Monday, October 6, 2008

Tech Deck Trucks Replacement

Press Cip


The CIP adhere to the Oct. 17 strike against the efforts of Minister Gelmini's education policy and governance in education and precarious. The CIP method and advancing stocks on the various measures undertaken and planned by the executive. In the method, the CIP and impromptu challenge the fragmentation of legislative initiatives and the absence of reliable educational e scientifica; l'iter d'urgenza scelto dal governo per l'approvazione, con l'esclusione tanto della concertazione con le varie componenti della "scuola militante" quanto della contrattazione con i rappresentanti degli operatori del comparto scuola.

Nel merito, i CIP rifiutano: l'adozione del maestro unico e la revoca del tempo pieno nell'istruzione primaria; la contrazione generalizzata degli orari di lezione negli altri ordini di scuola; la programmata chiusura dei plessi scolastici nei piccoli centri; i tagli agli organici ed il blocco del turn over; il proposito di affidare ai dirigenti scolastici la facoltà di scegliere, stabilizzare ed eventualmente gratificare gli insegnanti in assenza di regole certe, trasparenti e condivise; the attack on freedom of expression and teaching of teacher collegiality and pluralism in action learning, the consolidation of several classes of competition and the consequent abuse of the instrument of mobility in spite of the specific skills and experience acquired over time, the systematic and indiscriminate lynching against the teaching profession, as well as the professionalism and dedication to the job of the whole category, the summary judgments and discrimination against teachers and schools south of the South, the failure to comply with the commitments enshrined the 2007 Budget on temporary teachers and the absence of a specific design alternative strategies for the stabilization school staff employed for decades with temporary assignments.

"The closure of too many schools, the overcrowding of those survivors, the contraction of time in school all levels of education and the cutting of resources - said Maristella Curreli, national president of the CIP - deals a fatal blow to the quality and the same future state of public schools, crediting the conviction of a complete disengagement of the state towards education and its subcontracting to private school through the surreptitious of subsidiarity ". The CIP for this - together with the Cobas, Cub and Sdl - October 17 in Rome will manifest in defense of the school of all and for all, because education is not treated as a commodity to sell and buy, but not intended as investment and spending to be cut. CIP I feel the need to defend the freedom of the teaching function and the state school by the dictates of partisan politics, because it favors promoting civil and not indoctrination. "The measures Gelmini-Tremonti, not only cost thousands of jobs - Maristella concludes Curreli - but pluralist withdraw the right to education and quality of future generations, dooming the past the school of the future."

Rome, October 6, 2008

CIP-Teachers Committee Precarious


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