Friday, August 20, 2010

Brazilian Wax Brampton


Monday, August 2, 2010

Wedding Program Wording For Decesed Family

qualche giorno in campagna


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vicodin Before Tattoo

caro Professore

Giovanni Jervis (25 aprile 1933-2 agosto 2009)

Caro Professore, da un anno esatto la sua voce mi manca. Non posso farglielo sapere, là dove lei non è perché il silenzio avvolge ormai la nostra relazione.
Un tempo, anche quando non ci parlavamo di persona, io potevo sempre rivolgermi idealmente a lei e sentire le sue parole di risposta chiare e nette nella mia testa. Ora cerco la sua voice inside me and I can not find it. Now that I would need. Perhaps only in this difficult period of my life, I truly realize how big it was my loss when she left us. I do not feel abandoned, no. But in a solitude that is hard to know where the real test of his and my work: the our work together. Today I would like to confirm what is good and strong she saw in me, because it is perhaps the only way I can make them really thanks for your help. to work alone because they are now, Professor, I can assure you this: You are not replaceable.