Sunday, September 20, 2009

Implantation Bleeding Twice With Twins

I joined the demonstration in favor of press freedom

The CIP Committee Precarious Teachers align themselves with civic event sponsored by you in favor of press freedom and against oppression, intimidation and threats of gag laws designed to limit its action and function in detriment of fair and free democratic life of our country. The CIP credit in the correct, complete, timely, plural, not bound by conflicts of interest and interference from the heavy political and economic powers of a party, believing that, just the 'autonomy is the cornerstone of freedom of knowledge, assessment, Thought and choice of each person.
The CIP are opposed to information drift fake, diverted, adulterated. When information is unable to provide data for the evaluation and selection, which prevents you know, you understand, you think. In an economic and social so much criticism, the CIP must believe that the information is alert, free and able to analyze and represent the complete picture of the country's problems, especially for those groups most disadvantaged by the crisis, the prevailing self-interest and attempts to deprive them of space and voice.
no coincidence that the information services - occupied and domesticated than ever before - return partial images, distorted and falsely comforting, feeding only the morbid interest to the gossip. In this way, knowingly diverts l'interesse dell'opinione pubblica dalla crudezza della realtà del momento. Questa informazione al guinzaglio mira a nascondere i gruppi e le categorie più deboli e più penalizzate dalle scelte sciagurate e scriteriate del governo. Proprio per questo, essendo la più antica e rappresentativa associazione dei precari della scuola, i C.I.P. hanno scelto di esservi accanto, di appoggiarvi nella battaglia per quel diritto alla conoscenza e alla libertà di pensiero ed espressione che considerano obiettivo comune.

Roma, Ottobre 2009 C.I.P. Direttivo Nazionale