Thursday, December 30, 2010

Greenlight Laser Surgery

Piovono ricorsi. La FLC CGIL di Bari promuove i ricorsi per la stabilizzazione e gli scatti d'anzianità

Mercoledì 12 gennaio la FLC CGIL di Bari terrà un' assemblea provinciale di tutti i lavoratori precari della scuola (ATA e docenti) per illustrare la condotta che il nostro sindacato sta adottando nel patrocinare i ricorsi del personale scolastico che abbia i requisiti per chiedere la trasformazione del rapporto di lavoro da tempo determinato a tempo indeterminato . Qui di fianco trovate la locandina dell'evento.
Già qualche tempo fa abbiamo spiegato quali fossero i primi passi to move, such as the motivations that led us to promote these initiatives and we would like oriented. The
confusion generated by the continuous overlapping of dates and information, has prompted us to hold a meeting in which we try to provide clarifying explanations and insights on:

  • terms to avoid the loss of right to challenge the contracts expired;
  • actions to be taken to avoid the requirement of the right of recourse;
  • time of an appeal;
  • requirements needed to submit successful application;
  • costs and time legal action;
  • concrete possibility successful legal action.
in deferring to January 12, 2011, we reiterate that art. 32 of Act Sacconi " No. 183/2010 laying down the terms to avoid the requirement to promote (later!) Legal action against the existing contract expired in 60 days after ' entry into force of the rule (November 24) . Any other deadline prior to January 23 must therefore be construed as merely organizational maturity,
individually determined by the trade unions who are advocating similar actions to our .
Therefore, who are keen to take action to demand the recruitment role has until Jan. 23 to send a statement of this type the MIUR . The real action will be forwarded later (within 270 days from this communication to MIUR).

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Instant Camera Online

Approvato il piano di riordino della rete scolastica

At the meeting of the Regional Council of 28 December has been finally approved the plan of reorganization of the school network from Puglia. The measure, whose approval was delayed several days because of persistent regional council approved the economic measures for next year, was expected by many schools in our province.
few and, in good measure, announced the news for our province compared. Already November 24 the provincial government of Bari, in fact, had fired the few proposals to amend the structure of educational institutions in the province.
the press conference (video - press release) today the Presidente della Regione Puglia, Nichi Vendola e l'assessore all'istruzione, Alba Sasso , hanno illustrato i contenuti del piano, le poche modifiche apportate all'attuale assetto degli istituti e, soprattutto, le autorizzazioni dei nuovi indirizzi.
Difficile dare conto di tutte
le innovazioni intervenute su quest'ultimo punto, dato che tante sono state le richieste di "manutenzione" avanzate dalle istituzioni scolastiche superiori che, per l'anno in corso, hanno potuto soltanto subire le confluenze obbligate volute dal Ministero e operate senza alcuna considerazione per le specificità, le risorse e le vocazioni territoriali. Per poter analizzare dettagliatamente gli indirizzi autorizzati rimandiamo agli allegati alla delibera della Giunta Regionale reperibili sul sito della FLC Puglia .

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Teacher Themed Bridal Shower Favors

Parole in libertà

Nei giorni scorsi la Repubblica di Bari ha pubblicato un articolo passato per lo più sotto silenzio. Nel pezzo a firma di Giuliano Foschini, oltre alla cronaca di quanto accaduto in una scuola della provincia , riportata col virgolettato di un anonimo docente, sono contenute alcune affermazioni particolarmente gravi del Direttore dell'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale della Puglia, Lucrezia Stellacci . L'argomento è dei più delicati: si parla dell'inaccettabile pratica, ormai sistematicamente adopted in many schools, or to postpone the second hour to advance to the penultimate hour time entry / exit of pupils in the absence of the teaching staff.
The highest representative of the Ministry of Gelmini in Puglia refers to this as it was another government, they account for almost absurd it was the opposite, namely that you always replace the absent staff. And to make matters worse, with a unique candor, admits that the imminence of the holiday season is understandable that the behavior of those safeguards do not attach
the substitutes to avoid the festive period to pay for school workers.
The Director knows all too well that these statements freedom in justifying inappropriate behavior and risk to justify actual violations of legal and contractual obligations and rights of workers, enough to risk at this time. Also, you should be the ultimate expression of the guarantee of the right to study can not merely take note of this serious situation without lifting a finger, and even find themselves, in fact, to endorse situations that, in ordinary schools, may be even more serious as regards the article.
our part we will continue to report any situation of irregularities and violations of the rights of students, their families and workers .

