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Lucia Longo, 61, of Taranto . Its seems to be a piccolo record: lasciare il servizio senza aver passato nemmeno un giorno con l'agognato certificato di immissione in ruolo in tasca. È andata ad "Annozero" per raccontare la sua storia: presto molti altri come me, colpa della politica scolastica fallimentare e dei tanti docenti dietro che mi hanno superato.
Andrà in pensione da precaria, dopo 36 anni di servizio, svolto quasi tutto dietro una cattedra ad insegnare inglese e francese nella secondaria. Si chiama Lucia Longo, ha 61 anni, vive a Taranto ed il suo sembra rappresentare un piccolo record: lasciare il servizio senza aver passato nemmeno un giorno con l'agognato certificato di immissione in ruolo in tasca.
Per raccontare la sua storia la docente, che condurrà fino al termine of this car. s. going to a school of Laterza, 60 km from where he lives, participated in the transmission Rai "Annozero" in the episode on Jan. 27 said very strongly that having regard to the situation of the workforce of staff and the rise of precarious its going to be "the first precarious retirement. But there will be many - he stated - that will be my end. This school policy is bankrupt and meaningless." In his
the teacher explained that "the precarious workers have the same duties of colleagues in the role, the same responsibilities, pay taxes, but then they are treated like without rights as if they were making him sign contracts in Serie B. best cases to 10 months. "
Professor Long, whose career will be made to reconstruction in the coming weeks in the compilation of the requirements for access to retirement, he reminded viewers all the problems of recruiting professional who meets those working in precarious school: "You can almost never access the school plan, there is continuity in teaching, the children often realize that the teacher is passing and if they take advantage, access to contracts in the best case to 10 months and for others shall receive a two. "
Against this bleak picture, Michele Santoro has asked the conductor if there is someone (an organization, agency, representative) helps, supports and advises the precarious. "No - replied the professor drily, also winning more competitions rating, without even mention trade unions - there is only the 'Precarious Committee Teachers' and that we should give useful information to our cause."
Then comes the biggest accusation against those colleagues who more than once would have bypassed the waiting lists in contravention of the rules "during the many years of insecurity have often been surpassed - said Professor Longo - by people who have found the easiest way. Taking advantage of the possibility that in Italy the rules (to handle a contest ed) are defined in the running but then change I found these on the list above me: they took the role and not me. "
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