will be discussed will be made out if the precarious?

He also spoke at the debate, and concluded his speech by saying: the sacrifices of all this will be temporary.

I also spoke with Roberto Jovino , the head of the Wave. I blamed the fact that when it comes to temporary work, on their site and in their speeches forget the precarious public school, instead focusing only on the precarious university. Cashed, revealing that at other times had been made the same claim. Obviously our participation (we were the only association of this precarious) also served to forge new relationships, to align the existing ones, to contribute to information and protection of our work, to be present when a commitment is vital and necessary unit.

Elena Joy
(national vice-president CIP)