Friday, July 10, 2009

Kate's Playground Silver Bullet

Why do we ask for the resignation Minister

Why do we ask for the resignation of Minister

by the public and private. Government to insults. Mandated to manage the school of all, and paid with the money of all, the minister Gelmini pours public financial resources for the benefit of private school. He does so through unconditional donations of those who attended superbonus diplomifici and religious institutions. It does not end here. Well as the idiot who gives the civil context.

Leaving aside the fall of style and revealed the lack of democratic respect, we try to discover the reasons for so jumpy. Certainly the reasons for dissatisfaction e frustrazione non mancano. In un anno non si di poteva far peggio. Critiche e censure sono arrivate dai media indipendenti, dal C.N.P.I. (Consigli Nazionale della Pubblica Istruzione), dalle OO.SS. (Organizzazioni Sindacali) e da quelle di categoria, dagli studenti e dai genitori, dai presidi fino ai bidelli passando per i docenti di ruolo e quelli precari, oltre che dalle opposizioni nelle commissioni come nelle aule parlamentari. Un fallimento totale.

Dal Piano programmatico ai Regolamenti, dalla chiusura delle scuole nei piccoli centri alla determinazione del numero degli alunni per classe, dalla circolare sulle iscrizioni a quella sui libri di testo, dal sistema di valutazione alla quantificazione degli organici, dal voto in condotta a quello of admission to the state, we have witnessed a long series of measures botched, wishful thinking, demagogic, uncoordinated with each other and disjointed from reality and from the installation of regulatory and functional national school system. Written rules and then correct, proposals and contradicted, advanced and disowned, launched with an urgent decree and postponed until a later date. Mirror of ignorance, ineptitude, idiocy. Three "i" instead of the real three "i" so vaunted by Minister Moratti: business, computers and English.

a run marked by complacency and arrogance. From a fury of persecution and an unparalleled hatred against state schools, of those who attended and those who work there. The supine and cowardly behavior subordinate to the Ministry of Economy has also allowed it to plunder the already limited resources available for the financial planning is essential. Typical behavior of those who have known and appreciated the state schools, having preferred the more comfortable private institutions, and public education has for an old grudge, backed up by a more recent political antagonism, as the state school would be the territory of troublemakers communists.

proof? Rather, two. The first is the minister, over the phone with "One summer morning," has recently declared proudly admitted to the fewer number of tests and was the largest number of rejected nelle classi intermedie. Si è inorgoglita dei suoi fallimenti. Confondendo la serietà con la severità. Omettendo, per ignoranza o malafede, la causa di questi insuccessi. L'impossibilità materiale di attivare gli interventi di recupero e sostegno preventivo degli alunni in difficoltà dovuta all'assenza di fondi che, com'è noto, sono stati tagliati dalla pseudoriforma targata Gelmini-Tremonti. Fondi ora travasati dalla scuola di tutti e per tutti alle scuole private. Ed ecco la seconda: la Nostra ha pensato ad un ulteriore superbonus da elargire a chi opta per scuole private e diplomifici. In sostanza, siamo di fronte ad una politica che, nella scuola settaria ed elitaria, penalizza gli studenti e favorisce i paganti. A misura di furbi, In short, a measure of who governs. Who searches for "shores of convenience" (read: Reggio Calabria, for example) to pick up securities that, elsewhere, would not achieve (read Brescia, not case). Returning to the present day, the TAR of Lazio is questioning the house of cards with the implementation measures of pseudo-Gelmini. At first the suspension of the circular on textbooks, hastily shelved by the State Council without even comply with the formal procedures. Then challenge the circular on registration and all related acts, including paying for the lack of definitive fundamental acts necessary to implement: the program plan to the Rules of the first cycle, until the size of the workforce. A demonstration of how the so-called reforms are only Gelmini "firing blanks" and not prove to be applicable. In addition to the specific failures of the Tar, also came as the Constitutional Court. The consultation has just accepted the appeals from some regions on mergers between schools that, for purely logical accounting accounting suppress the residues in the small towns of identity and legal safeguards in the area. Again, the Tar of Lazio, in these days and for the second time, upheld the appeals against the decree on the integration of the precarious "queued" in the lists are exhausted. The Administrative Court, in fact, suspended the application of the rule with all the consequences that this will lead to the use of such lists for recruitment into the role, both annual and supplying temporary assignments. In summary for the smooth running of the school. Therefore, unless further appeal of the Ministry of Education in the State Council, the inclusion "comb" and no longer "tail" will be open to all those who wish to change the precarious province. This new - yet another in a race - will have a devastating effect on the provincial education offices, with the additional slippage, which is already provided by the Ministry of Education, the operations on the staff, transfers, secondments and appointments on. At this point in August - also working for schools and USP (Offices Provincial School) - you should make all requirements for the development plan of fact.

Meanwhile, with the advent of the new school year, it will be the filling of vacancies by using the old classifications and temporary substitute. That pending the recruitment of new lists of claimants who, in all likelihood, there will be no earlier than December / January. This will cause the inevitable turnover of about one hundred thousand teachers, with all the setbacks educational, cognitive, affective and methodological discontinuity resulting from the teaching procured, half a year in all schools, especially in those "frontier". It is here that the precariousness of working a substantial number of teachers, in general, is joined with the existential, social and cultural development of pupils, those who attend the "school of hardship" if not the dispersal and avoidance of school. It is from these schools that teachers in the role may go away soon. Exactly where, by contrast, would be necessary to provide the most disadvantaged students more educational and emotional stability, greater collegiality and professional experience. Chaos, ineffectiveness, damage to the treasury, teaching sconquassi waltz and perennials of chairs, with the corollary of all complaints and loss of quality of national education systems, this is the result of the re-run Ministry of Viale Trastevere. Without entering into the senselessness of a very low profile and scientific, educational and functional reform measures undertaken by the Executive, the only run of the ministry of Education simply because they require the immediate resignation of the minister.

Rome, July 10, 2009

CIP-Committee Precarious
Teachers Association recognized by the MIUR with Ministerial Note prot. No 31653 of the National 9/30/1998 CIP_Associazione - Via Achille Mauri, 28-00135 Roma - tel 06 30683053-339 8477138 - 3381996449-3293962516


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