Monday, December 6, 2010

Interstitial Pulminary Fibrosis


Terribles LOS DE TIJUANA, the RED CADILLAC and THE SPAGHETTI WESTERN together for a project of solidarity.

"After the failed attempts in previous years, we finally managed to create our own little dream
The original plan was to make a mini Christmas CD to give to relatives and friends.
On the way however, with the help of a sponsor and people who dedicated themselves to us, we managed to produce a true compilation of Christmas.

pleased with the result we decided to sell the CD and channel the proceeds to charity to CITY 'OF HOPE.

A compilation with tracks more or less known traditional Christmas revisited in the manner and within the characteristics of the three bands with a surprise for the little ones but we know will be appreciated by adults. "

E 'can acuistare the CD "Hey Santa! Rock this Christmas! "
- writing at:


- at the store of Coffee Galliano:
Tognana Bishop Street, 37 31055 Quinto di Treviso
, TV

- durante i concerti dei Los Terribles, Western Spaghetti e Red Cadillac (vedi i siti di riferimento dei gruppi per le date).

Il prezzo? Beh, è possibile offrire quanto si vuole, tuttavia il prezzo base del CD è di 10€...

Il cd Natalizio de Los Terribled de Tijuana + Red Cadillacs e The Western Spaghetti sarà in vendita sabato 11 e domenica 12 al Vanitas'Market..Il costo del cd è di € 10 e sarà interamente devoluto alla fondazione "Città della Speranza" (http:/ / ).


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