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Friend Birthday Verses

Ancora iniziative contro il DDL Gelmini: occupato simbolicamente il Rettorato dell'Università di Bari

We report here the article appeared on the national site dell'FLC CGIL, which summarizes the day what happened yesterday, October 14th in Bari

This morning, while on the streets of the city stretching the protest marches of students, together with other FLC CGIL unions , symbolically occupied the Rector of the University of Bari
Unions accompanied by delegations of researchers-language and administrative staff met Administration. To the Provost and the Director of Administration was also handed the document sent to the Unit Ministry of Education. The document basically confirms all of the criticisms contained in the DDL Gelmini and firmly reiterates NO Trade Unions and all members of the Academy.
During the meeting, the University Administration was invited to participate, even actively fighting initiatives, stating the facts with its concern for the future of the "university system". The government propaganda
of "stability operation" for the university as if they were additional funding as it is simply a small reduction of the cuts.
Only a government that thrives on ads and false claims can talk about efficiency and effectiveness of universities, and still did not disclose the fund is Professor in 2010.
few days the university will decide on the Budget of 2011 without having any certainty about the past is both the new funding. With these mechanisms we can not expect a "good governance", to the maximum the government will try to read the crystal ball to predict the future.

How To Eat Normally After Anorexia


From February 6, 2011 Part of the new market Iseo dedicated to vintage and self-produced clothing and accessories, organized by Vanitas Elisa Boldori.

Vanitas'Market in Iseo will be held on the first Sunday of each month, in the heart of the lovely town situated on the lake, coveted half of Italian and foreign tourism.

Vanitas'Market is not just a market but a reference point for creativity and for shopping clothing, accessories and gift items unique and innovative.

* * More info soon!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bulb Socket For Closet

Concessa la proroga per l'avvio dei progetti di "Diritti a scuola"

Many reports have reached us in these days about the difficulties incontrate dalle scuole nello stipulare i contratti con il personale destinatario di proposta di assunzione formulata dall'USP di Bari. Le difficoltà, spesso, sono legate a una serie di problemi organizzativi determinati dalla mancanza di uno schema di contratto-tipo o, per alcune classi di concorso, all' impossibilità di reperire nelle graduatorie provinciali personale disponibile . Oltre a questo, nei giorni scorsi alcune scuole hanno segnalato problemi con il funzionamento dei canali di comunicazione istituzionale .
In considerazione di tutte queste ragioni, bene ha fatto la Regione a prorogare formalmente con apposita determina, alla cui lettura rimandiamo, la possibilità to initiate projects (within the month of December) and to conclude it must
by June 9. This changes the timing of the progress of the projects (originally shown in the time between November and May), the possibilities for schools that have not yet proceeded to act on the initiation of projects (in fact) within the next week, and the benefit of staff, the certainty that, even if started late, the project will allow the maturation of the evaluation score useful for the whole year. The schools that do not do so within the month of December will see withdraw the loan granted.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Whens The Next Poptropica Coming

