Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Died From Heart Palpitations



The CIP join the strike on 11 December in opposition to the initiatives of the government's education policy. The majority, despite the obvious and widespread opposition knowledge of the world, continues its destructive policies of public schools in favor of a narrow-minded view of education and marketable. Minister Gelmini, even with the reform of upper secondary school, has shown its inconsistency and ignorance. Forcing the times, to comply with the dictates of the Minister Tremonti, is poised to launch a restructuring plan that is only a trivial simplification accompanied by the confirmation system "kind" of public school.
A reform that has as its objective the ideological purpose, as stated by the same authors, the "innumerable trials, daughters sessantottino culture" as if the fault of low skill levels of Italian students was attributable to a particular ideological system, rather than to the low level of investment so far stubbornly pursued.
Nothing new, then, if not the usual dark cuts.
In light of everything that we can not confirm the reasons that several times in recent years, they did take to the streets against the CIP school policies implemented by this government. CIP
I strongly oppose the cuts in teaching posts, the insane increase in class size, the removal of support for pupils with disabilities, reducing the time schools, the closure of scuole, alla  limitazione degli indirizzi scolastici, alla negazione delle risorse per il  recupero, alla decurtazione dei fondi di gestione degli istituti e a tutto  ciò, in conclusione, che è contro il sacrosanto diritto all'istruzione.
"Ancora una volta i precari della scuola scioperano per il  diritto dei giovani ad un'istruzione pubblica libera e di qualità, perché  – chiarisce Maristella Curreli, presidente nazionale dei C.I.P. comitato  insegnanti precari – oggi , ancor più che ieri, la nostra precarietà  lavorativa si sta saldando con quella esistenziale delle future generazioni,  specie quelle culturalmente e socialmente più svantaggiate. Questo governo  sta, a noi e a loro, rubando il futuro".

Roma, 8 Dicembre 2009                         C.I.P.- Comitato Insegnanti Precari
Associazione  riconosciuta  dal  M.I.U.R.  con  Nota  Ministeriale  prot. n. 31653 del  30/09/1998
CIP_Associazione Nazionale - via Achille Mauri, 28 - 00135 Roma - tel 06 30683053  -  339 8477138 - 3381996449 - 3293962516


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