Education Italian school reduced to cutting
March 26, 2009 - CIP National Association
numbers, by definition, are neither right nor left. But if they relate to individuals and institutions, have political value.
The latter were released by the Ministry of Education and relate to the temporary school. Women and men who have chosen to teach and why, as never before, have made one or more degrees, so many qualifications, fitness competitions masterful skills, master, updates, stage, improvements, etc. ..
Yet, in the last decade, the insecurity in the school increased by 120%. Ten years ago there were 64 thousand teachers with temporary contracts, while today there are over 141mila, with peaks of 200% in secondary school. For every six teachers in service, is a precarious, with a percentage increase of nearly 300%, which increased 400% for the personal assistant, technical and administrative.
Blame the falling birth rate? Needless to talk about it. In two decades students increased by 3%, or about 211k units. To remedy the crisis of the "Italian system" and to encourage the conversion, our governments give up education, qualification and training, but also to research and innovation.
political suicide? Worse, a mutilation of the future of young people, their ability to compete and succeed. Di godere del diritto alla conoscenza ed alla consapevolezza. I millantatori di stato le chiamano riforme ma, in realtà, si leggono solo cifre. Alcune hanno il segno meno ed altre il più. Meno: risorse, tempo scuola, personale, aule, scuole, indirizzi di studio e sostegno agli handicappati. I segni "più" riguardano l'amento abnorme degli alunni per classe, le distanze per raggiungere le scuole superstiti, l'elusione e l'abbandono scolastico, il "cannibalismo professionali con l'incentivazione agli straordinari, l'incremento dei docenti precari e di quelli disoccupati, la maggiore ghettizzazione degli stranieri. Eppure hanno la spudoratezza di chiamarle riforme.
Nel Paese degli inganni e dei raggiri, stavolta, i Parents are not only fell for the scam of the master. Thus, 97% have returned "the package" to Viale Trastevere. Our school has been reduced to cutting school, sketched unnecessary extravagance didactic, authoritarian old piece patches, sew aprons for children and tear on the fate of those who attend or work there.
Francesco Casale for the CIP - Committees Teachers Precarious