Al via le iniziative per la stabilizzazione del personale precario

From "operation 100 thousand" to lawsuits against the Ministry of Education. Each tool can be useful to counter the precarious nature of work carried out with both hands and fed by the Government, in the school as in all other areas of knowledge.
We offer employees of the school our skills, our energies to try to revive legal channel even with the prospect of full employment and stable for many, although pluriatitolati, pluriabilitati and although they had years of work in the service of 'Directors are hired in September to be fired at the end of June, covering the structural gaps in staff of teaching and ATA.
We want to clarify that it seems that the agenda there are no mass stabilization at the door and invite you to be wary of those promises . The battle for the stabilization was, is and remains a collective dispute, eminently political. That is why we launched the campaign "operation 100 thousand" (banner on the right) shows that the opportunity (even economic) for the Ministry of Education to achieve, as early as next September with a recruitment plan for an indefinite period staggered 100,000 ATA teachers and .
A campaign in the coming months that we live in the states general knowledge.
For anyone who wants more information, please refer to the reading of the communiqué of the FLC CGIL Bari and individual counseling that ordinarily do for staff in the city of Bari days Tuesday and Thursday pm 17 to 19 .
Finally, note that following the entry into force of Law Sacconi, the deadline to inform the Ministry wishes to proceed with the appeal, avoiding the limitation of the right of appeal is the January 23 .
In the coming weeks we will update you on further steps of these and other initiatives.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Interstitial Pulminary Fibrosis


Terribles LOS DE TIJUANA, the RED CADILLAC and THE SPAGHETTI WESTERN together for a project of solidarity.

"After the failed attempts in previous years, we finally managed to create our own little dream
The original plan was to make a mini Christmas CD to give to relatives and friends.
On the way however, with the help of a sponsor and people who dedicated themselves to us, we managed to produce a true compilation of Christmas.

pleased with the result we decided to sell the CD and channel the proceeds to charity to CITY 'OF HOPE.

A compilation with tracks more or less known traditional Christmas revisited in the manner and within the characteristics of the three bands with a surprise for the little ones but we know will be appreciated by adults. "

E 'can acuistare the CD "Hey Santa! Rock this Christmas! "
- writing at:


- at the store of Coffee Galliano:
Tognana Bishop Street, 37 31055 Quinto di Treviso
, TV

- durante i concerti dei Los Terribles, Western Spaghetti e Red Cadillac (vedi i siti di riferimento dei gruppi per le date).

Il prezzo? Beh, è possibile offrire quanto si vuole, tuttavia il prezzo base del CD è di 10€...

Il cd Natalizio de Los Terribled de Tijuana + Red Cadillacs e The Western Spaghetti sarà in vendita sabato 11 e domenica 12 al Vanitas'Market..Il costo del cd è di € 10 e sarà interamente devoluto alla fondazione "Città della Speranza" (http:/ / ).

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blue Ray Player Play 480

PIN UP YOURSELF @ Fillmore: Sunday, December 5

Torna Pin up Yourself!- il servizio di trucco e parrucco per aspiranti Pin Up, una esclusiva di Vanitas.

Domenica 5 dicembre, a ROCK YOUR SUNDAY!- WITH VANITAS'MARKET! , l'evento del Fillmore di Cortemaggiore (PC)- organizzato in collaborazione con Vanitas di Elisa Boldori e Bus1 (Festival Beat)- sarà presente la truccatrice Miss Barbara ( Barbara Devoti Boba) che vi trasformerà in vere dive degli anni '50.

Un motivo in più per venire, e per non perdersi i banchetti dedicati al vintage e alle autoproduzioni del Vanitas'Market e il live show dei Buddy and The Cocos.

Il servizio di Pin Up Yourself! è a pagamento.

Rock your Sundays - with Vanitas' Market!
fashion, vintage, music & happy hour!
Free entry from 17.00
Fillmore Club
Via Giacomo Matteotti 2
Cortemaggiore, Italy

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Graves Disease Lymphedema Side View


Rock your Sundays - with Vanitas' Market!
fashion, vintage, music & happy hour!

"Rock your Sundays - with Vanitas' Market!" is the new monthly meeting of the Fillmore Cortemaggiore, in collaboration with Vanitas and BUS1 (Festival Beat).

