Monday, May 18, 2009

Places To Get Waxed In Charlotte

No Country for

are pluriabilitata exercise of the teaching profession. I am passing to become the public competition held by the State. This, instead of the skills I found precarious for years, to the point that no longer identifies me as a teacher but as precarious. Precarious
we are many, from so much. We even call it historic. We do not count plus year career, but decades. We are those who serve the state when the state is, there where needed, to fill teaching posts for the time and lessons available. Expect "good good in single file" our turn in the ranking, as wisely writes journalist Carlo Mercuri in her interview with Minister Gelmini's Messenger on May 17. The call lists are exhausted but never run out, because instead of hiring new teachers to replace those who retired cut Chairs, and the fate of those who eagerly read the article, and more.
our career, or better, our training is such a long ordeal that includes making it even more up to date and experienced many changes not only schools but also generational changes of adolescents and family institutions, changes also figures of animals Institute, the first Executive Deans hours. I read just a direct call. I read that in a month, a month and a half, there will be a proposal, said the minister. Instead of hiring according to merit and experience, principals will choose who they want and how they want. And the anxiety rises.
precarious We then centrifuged the school we feel today, as never before, in the constant carousel of statements and retractions, on and off we feel removed from our right and then returned to the precarious, that, pending better, with us always .
But the answers do not satisfy the Minister. Rather confusing.
How can there be between one month and then argues that if the solution is a very complex topic "?
How can there be of the proposals in Parliament, and none of those concerned, can share? While facing only the principals and, perhaps, with the unions, just the temporary workers are excluded from inspection. Deprived from this right. For the first time repeated requests for a hearing at the VII Commission responsible remain unanswered, despite our Association is recognized by more than ten years by the Ministry of Education.
Finally, the final declaration: "Without evaluation there is quality."
Dear Minister, one or more degrees, competitions chair, enabling courses, specializations and master, and especially improvements years of internship and field work as she has recently indicated as a primary factor in learning to teach, are not sufficient to merit a career? Or at least some answers?

Elena Joy
Vicepresedente CIP Committee Teachers Precarious


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