Time is highlighting what has been unfortunate and undemocratic choices Government in the field of public education. The indiscriminate cuts are leading to a real failure of public schools in favor of the private. By now the pattern is clear: education will be degraded to the level of service between departments and as such can be safely privatized, perhaps with a share of public education (very marginal) to be allocated to those who have a euro to spend on private education. Old-liberal
This design is solid with the general economic policy which, in a situation of structural crisis, does nothing significant to restart the country's economy, simply remove resources to reinvest in public without anything. Low level of academic skills, brain drain abroad, lack of present and future in terms of innovation and competitiveness, are elements of crisis that this government ignores, taking care of something else.
cuts the school will be paid mainly by the precarious who are undergoing a process of expulsion from the world of work with dramatic results. What has become known as the "greatest mass layoff in history", or the planned extermination of the employment prospects of graduate teachers, pluriabilitati, with master and postgraduate degree accumulated over years of career and updating, is joined with the process of general insecurity that this government wants to extend to all business sectors: public and private. CIP
I say no to this design, but also expressed strong criticism of trade union action that does not assume in the middle of this drama. The temporary schools are tired of being used by some unions shake them at the appropriate time, as an absolute emergency, and a moment later, it downloads them to perpetuate discrimination between the eternal "guaranteed" and "unsecured". Even the most representative trade unions should finally do self-criticism against the school's precarious because the insecurity that is the result of a recruitment system distorted, contradictory and poorly merit gained through years of intercropping with governments "friends" and arrangements played downward that have fostered careers based more on internal mobility on the real needs of those who were waiting on the list of their role. I do not want more precarious
be deceived by anyone. Or by those who want to give him space when the spaces are closed (having forgotten when the spaces were open), nor by whom, in a sectarian and irrelevant to the consultation, seeks to recover shares of radicalism and social antagonism in throwing square despair of those left without a job.
Although tired of paying yet another fee (deducted from the salary laws) we go on strike for the unity of temporary teachers of the school and the attempt to divide them according to convenience. The precariousness of the school, in fact, must have a platform not only adapted to the internal policies of the various acronyms unions.
Striking though we are very critical of the usual script that at least three times a year comes back unchanged, at rates fixed routine and rituals are always the same over time (most people who go on strike the same day, divided, with platforms similar but distinct ways). Striking
also because we do not want to divide us from our inner being absorbed and appropriated by the unions (which to join the procession?).
strike for the right of young people to free and quality public education, because today, even more than yesterday, our lack of job while welding with the existential future generations, especially those most socially and culturally disadvantaged.
strike because the depletion of Education will significantly reduce the space of democracy, foreshadowing a future dark and dangerous for our country.
Rome, March 10, 2010 C.I.P.- Comitato Insegnanti Precari
Associazione riconosciuta dal Miur con Nota Ministeriale prot. n. 31653 del 30/09/1998
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