The evening's program will include the presence of a selection of exhibitors of vintage and self Vanitas'Market + dj set Woodpecker Lord (from The Hermits) + Live show and The Buddy
Cocos ( / buddyandthecocos) .

the slopes of the fun, enlightened by the spirit of the sacred rock, "stunned" by the URL of Animal House. By Buddys and The Cocos not mistaken. Their manifesto is clear: "We are the new heroes of rock'n'roll, we are beautiful, we're reckless, behavior of the revelers without shame them, we are Buddy and his Cocchi and we are the party!" . In the console as an old acquaintance Lord Picchio (from The Hermits). To act as the precious frame Vanitas'Market, the original market of vintage and auto-production that is repeated after the great success at the night of Halloween.

Bars from 17. The event is organized in collaboration with the Pro Loco of Cortemaggiore and its antique market.

Opening 17.00.

Free admission!


Safire Etoile Monica Blessed (bijoux self) - Blessed Monica
Cremona, Cremona craftsmen and young mother, creates fine handcrafted jewelry and never predictable.

Horrorlandia Creations Michela Soveri (self-produced clothing and accessories) - Florence
A wide assortment of clothes, accessories, gifts, drawings and graphics for all lovers of horror, fairy tales, the tattoo and rock'n'roll.
Each item has its own history and is unique because it was created by hand.

minutiae of Greta Castellani (self-produced items and accessories) - Cremona
Greta is first and foremost illustrator. So his creations (pocket mirrors, boxes, brooches and handbags customized) are populated by his poetic creatures, all designed by hand with precision and love.

creations (jewels and accessories self) - Piacenza
ELE creations, a young Italian brand was born from the creative mind of Elizabeth Simone, an artist from Puglia childhood has shown a propensity sympathetic to the arts, experimenting with different techniques. "elE'creazioni" makes fashion accessories in various materials found in the many markets and selected vintage attends.

Chiara Huntspear
(bijoux self) - Chiara Cremona
produces a line of "joy" (to use a term a bit 'out of date but hot) colorful but essential, using quality semi-precious stones, gems of Venetian glass, coral , natural pearls, silver accessories, and a return to formal demeanor, while not renouncing the use of casual color ... The space will house his creations
heterogeneous: reinterpretation Modern chairs Liberty, reviews of "shawl" as hand-painted scarf, wrap accessory for the winter, a line of terracotta pots with reported short verses borrowed from the Italian literary tradition ...

Vintage (vintage ) - The organizer of the Cremona
Vanitas decides - for the first time, to open its archives (accumulated through years of markets) to create a sort of exhibition / sales of vintage and modern pieces from the 50s up !

Lost and Found (Vintage) Clothing & Accessories
vintage from every era.

Gallery of the ongoing 36 (art, books & T-shirts) - Cremona
Rock your Sundays will host a corner dedicated to the space located in the Galleria del Corso 36 in Cremona ... a space that is neither a gallery or a store, not a name, each time taking a different name depending on exposure (or exhibition or performance or installation or event in general) and the artist home to .... . that in this case will Skeletro379 ( ), which will offer original artworks, books and T-shirts


Fillmore INFO:

Monday, November 29, 2010

I'm Always Getting Stomach Aches


will be 25 exhibitors that will occupy their stands with the colorful public gardens of Piazza Rome during the Christmas market organized by Vanitas Elisa in collaboration with Boldori ASCOM Cremona.

Vanitas Elisa Boldori will organize in cooperation with the ASCOM Cremona one of the themes that markets will succeed at the Public Gardens of Piazza Rome during the Christmas period, included in the event "Christmas in Cremona."

The event will take place during the weekend of 11 and 12 December 2010, will be attended by 25 selected exhibitors Vanitas'Market specializing in gift items, clothing and vintage accessories and auto-production.

Many proposals dedicated to Christmas, with gift ideas on the subject and original articles and curious to enrich the offerings of the holiday shopping Cremonese, covering a wide range of merchandise: jewelry, vintage clothing items and self-produced or handmade by young artists from Cremona and from all over the north-central Italy.

