Thursday, July 15, 2010

What Is The Point Of The Speedbag

reato "linguistico"

The Croatian Supreme Court confirmed the sentence to five months in prison for the Bosnian writer Predrag Matvejevic for defining "Christian Taliban" some writers nationalist Serbs, Croats and Bosnians with their writings , argued, spread, advocate more blunt and fierce nationalism, helping to foment the Balkan wars. "men of the pen rests the blame for the bulk of what has happened " Matvejecic wrote in his paper that complained about the condition of the democracies of Eastern Europe" democrature, "an ambiguous alliance between democracy and dictatorship, and the dangerous consequences of the hatred stirred up by the various nationalism has left behind after the ethnic wars of the Balkans in the '90s. Following the complaint of one of those writers called "Christian Taliban" the Bosnian writer was sentenced.
Of Matvejecic I read the beautiful "Mediterranean Breviary" I recommend to all those who have not read it.
"We're used to losing. Every day people around us moves away or disappears, a friendship or a love fades or dies, death takes away one of ours. Losing is a part of our destiny. But it is rare to lose a country. It happened to me. I do not mean a state or a regime, but just the town where I was born and still only yesterday, was mine. There is no more. I loved the whole of Yugoslavia, undivided, united, without being a nationalist Yugoslavia. I did mine in the same time, the Adriatic and the Lake Ohrid in Macedonia, the Slovenian Alps and the rocks Montenegrin. I considered Serbs and Croats as brothers, in particular those among them who, like me, opposed to chauvinism Serbian and Croatian. Not spare them to despise the Bosnians, to want to enslave or convert. I felt at home in Vojvodina, in the midst of all national minorities, and I had a lot of friends in Kosovo, including Albanians. I was working as I could to provide support to a small group of Italians in Istria remained after a tragic exodus, as well as our Gypsies scattered everywhere. The gypsies were many in my country, I sometimes I go for one of them. "

Predrag Matvejevic


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