Thursday, December 23, 2010

Teacher Themed Bridal Shower Favors

Parole in libertà

Nei giorni scorsi la Repubblica di Bari ha pubblicato un articolo passato per lo più sotto silenzio. Nel pezzo a firma di Giuliano Foschini, oltre alla cronaca di quanto accaduto in una scuola della provincia , riportata col virgolettato di un anonimo docente, sono contenute alcune affermazioni particolarmente gravi del Direttore dell'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale della Puglia, Lucrezia Stellacci . L'argomento è dei più delicati: si parla dell'inaccettabile pratica, ormai sistematicamente adopted in many schools, or to postpone the second hour to advance to the penultimate hour time entry / exit of pupils in the absence of the teaching staff.
The highest representative of the Ministry of Gelmini in Puglia refers to this as it was another government, they account for almost absurd it was the opposite, namely that you always replace the absent staff. And to make matters worse, with a unique candor, admits that the imminence of the holiday season is understandable that the behavior of those safeguards do not attach
the substitutes to avoid the festive period to pay for school workers.
The Director knows all too well that these statements freedom in justifying inappropriate behavior and risk to justify actual violations of legal and contractual obligations and rights of workers, enough to risk at this time. Also, you should be the ultimate expression of the guarantee of the right to study can not merely take note of this serious situation without lifting a finger, and even find themselves, in fact, to endorse situations that, in ordinary schools, may be even more serious as regards the article.
our part we will continue to report any situation of irregularities and violations of the rights of students, their families and workers .


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