From 18.00 onwards, in addition, at the Pagoda of the public gardens, will celebrate the closing of the market with a DJ set of Christmas music by Dj Vicious Moustache (CR), sipping mulled wine prepared by good alpine Cremonese.

Waiting for this great event, the full list of exhibitors!

1 - Adele Patty (self-produced clothing and accessories)

Brescia 2 - Betty Concept (self-produced - clothing and accessories)
Gambara (BS)

3 - Bidi Bibodi Bibu Bijoux artisanaux (autoproductions-bijoux)

4 - Carlotta Baroni (self-produced clothing and accessories)

5 - Chiara Huntspears (auto-production-jewelry and gift items)

6 - Cold silence (self-produced clothing)

7 - Do the clef (self-produced - accessories and decorative objects)

8- Elena De Paoli (autoproduzioni- bijoux)

9- Giulia R (autoproduzioni-accessori e bijoux)

10- Happy Books ( libri e riviste di moda, arte e costume)

11- Hara Zu (autoproduzioni- abbigliamento e accessori)
La Spezia

12- Le Gioie Di Sara (autoproduzioni- bijoux)

13- Les envers di Sara Turatello (autoproduzioni-accessori e bijoux)
S.Lazzaro (BO)

14- Lovely Viper Temporary Shop (abbigliamento, accessori, oggettistica di ricerca)

15 - minutiae (self-produced - accessories and decorative objects)

16 - Erika Furriers (vintage-fur coats and designer)

17 - Pixel Bling (vintage - clothing and accessories)

18 - postponed (vintage and style R'n'R)

19 - Resur -Action (self-produced - t-shirts and accessories)
Roe (BS)

20 - Safire Etoile (autoproductions-bijoux)

21 - Extraordinarily Vintage (vintage jewelry vintage-signed or not)
Valeggio sul Mincio (VR)

22 - Sweet Creations (self-produced - jewelry and gifts)
Orzinuovi (BS)

23 - Trame D'soul (self-produced clothing and accessories)

24 - Trisha lover's lunettes (vintage-eyeglasses and sunglasses signed or not)
Bettola (pc)

25 - triphthongs (self-produced - jewelry and accessories)
Alba (CN)

Chiara Huntspear

envers les Sara Turatello


Where and when:
Christmas fair and dedicated to vintage clothing and accessories-auto-production of Cremona - Public Gardens of Piazza Roma-11 and December 12, 2010 (FREE ADMISSION)
times: Sat and Sun 10.00/20.00

Company Organizer: Elisa Boldori
Vanitas: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax: 0372.1900158 - Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: - Facebook: Elisa Boldori

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Street Legal Dune Buggies For Sale In California


"Rock your Sundays - with Vanitas' Market!" is the new monthly meeting of the Fillmore Cortemaggiore, in collaboration with Vanitas and BUS1 ( Festival Beat).

Il programma della prima serata, DOMENICA 5 DICEMBRE, prevederà la presenza di una selezione di espositori di vintage e autoproduzioni del Vanitas'Market + dj set Lord Picchio (from The Hermits) + live show Buddy and The Cocos

Apertura ore 17.00.

Ingresso gratuito.

Chiusura iscrizioni mercatino lunedì 29 novembre.


Monday, November 15, 2010

How Do Gay Men Cruise?


Il Natale è alle porte, e con esso anche il mercatino natalizio organizzato in collaborazione con ASCOM Cremona presso i Giardini Pubblici di Piazza Roma.
Vanitas ha pensato hold a competition for its popular exhibitors ... The
Vanitas' Best Xmas Tree Awar d!!

how to participate?:

1 - If you are one of the lucky 25 selected expo, brought to the Christmas market 's 11 and 12 December 2010 in Cremona one or more Christmas trees and decorate to your liking!

