Sunday, January 18, 2009

Egg White Cervical Mucus Before Period

Report Against the school system: the school of the Constitution Report

Report Against the school system: the school of the Constitution

Dear all,
yesterday I went to Rome to represent our Board at a conference on "School and Order "organized by the Committee for the schools of the Republic."

The conference in the school's defense of the Constitution sought to highlight how the attack on the school is only part of a larger pattern of destruction of the Constitution itself. Action tenacious of grassroots movements, from school to university, was able to get good in recent months, albeit insufficient, successes, so this conference was an opportunity for discussion between leaders of movements, associations, and political forces to sindacli verify the actual feasibility of joint actions in defense of the school.

Corrado Mauceri Committee of Florence invited those present to join legal action against possibile found unconstitutional in some parts of the bill Aprea (eg art. 33 and art. 117), to give up and find the distinctions a common platform.

In my speech I talked about the CIP, who the precarious historical how it is unconstitutional how unusual our repeated fixed-term contracts for decades, is unconstitutional as the lack of continuity in teaching, especially in social areas at risk. I reiterated the adherence to the CIP joint legal and protest. I said that, from next week, as the Committee will be present at the hearing in Parliament to discuss the bill opens with a dossier drawn up by us. No stories, ask only roles and no competitions where the rankings are still crammed enabled!

I will spare you the other speeches, as you say Piergiorgio Bergonzi the PDCI has emphasized in his speech, the problem of precarious, and he requested a meeting with his party, to be implemented on the same day of the hearing in Rome. We are not biased, but we believe that our actions and impulses that we work with our critical information daily and is destined for a stalemate, the bank that political parties can, and should, because of their constitutional function, to offer in institutional settings, especially in these times of extreme emergency. For this reason the CIP is related with all the political forces that are proposed.

On this occasion, I also conferred with Domenico Pantaleo, national secretary of the FLC CGIL. I asked him what his union will propose to the permanent forum on precarious. He said that the table the insecurity does not make sense if the basis is the law of the financial cuts, the bill opens, the decree Brunetta, the block of turnover. What will be discussed will be made out if the precarious?

He also spoke at the debate, and concluded his speech by saying: the sacrifices of all this will be temporary.

I also spoke with Roberto Jovino , the head of the Wave. I blamed the fact that when it comes to temporary work, on their site and in their speeches forget the precarious public school, instead focusing only on the precarious university. Cashed, revealing that at other times had been made the same claim. Obviously our participation (we were the only association of this precarious) also served to forge new relationships, to align the existing ones, to contribute to information and protection of our work, to be present when a commitment is vital and necessary unit.

Elena Joy
(national vice-president CIP)


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