Gelmini door to door: the story of Helen
Gelmini on Door to door: the story of Helen
I rig, before tackling the Transmission: pillow, a glass of water, cell phone message for colleagues who are directly in front of the tv, like me, to see Porta a Porta. Not followed a broadcast of sale for years, and will not happen again, I've promised myself, even my son would be there as a guest.
the frame, and I already have a start: it looks worn, the hair can not hold a crease, without glasses, will be the time, I think, are the eleven most reminds me of myself when I was young, the eve of an examination after studitao all day, especially those times that I had to study a subject that just, that, I do not enthralled. And so was she, the minister, without passion. Each Vespa so touched with his wooden stick, rod type single teacher, and she was leaving with his rhyme, and woe to shut down, restart from scratch every time. The lesson, repeated so much, I also learned I: employment agency, educational agency, production bonus ... The new slogan "in Italy there are more caretakers that police" that has coined the Minister last night but I liked it, at risk in the school where I worked for the past year in fact was so, when the janitor, three, to cope with hordes of Bullies called the police, nearly every day, they were presented in two ...
The Garavaglia was adorable because with his words made me feel like a human and not a number in excess, spoke of school as an agency but not as a community of students not as people but as a generation to be trained in pedagogy and economics.
surveys, those were obviously almost everyone, favorable government action. and power, questions the respondents were so sketchy yes or no answer was the same thing. And then, public opinion ... In my city, in front of schools, a private TV station interviewed the mothers to know what to think back to one master, one said: "Better to have a single teacher, so we only Christmas gift, and not three." No comment, for heaven's sake, we tutti in emergenza economica, ma di qui a farne di questa dichiarazione una manifestazione di assenso alle politiche governative...
I genitori erano rappresentati dalla presidente del MOIGE, schieratissima, felice per il ritorno al grembiulino anche quando la Garavaglia le ha spiegato che nella scuola c'era già, felice del ritorno al voto in condotta anche quando Panini le ha spiegato che nella scuola c'era già, felice del ritorno al maestro unico...Qui ho capito, da dove veniva tutta questa sua felicità: ha dichiarato di avere cinque figli, vuoi mettere il risparmio a Natale?
Il bicchiere di acqua mi è servito quando si è parlato di sprechi, e Vespa si è affrettato a far comparire on the screen in big figures of expenditure on phone calls to summon the deputy head-spinning numbers. And that I had a dizzy. Sandwiches reminds the minister that the recruitment system should be reviewed, and are years that the unions are asking, but the Ministry niche. I remember that they are still at home unemployed, and the chair there for me, is beautiful and printed from the website of the week the school board next to my city with my name, but schools do not know how to summon and then one day, phone calls to prospective wrong classification, another telephone to make a survey on availability, call each other to find out if you're still free because it's been a week, one more to tell you that the invitation was moved because the president has more urgent things to do, and then you send the telegram. Say it is a waste?
There was also a school, but children do not sleep at that hour? With their teacher. She did that was unique: Vespa when asked if would be able to take a class by itself says NO (Vespa has had to lean the rod), and he also explained why! Who will follow kids who are left behind? Who is the recovery? Who takes the children to school until the parents leave the job?
I will spare you the jokes said between his teeth: Sandwiches that does not explain why, if the preparation of students is poor, the Minister in response size and teacher hours (and will continue to ask ourselves, and we telespetatori with him because the minister does not respond), the Garavaglia that does not explain why she and Berlusconi went to inaugurate the school in San Giuliano, beautiful and great, if the same school will be closed for the design of institutions in small towns, Felt, parchment, trying to tuck the minister when he begins to falter, the dean of deans already trying to earn a bonus of 2012, the priest who wonders why invited him and especially because they did sit on the side opposite to that of the deployment of government.
Last but not least, the Caramba: connecting phone with the teacher, the only, elements of the Gelmini. I will spare you the details, pitiful! In summary, the teacher says to love and adore his Vespa former student.
My glass is empty, my phone is silent, not even a text message: it is impossible that we are all asleep watching TV, we all waited anxiously for it to touch the problem of insecurity, but as soon as that word is pronounced precarious, Vespa has raised his wand, a sort of Vade Retro Satan started the jingle, the transmission is over.
There are two things: either there are no words for that visa, or are all already in the bathroom for a while. Tonight even
an sms goodnight. We all know that it can be.