2 - December 14 pictures of the trees will be posted on the facebook page Vanitas'Market.

three - who, by the 25th day of December, has collected more than "like" will receive a 30% discount on the next edition of Cremona Vanitas'Market!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thin 5.1 Receiver Reviews


Anche per il mese di novembre Vanitas collaborerà con Gran Finesse, l'aperitivo dedicato alla moda!
In particolare, vi segnaliamo il 28 novembre un nuovo appuntamento con Let's Swap, il baratto eco-chic di abbigliamento e accessori!

GRAN FINESSE è la novità della stagione eventi 2010/2011 per la città di Cremona.
Appuntamento domenicale, GRAN FINESSE si pone come ritrovo settimanale per gli amanti di musica, fashion & urban culture.
La forza del progetto sta nelle collaborazioni e nell’interazione che queste creeranno con la splendida location del LOFT di Via Delle industrie 26/b a Cremona



November 2010 Sunday, November 7 - 18:00

Fashion: Monoty
Djset: Giampi, Monoty At & crew (The Briefcase)

Sunday, Nov. 14 - 18:00

Italian Style & Fashion: Italian Style - Piazza Roma 31 A, Cremona + Ephemeral Res
Djset: Deejay At & Dave (The Briefcase)

Sunday, Nov. 21 - 18:00
GREAT FINESSE & Cleofe + WHITE t-shirt

Fashion: Cleofe concept store - Viale Trento e Trieste 69
Djset: Vicious Moustache, Nikky Wadd & At (The Briefcase)

Sunday, Nov. 28 - 18:30

Fashion: Let's Swap - barter eco-chic apparel and accessories
Djset: Tony Fish (Beaucoup Fish) & At (The Briefcase)

Did you like the corner dedicated to barter and to set the bar of Vanitas'Market Palazzo braids?
You must make the change of season but your closets overflow with very little wear nice things?
Then this event is for you: Let's
Swap, barter eco-chic apparel and accessories that are not used anymore!


1 - Be on time for the hours 19:00 and bring your THINGS! E 'can only be delivered by swapping No 10 birds per person.
2-REGISTRATION must be of legal age to register. Registration is personal and costs 10 €, inclusive of buffet and a drink.
is swapped! Registration entitles you to an unlimited number of exchanges. The exchanges between members are free. Once exchanged, the head can not be withdrawn except in the face of a new exchange.


is free admission every Sunday at 18:00 at the LOFT Via Cremona www.loftcremona.itMostra all industries 26/ba
Write something ...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Transgender Hormone Blog


Vanitas is growing ..

Given the success of the first two editions of Vanitas'Market, the association has appointed dealers in Cremona organizing a Christmas market that will enrich the proposals of the Christmas shopping Cremona.

11 and December 12, 2010, at the Public Gardens of Piazza Roma (near the now famous Galleria XXV Aprile), will take place because the Christmas fair dedicated to vintage and auto-production of clothing and accessories.

the gazebo will be thirty in attendance, with - in più- alcune proposte originali nell'area food, per rifocillarsi dopo lo shopping!

Le iscrizioni chiuderanno il 29 novembre.. affrettatevi!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Serina Snelling Hooters Measurements


Se vi siete persi il Vanitas'Market, o se vi è piaciuto e quindi volete rivedere alcuni dei suoi espositori ( e alcune new entry) non perdetevi la serata di Halloween R'n'R al Fillmore di Cortemaggiore (PC).
L'evento, in collaborazione con Gianni Fuso Nerini ( Bus1 - Festival Beat) e con Vanitas di Elisa Boldori ( Vanitas'Market - Vintage Vanitas), si ripeterà una domenica al mese per tutto il periodo invernale.

Domenica 31 ottobre , dalle 18.00 in poi, lo storico locale ospiterà infatti una selezione di espositori del Vanitas'Market - il mercato itinerante dedicato al vintage, al remake e alle autoproduzioni di abbigliamento e accessori.

Ecco la lista completa!

