Thursday, December 30, 2010

Greenlight Laser Surgery

Piovono ricorsi. La FLC CGIL di Bari promuove i ricorsi per la stabilizzazione e gli scatti d'anzianità

Mercoledì 12 gennaio la FLC CGIL di Bari terrà un' assemblea provinciale di tutti i lavoratori precari della scuola (ATA e docenti) per illustrare la condotta che il nostro sindacato sta adottando nel patrocinare i ricorsi del personale scolastico che abbia i requisiti per chiedere la trasformazione del rapporto di lavoro da tempo determinato a tempo indeterminato . Qui di fianco trovate la locandina dell'evento.
Già qualche tempo fa abbiamo spiegato quali fossero i primi passi to move, such as the motivations that led us to promote these initiatives and we would like oriented. The
confusion generated by the continuous overlapping of dates and information, has prompted us to hold a meeting in which we try to provide clarifying explanations and insights on:

  • terms to avoid the loss of right to challenge the contracts expired;
  • actions to be taken to avoid the requirement of the right of recourse;
  • time of an appeal;
  • requirements needed to submit successful application;
  • costs and time legal action;
  • concrete possibility successful legal action.
in deferring to January 12, 2011, we reiterate that art. 32 of Act Sacconi " No. 183/2010 laying down the terms to avoid the requirement to promote (later!) Legal action against the existing contract expired in 60 days after ' entry into force of the rule (November 24) . Any other deadline prior to January 23 must therefore be construed as merely organizational maturity,
individually determined by the trade unions who are advocating similar actions to our .
Therefore, who are keen to take action to demand the recruitment role has until Jan. 23 to send a statement of this type the MIUR . The real action will be forwarded later (within 270 days from this communication to MIUR).


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