Saturday, October 24, 2009

Anyone Ever Misdiagnosed With Herpes

release of Cip Taranto: solidarity with the principals of the territory

Ecco il comunicato del Cip Taranto di solidarietà ai presidi del territorio.
the CIP Committee Precarious Teachers of Taranto, expresses solidarity with the headmasters of our province signed the document which urged the Minister Gelmini to review the educational policy of the government and denounce the situation management difficulties for schools run by them. What
that of the ministry was not a policy in favor of the public school Cip had already held the first acts of the government rather than enhance, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, public education by strengthening the resources of time, human economic and structural reform of the school put in place by the Minister Gelmini forced, especially the South, to pay in terms di tagli al servizio, minando come denunciato dai Presidi la sussistenza e la qualità dell'offerta formativa delle nostre scuole statali. I provvedimenti stanno colpendo i servizi scolastici essenziali, come la qualità degli studi nei casi di mancata sostituzione dei docenti assenti e del sopraffollamento delle classi, come la sicurezza e la pulizia delle scuole visto i tagli al personale addetto alla collaborazione scolastica, come l'istruzione gratuita perchè si richiede ancora di più il contributo delle famiglie per il funzionamento ordinario delle scuole. Invece di sostenere e rilanciare la scuola, la riforma Gelmini gioca al ribasso, risparmia risorse, taglia cattedre, classi e finanziamenti, riduce tempi e prospettive, realizza risparmi straordinari on current expenditure.
Our solidarity has a basis, we write an informed opinion. We are temporary teachers with years of experience and we got to know and work in schools of all levels located all over the province. Too often we meet again in inadequate facilities on the structural and system in chronic deficiencies of the simplest materials for the development of teaching and the most basic support required for the life of a community, the number of pupils in classes with more than recommended, in conclusion in schools where uncertainty reigns, and not just the temporary staff as we do. To raise the school should invest instead signals arriving from Rome are humiliating, with a hostage, and Assistant Minister in the economy, devoid of real pedagogical initiatives. Just
08/10/2009 at the hearing last job of the House Commission XI of the CIP, in the statement filed, in light of this situation, have reiterated the ministry of education needs a minister of increased political, skill, experience, free from hatred towards the government and the destructive fury to the State School. And 'why today we hear and denounce the precarious management of Deans is joined with our lack of job, and that the quality of public education is incompatible with a state uncertainty of resources and personnel.


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