1- Betty Concept (autoproduzioni)
Gambara (BS)

2- Blend (autoproduzioni)

3- Do the clef (autoproduzioni)

4- Drina's Bijoux (autoproduzioni)

5- Fr3neticaMente CreAttiva (autoproduzioni)
Lumezzane (BS)

6- Hara Zu (Self-produced)
La Spezia

7 - Irisa (vintage)

8 - chats violet (self-produced)
Coccaglio (BS)

9 - Nivule Clothing (self-produced)

10 - ResurrAction (self-produced)
Roe (BS)

11 - Sixty Dress (vintage)
Montù Beccaria (PV)

12 - Surfindustry (self-produced)
Salsomaggiore Terme (PR)

13 - Maria Luigia Tc (vintage)
Collecchio (PR)


Fillmore INFO:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Buying Indian Ringneck

niente di irreversibile

I wanted to quit the blog without deleting it, as I have seen so many other blogs. I tried but I did not understand how it works. Plus I read your comments which I suggest not to do anything irreversible. So I leave everything as is.
embrace you, marina

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kidney Stones Olive Oil Lemon Sauna 1st Day


Did you like the corner dedicated to Vanitas'Market prepared to barter?
You must make the change of season but your closets overflow with very little wear nice things?
Then this event is for you: From Friday, November 5
you expect in Cremona for a monthly devoted to the exchange of clothing and accessories: Let's Swap! - The eco-chic cocktail in the splendid Palace Cafe Trecchi !

The event is by invitation: to join send an e-mail or Brother Sun introduce yourself to the store. Sister Moon on a 9 to Mercatello Cremona to request an invite form.

The cost of participation is € 10, with a complimentary drink and a hearty happy hour.

We wait!

Let's Swap is an event organized by Vanitas Elisa Boldori in collaboration with the Palace Cafe and the optician's shop Trecchi Brother Sun .. Sister Moon

Where and when:
Lets' Swap - Café Palazzo Trecchi - via Trecchi 20 - Cremona - from 19.00 onwards.

Business organizer:
Vanitas Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax : 0372.1900158 - Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: - Facebook: Elisa Boldori

Kittens For Sale Batemans Bay

grazie e scuse

Dear friends, I believe you can use this space to collect the fragments of thought formed in my head on this day. I assure those who have affection for me. But I realized that my thoughts can create anxiety and confusion. The rest of my need to communicate is facing all those who now can not listen or respond.
why I leave this warning here for a few days and then close the blog. I try to add "temporary" but really do not know.
thanks to all and excuse me, marina

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Do You Say Mrs. In Arabic


I did all the tasks sir, can I leave?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What To Say In A Wedding Card Examples


the beauty of the world offends me

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Remove Battery From Glyde


Strive to ignore the first and second of every waking thought

Friday, October 8, 2010

Yellow Fever Causative Agent


but I never thought comes from the Latin viduum widow, empty.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fire Emblem Sword Of Seal Dawnload(english)


Vanitas'Market the Back! In Cremona, in the Gallery XXV Aprile, 9 and 10 October 2010!

To address this fall now in the finishing straight there is no better way to enrich your wardrobe with clothes that certainly will not go unnoticed. And the place to find them is undoubtedly the 'Vanitas' Market, "the traveling market traders and hobbyists with the best of vintage clothing and accessories, remake, and self.

The "Vanitas' Market" has already made stops in Cremona last May, for his debut.

The event was created by the need to promote small businesses related to craftsmanship and innovative production to self-produced, so that, among the stalls of the Market - which has about forty exhibitors - it turns out that only the best offers sector.

Organised by Elisa Boldori Vanitas "in collaboration with the Municipality of Cremona and the Department of Youth," Vanitas' Market "with the collaboration of emerging brand" Monoty "and free-press magazine and online Wait!

"Vanitas'Market" does not want to be no more than a evento dedicato al vintage e alle autoproduzioni di nuovi artisti/artigiani/stilisti, ma anche punto di incontro per i creativi italiani e per tutte le attività artistiche legate alla musica, alla moda e all'arte, anche attraverso l'apertura ad eventi collaterali ( dj set, mostre, incontri..), come le installazioni del designer/artista/grafico Marco Santaniello e dei due giovani writers/grafici/street artist milanesi, Dario Marongiu e Edoardo Maestrelli – A.K.A. CENSURED.

