Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stabbing Pain Down Left Side Of Neck

non so:dunque non sono.

From June issue of the monthly newsletter of Ettore Masina .

1. I do not know: so I'm

Even beyond the limits imposed on the judiciary and mass-media-gag the law passed in the Senate to the dictates of Berlusconi, and now launched in the House, the assault on freedom of information threatens the very essence of democracy and personal freedoms.

"I am informed and therefore I am" is the story to suggest that finding. Even more evident is the negative version. That is to say: "I am not aware and therefore are not, do not exist." I think the millions and millions of people in the last century came to die in the name of ideals that in reality they were betrayed by those who sent them to massacre them, the poor soldiers or manufacturers pharaonic works without effect, or workers convinti che i padroni avessero sempre ragione e che dunque bisognava accettare salari di fame o che per andare in paradiso bisognava rassegnarsi alla miseria, tutti costoro furono vittime di mancanza di informazioni sulla realtà. La loro icona più celebre e più dolorosa è quella dei tre o quattro soldati giapponesi, che continuarono a vivere per trent’anni nelle giungle di qualche isola dell’Estremo Oriente, in una spaventosa solitudine e regrediti allo stato di uomini dell’età della pietra, perché mancavano di due informazioni essenziali; che il loro imperatore non era un dio invincibile e che la guerra era terminata.

Non sono soltanto realtà lontane in the years and centuries. Millions of human beings die today because the big pharmaceutical companies deny information about drugs that could save them. Millions of human beings are not able to develop their talents because illiteracy robs them of the necessary information on tools for developers: Saint-Exupéry rightly spoke of "little Mozart murdered": an immense cultural and ethical field reduced to the cemetery.

information with no information or false information with little or no real democracies. You can not, in fact, people evaluate ideas programs, then you can not choose, you can not see the results delle proprie scelte. La mancanza di informazioni copre potere occulti, criminalità, massonerie, superstizioni. Chi manca di informazioni si aggira in un labirinto costellato di trappole, in cui la luce del sole non penetra mai.

Chi ci nega informazioni sta dicendoci: tu non sei degno di sapere, sei incapace di comprendere, sei un immaturo, sei una persona di serie B ( o C o peggio); hai bisogno che ti dica io cosa devi sapere e dunque cosa devi pensare. Ogni censura è un coltello alla gola della nostra libertà. Chi ci nega informazioni è un nemico, uno che cerca di diventare nostro padrone – o di rinsaldare il suo potere.

Non possiamo hope to receive truthful information by sovereign grant. Even the news that we are given or that we have learned are not absolute truths. We need to verify the sources of the information collected, to weigh the news compared with one another. We must remember that the voices of those who "do not count" of those who are poor, those who hunger and thirst for justice are often thin or gagged. Seeking information is a difficult job but it means seeking the truth, which is the mission of the journalist but also of every person.

As I reflect on this basic truth, I read a dramatic report on declining sales of Italian newspapers in a year for 100 -9. I suppose Berlusconi's joy in learning this news: there has recently proposed to strike against the newspapers, he said offenders (including those owned by him!) of remargli against?

The problem of lack of information and therefore the frailty of our democracy is therefore alarming, regardless of the offensive Berlusconi, we are always bringing up the rear of the democratic world in terms of costs for our readings. The economic crisis has further compounded the problem. If you must cut the family budget by eliminating the costs "less necessary", is almost automatic for many, starting with the purchase of newspapers and books: "There is so much television." Reduced to the small screen, it seems, too, deprivation painful: you spend maybe, RAI and Mediaset, news and entertainment? The other day, precisely at the video, the governor of the Veneto, Brillantina Luca Zaia, told us that 13 million Italian families are at poverty level, one can think that these nuclei can afford 25 or 26 euro of spending month? Therefore, only about three million newspapers sold every morning for 47 million citizens with voting rights. A 'huge hunting ground for the Knight and his bards: the joyful Capezzone, the honest Minzolini, Rose Bondi, Bonaiuti the caressing, imparzialissimo the Vespa, the moderate Emilio Fede (trying to laugh to keep from crying) ...

And do not forget that the statistics tell us that the most serious illiterate Italians (primary or "return ", mostly elderly and Southern, but not only) are at least two and a half million . Again the 'importance of school crossing all the problems of our country. But my feeling is that teachers and young people are still left quite alone, to hold the idiocies of Gelmini Tremonti cuts iconoclasts of inculturation casermizia of Silvio Berlusconi.


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