The misinformation about the school is helping people?
The misinformation about the school is helping people?
the TV show "Porta a Porta" of 09/22/2008, broadcast on Raiuno and conducted by Bruno Vespa, we saw a wonderful "party game". The positions on the public schools were all represented. On the one hand and Sandwiches Garavaglia, the other the president of one of the parents association, the minister Gelmini, the national secretary Snal, the NPC e. .. Bruno Vespa. The "debate" as well as unbalanced, it soon became devoid of references. Does not exist and, if any, the Minister will give us the news, a school where "a teacher is in class and two are out to do nothing." The spectators and even the conductor of transmission in question, appeared very misinformed about some of the organizational data that will allow the Italian primary school to be qualified by organizations of all respect among the best in Europe. The infamous coexistence, which is to say to the minister, who's primary school teachers are made redundant, was born and is still organized as an opportunity to help children slow in learning process and, therefore, in need of individualized interventions or small group, for the recovery of more or less serious problems (other thing is the support for pupils with disabilities). Explaining the minister why the pupil teacher ratio is lower in Italy. The inclusion of the differently disabilities is still a value of some cultural significance? Could you explain again why its central and peripheral offices do not operate controls that allow serious and in some schools there are classes with 10/12 students in other schools and classes also accommodate 27/28 including disabled students (there are no mountains in Taranto and small islands). Yet, the local authorities where they are? Have you ever heard of the principle of subsidiarity, which should be seriously into the idea of \u200b\u200bfederalism is far from what the Minister for Calderoli is pouring out there? Know, the minister Gelmini, some knowledge of developmental psychology? He knows the difference between the children of 1960 and today? Any idea how they advanced interpersonal relationships and family? We realized that we are a European nation, and the references of the school are the Lisbon objectives? What about the editorial of Felt? The school employees outnumber the police. True! Sa-case basis, Mr. Felt, what are the skills of school staff? If you believe you can send the contract of employment so she could understand the nostalgic "janitor" no longer exists. Even the disabled, once capital of the assistance provided by the local authority and health service is a valuable contribution that questopersonale delivers in all educational and g rarely. If it remains a bit 'of time, we explain why not also thought to reduce the hours of religion in Catholic primary school and children in order to recover f pecuniary resources. Messori also known vaticanologo, has spoken out against this Italian anomaly. It almost seems that the Risorgimento, compositions and the idea of \u200b\u200bsecular state have never had a serious weight and determining the evolution of our society.
Taranto, September 23, 2008
Teachers and school staff primary school "Salvemini" followed by 25 signatures
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