Per rinnovare il guardaroba invernale in maniera del tutto gratuita torna inoltre il corner di “Let's Swap!” - il baratto eco/chic di abbigliamento e accessori (meeting point alle ore 16.00 di sabato e domenica in Galleria XXV aprile), while to complete its vintage look could not miss "Pin Up Yourself! "The service of makeup and wigs for aspiring pin-up that has given rise to the phenomenon in Italy after his first appearance in" Vintage Vanitas - vintage fashion trade show in Cremona. " (Saturday, 9 from 10.00 onwards)

After the event, we also expect the party "Vanitas' after market" at "Loft" in Cremona, in conjunction with the exhibition "Unplugged Sound" of the Youth City Council Cremona and the brand "Monoty.

Vanitas'Market is an event organized by Elisa Vanitas Boldori in collaboration with the Municipality of Cremona - Youth Politics, Monoty Clothes and Wait! Magazine, with the support of Studio and Acid Polografico.


Saturday, October 9

-hour 10.00/22.00: "Vanitas'Market"

-16.00: "Let's Swap!" barter eco- chic clothes and accessories that are not used more

-hour 10.00/20.00: "Pin Up Yourself!" service of makeup and wigs for aspiring pin-up

-hour 20.00/22.00: aperitif bar with Gallery

Domenica 10 ottobre

-ore 10.00/20.00: “Vanitas'Market”

-ore 16,00: “Let’s Swap!” il baratto eco-chic di abiti e accessori che non si usano più

-ore 16.00/20.00: Dj set MONOTY CREW – i migliori Dj del brand street Monoty si alternano alla consolle del Vanitas'Market

-ore 20.00 @ LOFT : “VANITAS after MARKET” PARTY (ingresso libero)
In collaborazione con la rassegna UNPLUGGED SONORO del Centro Musica ‘Il Cascinetto’, con il Servizio Politiche Giovanili del Comune di Cremona e Monoty.

Where and when:

Vanitas' Market - Gallery XXV Aprile, Cremona - From 15 to 16 May 2010
Loft - Via delle Industrie 26 / B - Cremona

Schedule: Saturday, October 9 from 10.00 to 22.00; Sunday, October 10 from 10.00 to 20.00 (FREE ENTRY)


MILAN (km. 85) Paullese road - motorways (A1-A21) Milan-Piacenza-Cremona.
BRENNER - (km. 300) motorways (A22-A21-A4) Brenner-Verona-Brescia-Cremona.
CHIASSO - (km. 145) motorways (A1-A9-A21) Como-Milan-Piacenza-Cremona.
GENOVA - (km. 175) freeways (A7-A21) Genoa-Piacenza-Cremona-Voghera.
ROME - (km. 560) motorways (A1-A21) Rome-Florence-Bologna-Fiorenzuola-Cremona.
VENICE - (km. 215) motorways (A4-A21) Venice-Brescia-Cremona.

Gallery XXV Aprile is in limited traffic area, we recommend that you park at the following parking: Free parking


via Dante (recommended), Freedom Square, via Mantova (recommended), square Atleti Azzurri d ' Italy, Via del Sale-old street, street Bissolati.

Parking fee:
off Sarpi, Lodi square, Piazza S. Angelo, Via Villa Glori, Via Massarotti

Business organizer: Vanitas
Elisa Boldori: Tel: 328.4267730 - Fax: 0372.1900158 - Email: - \u200b\u200bWeb: - Blog: - Facebook: Elisa Boldori

Monday, September 27, 2010

Work Right Shower Doors


To complete your vintage look, Saturday, October 9 at the Cremona Vanitas'Market find the corner of Pin Up Yourself! , the service of makeup and wigs for aspiring pin-up that was first presented at Vintage Vanitas and then gave birth to the phenomenon in all Italy.

The service is booked and paid for.

For info: Miss Sabrina